Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Attitude towards Reading

       American Essayist Henry David Thoreau tells that “Books are the treasured wealth of the world”. William Nicholson says that “We read to know that we are not alone”. Here, we can understand the glory of books as well as the beauty and importance of reading.

      Books should always be our integral part of life to make our life a fruitful one. Reading will always make us grow in all aspects of life. A reader can understand and love all the things around him better than the others. Through reading we can discover our own self.

       The benefits of reading are infinite but it is very hard to state the disadvantages of possessing the habit of reading because reading is such a precious quality. Reading will make us knowledgeable, wise and non-judgemental towards others. The most beautiful benefit of reading is that “we can understand our fellow humans better and we can able to think from their perspective”. Reading gives this most tremendous quality of accepting others in the way they are.

       All the holy scripts like Bhagavat Gita, Quran and Bible are the great examples which proves us that the books can change the life of human beings and books can work wonders in this world. So, if you are a reader continue to read more and if you are not a reader develop the habit of reading.

      Today, the ten days phase of rediscovery gets over but a important positive message for next 31 days is waiting for you all from tomorrow. July is going to be the most special month with so many beautiful and positive changes. 31 days of Positivity starts from tomorrow and I have left a clue for you all in today’s post.



Sunday, 28 June 2020

Attitude of Gratitude for the Mother Earth

       We the human beings born on this earth are blessed with the abundant beauty of nature. The trees, mountains, sky, clouds, stars, moon and all the greenery around us. The immortal beauty of nature fills the humans with the sense of immense happiness. Man may create and invent many things but any of his invention will never be equal to the splendid beauty of nature.

      The shining and twinkling stars are the indicator which indicates that there is a spark of light within every individual born on this earth. The sun teaches us to have a strong faith towards everything we face in life because there is always a sunrise after a sunset. The sky tells us that we are the small speck of dust in this whole large world. The mountains indicates us to stay strong all the time irrespective of what we go through in life.

      The greeneries around us show that life is always engaging and pleasant. The mother earth and the nature holds so many hidden positive lessons for us to learn and adapt but it is up to an particular individual to find and follow the positive energy present in this universe.

       So, be grateful towards everything which is the part of this earth. We are the gifted ones to love and live in this world.




8. Attitude of Staying-Grounded

       We human beings during all phases of life we achieve, learn, lose and succeed. All this are the part of life. Everything will be there with us during certain time and will vanish after some time. Life is a strange wheel with its own ups and downs. We cannot even assume what will happen next.

       Life is unpredictable. One day we might be a successful person but the other day we might not be there in that same position. Everything will keep on changing. So, we should always stay grounded in our life because people around us are more important to us more than any material possessions.

       If we show our worst attitude to them during the good phase of our life that will turn back to us when we face those tragic or not so good times in our life. What we receive is always based on what we have given.

        We should always value people around us. We should not dump them thinking that we have everything in this world. The sad truth is that no one in this world have everything they want but we pretend to show that we have everything.

       We cannot replace human love with any materialistic things. So, be approachable and treat others modestly. Be an good human from within.




Friday, 26 June 2020

7. Attitude of Calmness

       Each and every human will have some breaking point in their life. During that time we tend to lose our calmness and the grip of which we are holding in our life. For, many people it’ll happen often in their life. For some people it will happen rarely when they reach that extreme emotional state but for only few people there is nothing called breaking point in their life. They will remain calm irrespective of what they face in life.

       Calmness is equal to the attitude of extreme happiness. The people who are calm can analyze themselves better than any other individuals around them. Practicing calmness is the attitude of the leader but it is not an easy task. When, we acquire the quality of calmness in our life that will lead us to make better decisions in whatever we do to improve ourselves.

       So, be calm even during the toughest situation in life because that will teach us many valuable lessons which will be so useful for us to understand everything which happens around us. Stay like a monk during all phases of life. The attitude of calmness will lead us in a better path. It  will improve our confidence and self-esteem.


