Sunday 30 August 2020

Waiting - The Most Beautiful Phase of Life

       Waiting for something is the most common thing in each and everyone’s life. Waiting is the integral part of human existence. We cannot get or gain anything without waiting for it. Here, the major question is that “Does waiting is painful or fruitful, beautiful and happy? ”. As, I always believe that every human being is different and so everyone will have their own answer and justifications for this question. Some will say that waiting is painful and some will say that waiting is beautiful but all this depends on what we are waiting for. If our instincts tells us that we are going to be happy tomorrow then our waiting will be an happy one on the other hand when we are filled with negative thoughts and emotions then waiting is more painful.

      Fill your mind with positive energy and think of all the good things in the world. Wait for it, work on it and then waiting will be an fruitful one. The process of waiting is special that attainting that actual thing like – money, fame, success. When, the process of waiting ends then you will be there in the actual place where you have aspired to reach in terms of anything which you waited for in your life. Waiting is both long and a short process because it seems to be long before you get the things which you wanted but it will look short after reaching the actual place.

      So, enjoy, love and cherish the process and journey of waiting. There is nothing beautiful then waiting for the things which we love to have in our life. Don’t wait for anything negative because it’ll suck all our happiness rather focus on the brighter side of your life which is filled with all good things.



Saturday 29 August 2020

Happiness Without a Reason

      Have you ever felt happy in your life just for no reason?

      Does happiness have hit you suddenly during an unexpected time?

      We many of us might have felt that overwhelming happiness atleast once in our life. It’ll feel as if we have conquered the whole world. Happiness and joy will just be there in the air we breathe and feel. The extreme of that feeling will seem like a fairy world which is surrounded only by all good things.

      All this feelings are the indicators which secretly tell us that we are growing better in our life and we are becoming the better version of ourselves by each passing day. When, this unknown happiness occurs to you often then you are truly the best and the blessed soul.

“Happiness without reason is beyond bliss”

     It is rare to feel that kind if happiness but it is a feeling which words cannot describe because it is something which lies between the universe and the divine like a star, moon, sky and air. We can feel that but it is too hard to explain that in words.

     Thrive for that state of happiness which does not require anything to be happy. You and yourself is just enough to attain that high spirit of happiness in life.

Friday 28 August 2020

Emerge Positive

       We all know that the challenges and hardships we face in our life makes us stronger. When, we go through a tough phase in our life or in our career it is an sort of indicator which tells that the best is waiting there at the next step. One who goes through pain will experience happiness at the next phase of his life. Here, there are two kinds of individual who are totally different from each other. The first category people are the ones who becomes positive after facing the tough times but the second category people are the ones who becomes negative after facing the struggles in life. Problems and hardships are common to everyone but how we react to them decides our life and the way we live.

      One who emerges stronger with all the positive traits after undergoing bad times are the people who succeeds and lives their life with atmost happiness. On, the other hand the people filled with negative emotions start to suffer more in life then even before because they are the ones who have chosen what to believe and what not to believe.

      So, when you go through tough situations in life emerge stronger with positivity not with negative elements. Look at life in the prism of positivity not with the lens of negativity.

Thursday 27 August 2020

Character Building

      The quote which always reverberates in my head and heart is “Never design your character like garden where anyone can walk. Design your character like a sky where everyone desire to reach”. The quote may seem simple and usual for many of them but only for few it will get the deep sense of meaning. We human beings aspire to became something but we end up being something. For, whatever thing we do in our life our character is the basement for them all. Our life works, acts and reacts on the basis of the character we possess.

      We will have admiration towards someone who is so successful in life and we focus on the outcome of their behaviors such as the job they have, the money they have, the fame they have but we never focus on the character they have. Our character defines our success and failures in life. The characterless individuals too will attain success in life but they won’t know how to sustain and maintain that success because character is essential for sustaining in anything which we have in our life.

      So, design your character and build it carefully without intaking any negative bricks like jealousy, anger, hatred and pride because that will eventually make us weak rather build your character with the love, wisdom and gratitude. Character is our greatest strength so take care of yourself and your thoughts. Don’t settle in the mediocre while building your character rather thrive to acquire all the best qualities. 