6. Attitude of Gratitude

       We always expect and want only good things to happen for us in life. We are happy to have good parents, siblings, relatives and neighbors. If, someone in this list is bad and when that tends to disturbs our peace of mind we start to complain about everything in life. We humans complain often even for the small things which happens in our life. We feel sad when our mobile battery is low, when we don’t get the food which we love and even for the most silliest things than this which only a particular individual can figure out.

      Have you ever thanked for all the little happiness which you have in your life like good internet connectivity, a chair in which you have sat or the bed in which you are lying. Most of us could have never even considered the little things as a blessing because our mind is corrupted to look only at the flaws in life. We never even look at the blessings in life.

       To gain more and to lead a happy life we should practice the attitude of gratitude even for the little happiness which we hold in our life like the hands which hold our mobile phone and the fingers which helps to touch and use that mobile.

        A little gratitude towards everything in life will get multiplied into hundred times greater than the actual thing. Gratitude will make your life even more happier and fulfilling.



Thursday, 25 June 2020

5. Attitude of Love

       We humans are born on this earth and are blessed with so many beautiful things and people around us. We are gifted with the trees, mountains, rivers and so many other natural phenomena around us. We are also blessed with so many people like our father, mother, brother and many other relationships. When we grow up in life we acquire knowledge and wisdom. We learn so many good qualities in our life but most of the time we forget and neglect to practice them in our life.

       The most important quality which we learn all through our life but we forget to practice is the quality of love and compassion. We always want others to love us and be kind towards us but we never look into ourselves. We never show love and compassion to othersbut we always expect and want others to be too good all the time.

       So, to live a happy and fulfilled life we should practice the best qualities such as love, kindness and compassion. We should approach our fellow human with our kindness but not with our arrogance and intellect because love has the tendency of lasting for lifetime. All the other qualities will vanish after certain time. Our knowledge, arrogance and wisdom may go off when we reach old age but love will always be there for us at any age. So, fill yourselves with love and spread love.


Wednesday, 24 June 2020

4. Attitude of Belief

       We humans love to achieve many things in life. We always like to succeed in whatever thing we do in our life. Our plan, our work and our destination will always based on that one ultimate goal called success or achievement.

       During our process and progress towards success we never believe in our path. We will have many unwanted doubts. At, some point in life we tend to develop our doubts more than the act of believing in  what happens in our life.

       Even, the scriptures and classics insists us to believe in the process of life but we humans always end up having so many questions and that affects our belief system totally. We have a great fear towards the unseen and un experienced things in life. The fear towards the unseen collapses our entire belief. We always assume something bad and consume more fear and negative energy. Rather, we should believe our ownself. The energy and aura which our mind generates will eventually transform and finally it will became our character. So, whatever happens in your life either good nor bad. Don’t let that feeling to collapse your belief system.

      Always believe that everything happens for something good.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

3. Attitude of Helping Others

       We human beings love to lead a self-centered life. We think for ourselves and we think about ourselves. We never have any concern towards our fellow human. On, the other hand we help others to show up our power and knowledge.

      The act of helping for fame and not at all helping others are the two most unwanted quality which many humans possess in their life. Rather, we should help others during their hectic needs. We should choose things wisely while helping others because few people will ask for our help without even trying the task which was assigned for them. Few people will tell blame excuses and will approach us to help them but we should not help the individuals who are so much lethargic and not concerned in performing their own duties.

       We should help the ones who work hard. The act of real helping is putting all our sources and potentials to help others so we should choose a hard working individual who really needs someone’s help to achieve something in life. We should help the individuals who are starving to upgrade themselves in life. Choose Wisely and help nicely.


Monday, 22 June 2020

2. Attitude of Accepting Our Mistakes

       The most basic quality which every human should possess is the “Attitude of accepting our own mistakes” but we never do that often in our life because we are so much concerned about the image which we have created. We never like to lose that false image which we have created about ourselves.