The Magic of Life

      “All throughout our whole life we are just figuring out how to live”. Do we  live our life to its fullest, do we enjoy the process of growing older and wise, do we feel happy to be born on this earth as a human being. We will just blink and try hard to figure out the answers for this question. If, you are the person who is facing all the hardships to figure out what life is. You are here at the right place to find your answers.

     There are two types of people in this world and they believe in two different things. The first category people believe in the “Logic of Life” and the second category poeple believe in the “Magic of Life”. Life is so different for this two because what they believe in is totally opposite. The one who believes in the logic of life will succeed but they’ll be often filled with self-doubt and insecurities. They will think that what if this happens, what if that happens, what if this goes wrong, what if that goes wrong, what if I fail and what will I do if people mock at me. All the negative thoughts are wings which are attached with logic of life.

     On the other hand, when we believe in the magic of life we will be filled with immense positive energy and that’ll manifest all the good thoughts which will eventually lead to all the good things. So, stop believing in the logic of life and start to believing in the magic of life. If you believe in the magic then all your questions about life will vanish off and you will be filled with immense belief and hope.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Human Connection

      We human beings always need a strong support system in our life and we earn money, buy properties, deposit cash and do many investment so that we can relay upon them during the time of needs. We consider all our wealth and materialistic things as our support system but beyond all that we need a fellow human to be there for us to support and just be there to say that “I am here for you”. We always long to have that deep connect with someone in our life. For some people, that person may be the member from his family, for few it might be friends, for others it might be neighbours.

      Many people will have the support system of all wealth and materialistic things but they will lack the human support and for many people there will be the support from the fellow human but they will lack the support of money. Here, in this case the people who have the support of other individual have more chances to shine and achieve success in their life but the ones who totally relay on the materialistic things fails in his life because once this wealth gets lost or decreases he starts to feel insecure.

      So, have a human connect. Trust people but not the money you have. Surround yourself with good people who can hold your hand and say that they are here for you. Make sure you never ever lose that person in your life at any cause for anything because they are the selfless souls who always wishes all the good things for us in your life. Don’t hesitate to thank them when they stand for you by your side.



Tuesday 25 August 2020

Book Review : When Love Came Calling by Preeti Shenoy


       As, all the bibliophiles and readers believe that “Books and reading can make a person into a better human for life”. Reading will mould a human and transform him into an individual. Fiction is one of the best genre which many times portrays the hidden reality of life which we are afraid to speak about. Fiction is not about the story, plot and character rather it emphasis on the values, moral and teaching through its plot, characters and story.

     The book “When Love Came Calling” by Preeti Shenoy is an young- adult fiction. The book was released on 17th of August and so it is the most recent book by the author. The story line of the book is quiet common but the book will inculcate different insights in the minds of reader. Each and everyone can connect themselves with the characters in the book.

     The values which I have learned from this book can be summarized by the single quotations “That no matter who you choose to love, we must always remember that family comes first”. Do read this book to know how “Travel can change you as a better person”. You will find answers for your different questions which you ask with yourself often like

1.      What is my passion?

2.      I’m I a good human being?

3.      How to find my passion?

4.      I’m I satisfied with my life?






Monday 24 August 2020

A Positive Home

     William Shakespeare says “People usually are the happiest at home”. We all love our home and we believe “Home is where our heart is”. During, the time of this pandemic situation we are not allowed to step out of our house unnecessarily and so we spent most of our time in our home. It might even be the longest break of our life. Even during school and college days we might have not got this much time and days to live in our home. The working ones are exceptional from this because they are hardly in their home for just four to five days in a month. So, no one has  even explored our own house fully.

     We never love to live in the messed up house but at the same time we are lazy to clean the place. Just look around you. Is the place where you are sitting is clean, the things are perfectly in its place and does your room generates a kind of good warmth. If you answers for this questions is “Yes” then you are surrounded with positive vibes but if your answers are “No” then it indicates your personality, character and attitude which actually means “You love to have a happy life but you want that happy life without putting any sort of effort to make it happy”.

     The place we live should make us happy. To bring that happiness we should keep our place clean because “Cleanliness is next to godliness”. So, organize the things which are scattered on the floor and shelves. Make up your bed neatly and fold the blankets and put them in the proper place. Frame some rules for yourself to keep your place clean and so that will give us positive energy.

Do try and feel the change and live in a positive home.