      By not accepting our mistakes we tend to lose our true and real self and we try hard to portray ourselves as the good individual infront of everyone around us. There is no need for accepting our mistakes infront of everyone but we have to acknowledge and accept our mistakes to our ownself. We should be true to ourselves.

      When we hesitate to accept our mistake it starts to develop as our character. Later, even if we try so hard it will became even more harder to change our character. So, be true to yourself and correct yourself without giving any sorts of excuses. This fundamental quality of accepting and correcting our mistakes will make our life better.

      Be your own advocate and Magistrate.

Sunday, 21 June 2020

1. Attitude of Positivity

      Human beings need few basic qualities and principles in life to groom themselves as a better individual. Here, the next ten days I am going to write about the ten basic qualities which will help you to groom yourself in a better way..

       The first and the most important quality is the “Attitude of Positivity”.  To approach life in a positive way one should have the courage to accept anything which life and situations throw towards us. We cannot expect the world to be kind towards us all time because everyone have different approach towards life. Sometimes, people will encourage us, few times people will laugh at us and many times people will pull our legs down but all this should not affect us and decide our approach towards life.

       Rather, we should remain positive during all the situations we face in life. That positive attitude will transform our life into an fruitful one. By being positive we tend to learn many other good qualities like kindness, compassion and love. So, be positive and spread positive energy.

      World needs Positive people not just lamenters and negative people.


Friday, 19 June 2020

Stay Curious

       Sometimes, we get bored over the things which we do in our life but that doesn’t mean we don’t like doing them in life. Rather, it indicates that we should set up our standards and targets high then never before. We get bored when we reach that standard which we have already set up for us. So, now the boredom is an indicator to tell us to set up new goals in our life.

      Take for example, The games which we play in our mobile phones. At, first we install them, we start to play, it creates a sort of interest and we move on to the next levels. At last, when we reach the final level we get satisfied but we think what we are going to do next. Sometimes, we again start from the level one in the same game but it will never give us the same amount of happiness, excitement and interest like it has given for the first time. So, next we start to search for the new games and new levels to complete. In, the same way “our life works”. When, we complete our task we start searching for newer ones but when we stick on to that same standard we get bored. Here, this is the perfect time to rediscover and rekindle our thoughts. So, when you get bored don’t feel low rather rediscover yourself.

      The above message suits me as well and also for the blog post I write. It is so important to make new changes which excites me as well as my readers. Here, the rediscovery starts from tomorrow and stay curious to know the new changes.


Strength of Staying Strong

       We humans have many unanswered questions in our mind and own among them is “How to Stay Strong all the time?” We find some answers for this question and we tend to apply them in our life. We feel that will make our life much more better. As, a result we stay strong and we start to consider that as our greatest achievement in life. Among, this the most important questions to ask to ourselves is that how we stay strong, how long we stay strong and during which phase of our life we stay strong..

      We humans stay strong during the happy and good phase of our life and there is no use in staying strong during that time because during good phase we won’t have any problems. The real time to stay strong is when we face tough times in life. During our tough times we feel low and lost. That occurs due to our low self-esteem. We always inhale the thoughts and opinion of others into us like we breathe but we forget to exhale our own visions and ideas about us thinking that we might be wrong.

      The best way to understand oneself  is hear what your heart and mind says about you. They know your weakness and strength better than anyone around us. So, don’t wait for others to solve your problem rather self-heal yourself and stay strong from within.

       Staying strong is the greatest gift which we can gift to ourselves. The price of that gift is our own thoughts but not the opinion of others. A person who understands himself/herself  will only attain the strength of staying strong even during the bad phase of life.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Forgive and Forget

      We humans learn to forgive but we never learn to forget. When someone does something bad to us we keep that in our mind for a longtime and it takes certain time to accept that. Then, we forgive and accept them considering it as human flaws but we never try to forget that and it turns to be our own flaw.

      When we forgive and accept we only move on with that same scars within us but when we forget the scars too will leave us. All this task of forgiving and forgetting seems to be easy when they are written in words but it is hard to accept that in real life. It will take a longtime to recover from that bad phase. Then, when we try to forgive and we forgive after sometime but we never even think of forgetting. That is where we human beings go wrong. We feel that the scar should be their within to remind us not to commit that same mistake of trusting people again in our life. Rather, the scar within us tells us not to believe in people and it leads us in a wrong way of doubting other individuals.

      Here, forgetting will always help us better to understand our fellow human in a correct sense by removing our blur. Forgetting introduces us to the world of new ideas and perspectives. So, learn to forget the things which have hurt you but accept the person with the extreme love and that will reflect our character as a good human.


Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Maturity Towards Live and Living

      Every teenager and Adult will have one doubt in common. “Whether Maturity is a Gift or an Curse”. Some consider maturity as a gift but many see that as a curse. We believe that getting matured in life is all about sacrifice and we think that it will never help us in any way.

      The truth is that we consider maturity as a act of accepting the things which everyone around us does to us but our assumption is totally wrong. The real maturity lies in Understanding other but not in accepting them. The act of understanding gives us clarity to accept things in life. At first, try and understand the situation of others. Analyze their situation with multiple perspectives then accept them whole-heartedly. Understanding and accepting are very tasks but the real strength lies in sustaining our level of understanding because our mind will think in a way that “ Why I only have to understand and accept always and why the other individuals are not doing that same to me”. Here, is where our true maturity is tested.

      To overcome this behavior we have first understand our mind better than we understand others around us. The fact and the truth here is everyone cannot understand us in the same way we understand them because they might have not attained that maturity in their life to see the perspective of others. We cannot and never expect others to understand our sacrifice because this is not in our control. We can always control the controllable. So, we should control and make our mind understand that we are one among that unique human being who can understand, accept and love others with their flaws.

       Be that unique individual and believe that people around us are different so that we will never expect them to be the same as we are as an individual because not everyone is matured enough to understand life. 

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Responsibilities will make us Grow

       We human beings are always afraid to take up responsibilities in our life. We love to enjoy the life more than living it perfectly. When someone asks us to do something and they handover that responsibility to us we will be under pressure because we never practice ourselves to be that responsible individual. When our parents ask us to be responsible and give us certain advices then we will be afraid to face that situation.

      The word responsibility and the act of being responsible will always scare us. The reality of life is far different from our thoughts because at some point in life we should take up responsibility and be a responsible individual.

      The act of being responsible will make us grow in the deeds we do. An responsible individual will only alone get satisfied with the things he do in his life. Every other person will be doing the same thing without any sort of involvement and they won't get satisfied but an responsible person’s heart and mind will urge him to upgrade himself to be the better version of himself.

      Don’t consider responsibility as a burden because when we consider something as a burden it’ll turn out to be a burden and disturb us always. Rather, consider responsibility as a gift which only few individuals are gifted with in this world. Be happy and adapt the quality of being an responsible individual and that will transform us into an better human.

Monday, 15 June 2020

We are Responsible for Ourselves

      No one in this world can read and get to know about what is running in our heart and mind. Each and everyone around us will know and judge us with the version of which we show and project to them. What we see outside a person is not the same as how things happen within a person.

      Few people might look happy and smiling all the time but deep down inside their heart they will be broken and will be longing for someone to notice that. On, the other hand few people might look like a mentally disturbed person and seem to silent all the time. By seeing them we will think that the person needs some help to overcome his depression but that individual will be happy inside and could have enjoying his/her own company and solitude.

      Here, all this indicates that we cannot help a person without knowing their needs. So it is always up to that particular individual to share the things which is running in their mind. We are the ones who is responsible for taking care of ourselves. We never want and expect other people to be with us during the happy phase of our life rather if any problem arises we start to search for the people who can lend their ears to hear own issues. If, no one comes to solve and hear our problems we end up frustrated and angry but we never understand that we are the ones who have created that situation. No one is responsible for what is going through inside us and we are the ones who are solely responsible for ourself.