Sunday 23 August 2020

Accept and Grow from your Mistakes

     We human beings have the problem of accepting things in life and it is even more hard for us to accept our “Own Mistakes”. We think that accepting own mistakes is like acknowledging that we are unfit and not capable for anything. So, when others tell us that we are wrong - there words straightly hurts our ego and suddenly tunes our mind to protest against that and prove that we are correct. Here, we have to understand the fact that we are just human beings and it is natural to make mistakes in life rather we consider accepting our mistake is the biggest crime.

     The person who accepts his mistake is considered to be the wise ones because it needs great courage to accept that we are wrong. So, whenever you make mistakes in life never hesitate to accept them because accepting our own mistakes and correcting them will make us an better individual for life.

     Don’t put yourself in the pedestal and think that you are superior, perfect and intelligent then everyone around you because possessing this kind of attitude will destroy all our good traits and finally we’ll be filled with self-pride. Accept your mistakes and correct yourself when you go wrong. That is the way we grow in life by accepting and correcting. 

Saturday 22 August 2020

Gift of Positivity

      “All the Successful people are not the positive ones but all the Positive People will be the most successful ones in life”. Having positive attitude in life is one of the greatest gift which is gifted to many people but only few can maintain that attitude of positivity throughout their lifetime. It is very hard to maintain the positive spirit within us because life will throw many things towards us to destroy our belief and life will test us by giving difficult task. The one who withstands that storm and overcomes that tough phase of life with his immense positive energy will be loved by the people and life as well.

      When we acquire that extreme energy of positivity you will start to see life in the different prism. As Plato says, “ Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”  in the same way when your heart, mind and soul is so positive life will also be positive. Apart from all this, the most beautiful and happy thing about being extremely positive is that “Life will conspire and bring all the beautiful things for you to make you happy”. Sometimes, when you feel little bit low for any kind of reason by seeing that the universe and the almighty God will give you many surprises to bring your smile back. Be that kind of person whom the universe and God loves to see happy.

     All the above words may seem nothing for the negative minded people because this doesn’t match with their frequencies but if you feel happy by reading the above words you are the person who is filled with immense positive energy within you.

     “Impress the universe, life and God by your positive energy and so they will bless you with all the things which you love to have in your life”.

 Who said life is so complicated?

Life is a beautiful journey with all happy things.

Everything in Life is attainable if you possess that spirit of positive energy within you.


Thursday 20 August 2020

Life Itself: Special

     Each day of the week, each day of the month and each month of the year have different vibes. All the 365 or 366 days have their own frequency and vibration. Some days are positive, few days are mediocre and others days are dragging. So each day have its own uniqueness. In the same way, each month of the year have its own hidden beauty in it. For some people January will be the most special month, for some December will be the most special month. Each one of us have different frequency and vibration with each month.

     Discover which month is the special month of the year according to you and make it even more special by doing something which you love – like travelling, reading your favorite books and eating the food you love. On the other hand we will never love few months and it too will differ from each one. So, find out the months which does not excite you and make them better by spending more time with your family and friends, try out new things which you feel like doing and make them special in the own way.

     Atlast, enjoy your life on this earth by cherishing the life you live. If we don’t love our life, life also won’t love us back so it is upto us to make our life special. Make it special by filling it with happiness.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

The Undeniable Emotion

     Fear is the most undeniable emotion which is so hard to eliminate from our life. All our other emotions such as happiness, anger and envy have the power to affect other individuals around us but fear is the only emotion which solely affects us. Fear is considered to be the internal emotion which is inseperable sometimes. Even the most positive, strongest and intellectual individuals are also the person who have so many fears within them. So, it is the most common emotion as well as the most personal emotion. We cannot talk about all our fears to others individuals around us because it will make us even more weaker.

     We fear for the known and the unknown. There will always be a question in our mind “How do and will I overcome my fear?” it is so hard to answer this question but it is even more hard to practice the answer if at all it is answered. Nobody can master fear. Even reading about fear will give us some sort of fear which is unavoidable.

     The only way to reduce our fear is to accept them without pretending that we are fearless. There are two types of fear – known and the unknown. Sometimes, we have the fear towards completing our tasks correctly and this kind of fear is somewhat good because it will help us to stay focused – this is called as the fear towards the known. The second one is the fear which randomly comes into our mind such as what if this happens, what if that happens and what if this goes wrong. It is called as "If" fear or "the fear of assumption".