      The above words may seem harsh but it is the reality of life. When we distance ourself from people during our happy days of our life thinking that we are enough for ourself and we are superior and others are not equal to us. Later, when we need them they won’t be their for us and that is not their fault. We cannot blame them for that because we are the ones who underestimated their presence in our life. So, treat everyone as you want to treated by others around you. Only we can be that one person who can decide and design our destiny.  

Sunday, 14 June 2020


      Each and every human could have asked this same question to themselves many times “ What Life is all about?” No one have perfect and exact answer. We assume, imagine, create and modify our answers. Every answer is not correct nor a wrong one. Everyone can only assume what life is. Here, I have my own perspective towards life. Some might accept and few might deny because as I already said we can only assume and everyone will have different assumptions.

      Life is all about love, happiness, joy and full of everlasting memories. We remember so many things and we call that as our memory. Our memories will be filled with so many emotions such as happiness, sadness and excitement. We live our life on this earth for 70 to 80 years. We always say that Life is very Short but that is not the truth. The life of 70 years is not short and we individuals consider that as short. Imagine, if we are gifted with some 200 years of lifespan. We cannot even imagine that because life won’t be exciting and life will turn into an dragging journey.

      We are born, we grow up, we acquire different qualities, we built our own character, we evolve as a individual, we learn, we act, we react. Finally, Life ends and that’s it we are gone out of this world. Death is such a finality. So be happy and live your life without too much calculations. Life is precious and don’t waste it just for worrying.

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Assess and Identify Who You Are

      How well do we know about ourself as same as we know about the other people around us. We analyze and evaluate the character of other individuals easily but it is very hard to evaluate ourself. We never look at us as well as within us in the same way we judge others. There are many qualities which are not essential for us but our character will be built upon that one unimportant quality. Our character might be built upon our flaws. It may be our ego, anger or anything which is bad for both ourself and also the people around us.

      Start to find and discover about yourself. Your own positive and negative quality, your bad and good character. We easily tell that others are bad, they play with our emotions, they don’t deserve me and I am a good human. All this indicates that we consider ourself as a superior one who is without any kind of flaws but the reality of our character is very different from what we assume about ourselves.

      Everyone around us is not bad and we alone are not good individuals because each and everyone have their own strength and weakness in their character. Our eyes and mind possess an unwanted super-power to focus on the weakness of others and the goodness in our character but this is not the way how life works.

      To know about ourself we should start to evaluate and discover the qualities which are hidden inside us. Self-awareness is essential and important to handle our highs and lows in life. Always remember that we too have flaws and bad qualities which we hesitate to acknowledge and accept about ourself. At, the end of the day it is that bad quality within us which makes other people to hate and think bad about us. Identity your bad traits and change them into good ones.

Don’t be stubborn all the time thinking that you are a good individual because no one can be too good as they think of themselves to be.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Creatures of Love

      Human beings are the creature of love so we’ll always do anything and everything to the person we love the most in this world. The single feeling of love will make a person forget about all his other feelings and emotions. One might be a short-tempered and rude person but all his anger and rudeness will vanish off when he have that one special person around him. Our character, behavior and attitude will fail in front of the single emotion called love. All this words will make no sense and also seem rubbish when you read but you can feel this words when you have that kind of person lovable in your own life to love and to be loved.

      If you don’t have a person in your life whom you can love and care more than you care for your ownself. Then, life will be a misery and you won’t have satisfaction in anything you do in your life. You will be occupied with the feelings of doubts, questions and faults but when you have people around you to love and call you as their own. Then that love will replace all your negative emotions and will give you hope that people are around you. They will celebrate you when you succeed and catch you even before when you start to fall.

        This is the beauty of love and the loved ones but an extreme of anything can destroy a person. So have control but make sure you have that love in your heart. Everyone is meant to walk this world two by two and that is the beauty of love.



Thursday, 11 June 2020

Human Emotions

       The most powerful weapon in this world is considered to be “Human Emotions”. We all know that human beings are also the most emotional beings in this earth. Sometimes, it is very hard to control our emotional side. To control our emotions we always need the help of our brain and the intellect. It is very hard to express those emotions in words but all our emotions design our character and behavior. We always consider and associate emotions with only the sad things but emotions are way beyond that.

      Smiling is sort of emotion we express when we are happy and hugging is also an emotion to express our extreme love. Emotions are always shown through actions but not in words. Emotions of a person can be understood easily by their actions. So, if you like to know how your loved ones think of you, just watch their actions. Emotions and actions are always interconnected with each other. So, emotions are considered to be the outbreak of our personality and character. 

       Make you that you balance your emotional side properly.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

What is Inside us will be Reflected Outside.

      We humans always think that the world is bad, people are bad and everyone & everything around us is so bad. So we should have to careful with others now-a-days. We totally have a bad attitude towards anything and everything but we forget that we are also the ones who are the part of this world. The people around us will also think the same way as we do. We never accept that we are bad rather we will start to tell about our good and kind gestures. Everyone loves to be addressed as good so you be the one who focus only on the good aspects of life.

      Sometimes, when you feel so low just think of all the goodness and good people around you, that will fill your mind with positive energy and make you smile. Goodness is everywhere around us but it is up to an individual to either focus on good nor bad. What we see and feel reflects our character and attitude towards life. What is inside us will be reflected outside.

      Be a person who approaches life with goodness.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Believe in the Process of Life

       In, whatever work we do we always focus on its result, outcome, target and the destination we reach through that. No one cares about the process and the journey. To get an ultimate and happy result we should practice to focus on the journey. Enjoy each and every moment of your life. A particular day might be a happy one or a learning experience. Make sure, you accept everything without any sorts of regret. Each and every minute is precious in our life, it won’t come back again. Most of the things which we face in our life will happen only once in our life time. We all know this fact but only few accept this fact and behave according to that. For example we can take the happy moments in our life like our first day to school, college and work and happens only once in our life.

       Each and everything is equally important in our life. The present day 9th of June 2020 will never come back once again in our life. When, you understand the secret and magic of life you will never find it boring or you will never have any time for regrets. Life will be magical not only in films and books but also in our own real life only when you accept the process of life.

       Never have doubts like what if this happens or that happens. Whatever tends to happen will always happen, situations will always be beyond our control but when you have a control over your own thoughts then everything will turn into happiness. So, have positive intend towards live and living.

       The above words may seem fictional but we all know that “Every fiction is inspired by an non-fiction”. Believe in Magic and that magic can happen only when you believe in the process of life.

Monday, 8 June 2020

Discipline - A Basic Quality

       It is easy to learn all qualities in life. We can learn and became knowledgeable. We can also learn to think in a positive way. We can even learn so many things like dancing, singing and so on but the only thing which is very much hard even to learn is the quality of being disciplined. Discipline is one of the most essential and important quality which every human should learn and practice in their life. Our education, job, the money we earn, the fame we get should not turn us into an undisciplined individual. Our discipline will be noticed and we will be judged for our behavior.

       We all think that discipline is just telling the truth, not stealing others things and not hitting others but our discipline lies in the way how we treat our family and friends even after we achieve something in life. Most of the people around us learn to practice some unwanted things against their discipline when they started to earn and stand up on their own legs. We have to always remember the truth that “Everyone will get success at some point in their life but being a successful individual with constant and gradual growth can only be achieved by the strict disciplinarians who are strict with themselves". We should not compromise our disciple and the good practices which we follow in our life at cost for anything.

     Be an individual with all good qualities and that is the greatest gift which you can gift to yourself.

Sunday, 7 June 2020

The Power of your Eyes

       If there is a creation there will always be a creator and we many of us believe that. We also accept the god had created us in his own image. Each and every individual is beautifully and wonderfully made. We have two hands, two legs, a heart to pump our blood, a mouth to eat and speak, a nose to smell and breathe atlast our beautiful eyes to see.