     So, try and differentiate between your known and unknown fears and stop worrying and fearing about the unknown and if fears because that is purely unnecessary which will spoil our peace of mind. Fear towards your known fears and that will help you to do your duty properly. Finally, when you believe in yourself without any self-doubts all your fears will vanish off and turn out into unknown fears.

    "Stop fearing and start believing that you can and you will".


Tuesday 18 August 2020

Learn From Your Near and Dear ones

     We human beings have the quality of looking up at someone in life. We tend to consider them as the perfect & best beings in the world. Most of the times we look up at someone whom we never know personally starting from movie stars, cricketers, Scientists and authors. It is not so wrong to look at someone who has achieved so much in their life but by setting those people as our example we can only acquire inspiration. They can only be a source of inspiration in our life but we can acquire knowledge, wisdom and all the good traits only from the people around us or the people whom we know personally.

     Learn the life lessons from your parents, siblings, friends, teachers and relatives. Observe each of them keenly to know about their best qualities. Each of them whom we know in our life is different, special and unique in their own ways. The most special thing about learning from your close ones is that we can observe them closely which is not possible with any starts we know only through television and internet.

     At first, start your learning process from your parents and siblings. They will have so many good traits for which they will be respected by everyone around them but we could be unaware of that special qualities which they possess. For example – My Father is the most positive person that I have ever known in my life. He could be the silent spectator observing all the impossible and finally he could make them possible in his own style. Next, my Mother is the person who has the capacity to change anything through her kindness. Kindness is the tool she uses to conquer everyone and everything around her.

     So, learn good things from everyone whom you love and respect in your life. Follow them to make your life and living an better one.

Your Decisions Define Your Destiny

     We human beings at many times in life are afraid to take “Decisions”. We postpone and prolong to decide something because of the fear of losing things in life. We dwell upon the unnecessary thoughts and that manifests & increases the fear of failure within us. We have the fear of breaking up the friendship which we have with the friend who doesn’t even consider us as their friend, we have the fear of leaving the job or the course which we are unwilling doing for the sake of doing. We think more but we react and act too less.

     Life might be waiting for us to take that better decision but when we hold on with the unwanted things we tend to lose the “beauty of life”. Before making an decision we might think “How and What my life will be without that person, that job and that course” but we never understand that destiny would be holding something special for us. Rather, we worry and make things worse.

     Make an appropriate decision during the most appropriate time because the decision which we make today will make us wise and happy in the future. If your intuition feels like something is going wrong in your life, hear your inner voice and calling. Make a decision which you will never regret in life but at the same time be brave in doing the things which feels right for you.

Sunday 16 August 2020

Happy Living

     Do you like boring individuals??? Will you love to talk with the negative minded personalities??? If your answer for both this questions were “Yes” then you can stop reading this post further and can continue with your own work but if you are the person who don’t love to be with boring and negative minded people this post is absolutely for you.

Now, if you are still reading this ask all this questions to yourself

1.      I’m I a boring individual?

2.      Do people love my company and spending time with me?

3.      I’m I a positive Individual?

4.      Do I love myself?

5.      Is my soul happy?

     Is it hard to figure out the answers especially for the fifth question, then here are the few tips to make your soul happy. Your soul will be happy when your mind is filled with positive emotions and when your heart is filled with gratitude. When we wake up each morning with the attitude of laziness then the gratitude in our hearts will vanish in air because laziness won’t occur to the individuals who feel thankful for leading this wonderful life. When your mind is filled with the thoughts of yesterday, tomorrow, past and the future then there is no room for all the positive emotions because a positive mind will always live in the present. Now, you could have a got a clarity about how to make your soul feel happy.

     ”Your soul should feel happy to wake up each morning to meet your beautiful heart and blissful mind which will make your life wonderful”.

Saturday 15 August 2020

MS Dhoni - The Epitome of Humanity

     MS Dhoni in his press conference after world T20 final against Sri Lanka in 2014 said “There’s hardly any good or bad in Indian cricket that happens without my name”. His statement is absolutely true till date. He is the only man who can bring smile and the tears of happiness in the eyes of the cricketing fans by hitting that winning six in world cup 2011 and this same man will leave the people in tears by announcing the expected thing in the more unexpected way. The world will always have a huge admiration towards this kind of Self-made individuals or the so called internal individuals and that is what proved once again through this retirement from international cricket.