       Among all our body parts we can consider our eyes as one of the most special one because we see the entire world through our tiny eyes. We sometimes never realize the beauty and blessing of our eyes. We think that the job of the eyes is to see but only the blind knows the value of eyes and its vision.

      Our eyes are the indicators that show up our true self to the humans around us and it indicates what is there in our heart. We have practiced our mouth to tell lies and to pretend but our eyes shows our originality. If you want to know how you feel right now just go in front of the mirror and look at your eyes constantly for two to three minutes. Then, you will clearly know who you are and what is running in your mind and heart.

      Make it a practice to look at your own eyes in the mirror for atleast two minutes per day. From that you will gain lot of positive energy and confidence. Try and make yourself a positive and a better human.

Saturday, 6 June 2020

TOM and JERRY - Siblings


      We human beings are blessed with so many beautiful people in our life and we maintain a strong and special bond with everyone around us. Among them, the most special relationship is the one which we share with our siblings. They are considered to be the greatest blessings of our life. We often won’t care about them when they are around and with us. Later, when we are apart from each other company we will tend to realize the importance of them in our life. Our siblings are the ones who we hate as well us love us the most in this world. We always maintain a decent relationship with all others around us and we pretend to be good but only with our siblings we will show our true and original face.

      We can also call this relationship as a cat and rat relationship. We may have extreme fights with each other but it is impossible to live without one another. When we enter into our middle ages we will sometimes fight with our siblings for money and so many other things. Few might even stop speaking with their siblings after this episode of argument and fights but deep down inside our hearts we will love them with that same love and they too will love us even more. We love and wish only all good things for them.

      Apart from all this things, this relationship holds the most special beauty in itself. All , the other people in our life are the ones whom we tend to know later in our life after our 20’s or 30’s but our sisters and brothers are the ones whom we have a intimate bonding from our birth till death. Our minds will be filled with their memories. They are the true companions whom we are afraid to lose in our life. Thousands of relationships will come and go but the only relationship which with stands even after all heavy storms are the ones which we share with our siblings. So, continue to love them with all your heart and love.


Friday, 5 June 2020

Don't Depend On Others too Much

       As we grow up in life we learn many things to survive in this world but the unwanted thing which we learn easily is “Expecting others to help us all the time with our own work”. Expectations will hurt the individual who expects and as well the individual who works to fulfill our expectation. If we are not capable of doing anything in life we should individually try hard to get or attain that rather we humans never like to try anything. We always love short cuts and easy routes. So we start to pester others to help us to fulfill our needs and queries. If the person who helps us is kind and he willingly helps then the entire game is over. We will start to consider them as our helper and we disturb them all the time. We never even try to take risks to do things by our own because we practice our mind in a way that other person will help us. Even when they get tired and not willing to do anything we will never leave them.

       This kind of attitude will destroy all our good reputations. We will be considered as an unfit individual. Then no one will be there for us during the time of hectic needs. So, don’t ask for help often and make others feel uneasy for even meeting you in their life. After that your respect will also be lost. Don’t be self-centric and selfish in life. No one will respect you for your selfish attitude. At last, your selfishness will destroy all your good deeds and reputation.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Angels do Exist on Earth

      Each and every human born in this earth will meet so many of his fellow humans during each walk of their life. Everyone will be different and unique in their own ways. Some people will be kind, some will be loving, few will be positive and some will be pious and god fearing. Each individual will have one ultimate quality in them for which other humans will respect them and that are considered to be common now-a-days but on the other hand it is very rare to see all this beautiful qualities in a single person. We can even count them because they are very rare than pearl and diamonds.

     Everyone won’t have an opportunity to meet this kind of individual in their life and to have them around. Few might even don’t know that this kind of individuals exists in earth. Those special people are the ones who possess the physical structure of humans but have the soul of Divine within them. This kind of people will be loved and they will be a blessing to everyone around them. They always carry an aura of positive energy with them.

      If you know any of the individual with all this qualities then you are truly blessed and you tend to be the chosen seed of god to know that person. Learn good things from that beautiful soul and they are the indicators to prove others that god still now exist in this earth in a human form.

     The whole world will bow down to respect and love that precious soul. The whole of human kind should be extremely proud to have this kind of beautiful humans around them.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

No one is Superior and No one is Inferior

      Our thoughts design our life and destiny. When we consider the world is bad it turns out to be bad or when we think the world and the people around us are good it might look good. So it is clear that we are just our thoughts. We should always have a keen and complete track towards what we think in our day-to- day life.

      Sometimes we commonly complain why people around us are like this and like that but we should understand that the way others treat and behave with us is only 10% of that person’s attitude and the remaining 90% is how we understand and react towards that.

       We cannot altar or change the way how other people think rather we can control our own thoughts. Never ever complain about a person for his character and behavior because we never know who we are really then how we can complain and judge others. So knowing oneself completely will make us a person with high vision and it is considered to be the mark of superior  personality.

      Know yourself, know your thoughts, know your situation, know your behavior. Live your life by designing your own character. No one in this planet have any rights to point out his fellow human as a bad individual. Everyone is equal so don't judge others.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Emotions are the Integral Part of Human Life

      Emotions are the inseperable part of human life. We can control our negative emotions like anger, fear and guilt till some point in life but it is hard to even hard to control them. On the other hand our positive emotions are uncontrollable and undeniable ones. The emotions such as happiness, love, joy and excitement cannot be controlled by any human around the world. Few might not show their emotions outside but it’ll always be their inside or within a person.

      There is a famous saying which tells “emotions cannot be expressed in words” and it is absolutely true. A  person can master a language and he might be a versatile speaker but emotions makes a person dumb. Emotions are considered to be the most valuable assets of human because it never comes out easily. We cannot experience a great bundle of joy often in our life because emotions are much more valuable than anything we hold in our life and call it as our own.

      We may have so many people around us in the name of family, friends, relatives and neighbours but we will have a strong bond only with the people whom we share a great emotional connect. Deep down those bonding and relationships will be the inseperable part of our life. Those people are rare to gain but impossible to live without. Emotions plays a vital role in building up a relationship in life. When the emotional connect is lost then the relationship will turn useless and it won’t have any meaning in sharing that bond.

      If you have those kind of people whom you are more emotionally attached with then never ever leave them at any point in life. You will be a truly blessed humans to have them in your life. Emotions and bonding makes a person live his life even more happier. So value your emotions and be a human with the bundle of all sorts of positive emotions. Even the Smileys we use were also the indicators of all emotions.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Social Media Addiction

       Each and every individual in this world are gifted with the same 24 hours per day. The one who uses his time wisely creates a place for him in the history and the one who wastes that time turns out to be an ordinary individuals. Each era has its own form of entertainment which tend to steal the time from the people. During, Victorian period it was Theatres and today we have internet and social media to steal our time from us. It steals the time from each and every individual around the Globe. We humans started to live our life with the media influences such as whatsapp, instagram and so on.

       All this media connects people but on the other hand it takes us far away from performing our daily routines properly. During, this time of lockdown we are so active in the social media and we don’t have any proper schedule to live a worthy live. We started to practice and live our life for the sake of living. Today, the social media became our first priority and our work, studies have became the secondary ones to focus on.

      To get rid of this social media addiction we should start to focus our mind in the things which will improve our knowledge and wisdom. We can spend time with the people around us and the members in our family. We can just talk to them. Everyone will have so many stories to tell and we too will have so many things to tell to others. To listen to that we should have humans as our companions not the Mobile Phones or Social Media. So, listen to others and narrative to others and stay away from the media influences. Reduce using social media rather use internet to enrich your knowledge. 

      Get Started to know about the life of the people around you.


  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...