     The internet and social media are filled with the images, videos and interviews of Dhoni with hash tags such as “ Dhoni retires, End of the Era, Never retires from the hearts”. We tell that it is the shocking and unexpected news but does that really so much shocking. The answer will be an absolute no. Every cricketer and fans expected that Dhoni could announce his retirement but some of them had the desire to watch him play the T20 world cup. Apart from all this we know how unpredictable his decisions are.

     More than a cricketer he was loved by the people for this attitude, character and his simple but great philosophies towards life. He remains calm like a monk in both victory and defeat. More than the game of cricket he understood the game of life better which helped him to be the person who he is today. We always admire the legends from all walks of life but admiration will never take us anywhere so learn the best qualities from them. The three things which everyone should learn from Dhoni is

1.      Never take success to your heart and never take failures to your head because both will spoil your peace of mind.

2.      Think hundred times before you take a decision but once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.

3.      Be kind and carry a smile on your face irrespective of all the odds you face in your life.

Do read this book to know more about this best cricketer and the outstanding human being

Friday 14 August 2020

Stop Creating and Start Discovering

     Have you ever thought about the difference between creating and discovering. We have our own answers for both this words. Creation is making something new which never exists in this world but discovering is like exploring or finding things which already exits but unknown to the world. So, here there is the vast difference between both creating and discovering.

     We humans sometimes end up being unsuccessful in life irrespective of all our hard work and efforts which we have put forth towards our desires. All this happens because we try to create something which doesn’t exist within ourselves which particularly means “We are running behind something which we lack in our essence.” We might be an artistic person but we will run behind science to succeed in life. At, the end the mission of our life will turn out to be impossible. Then all the negative traits start to develop and finally we became that so called “negative minded personality”.

     To be positive and successful in life discover your inner calling. Observe yourself keenly and make your strengths and passion into profession. Never even try to create something which you are not meant for. Stop creating and start discovering because creation takes lots of effort and time but discovery is all about passion.

Self Advice

     When we reach a certain age, people around us will stop advising and they will think that we know everything in this world. We too could have hated hearing to those advises when we were a child and a teenager. Once everyone around us stops advising that is the time we long for better advice and guidance. As a grow up adults we could feel insecure and shy to state our problems to others. There is a special way to overcome this issue but it might look like an complicated one.

     When you are filled with certain doubts and questions about life try and figure out your exact question and write it down. After few hours write answer, solution or advice for that particular question which you have written. Think as if you are giving advice to your ownself and don’t be biased rather be genuine.

      Atlast, our mind will feel relaxed and the answer for our doubts would have also been found. Don’t transform your problems into worries rather convert your doubts into better piece of advice.


Thursday 13 August 2020

Enjoy and Cherish Your Journey


     We humans have big dreams and great aspirations in life. The world teaches us to set our goals high and introduces us to the world of dream but it fails to teach us few things. On our way towards success, goal or whatever we humans are focused on the destination and so we fail to enjoy our journey. After reaching our destination when we look back all our efforts and hard work will look like a beautiful memory but it will remain only as a memory because we have crossed all that and reached the place where we aspired to be. Now, more than the success the journey will seem to be special. So, learn to enjoy your journey which particularly means “Your Today”.

     Enjoy your present not by wasting your time rather by doing things which will make your grow in life. Appreciate yourself and applaud for yourself. The world does not have time to look and watch over all your tiny steps so encourage, enjoy and appreciate yourself all the time when you feel like you have done something great.

     One who understands “Life is a Journey” cherishes his life to its core but the ones who thinks that "the good phase of life alone is success" suffers in life. Lead your life by cherishing your today.




Wednesday 12 August 2020

Blog Anniversary - First Year Celebration

     Today’s post is the most special one with two most special and important messages. I wrote my first blog post on this same day last year. Today is the 367th post which actually means “the completion of one year- First year Anniversary of the blog". To make this day even more special I could like to share two important things which will make your life and living into an better one. I personally believe in both those qualities to make my life an happy one .

     We humans always think and dwell on the void in our life. We focus on the things which we do not have. It might be a person, a thing, an opportunity which we have missed and so many other things. We often think about them but to lead a happy life we should focus on all the positive side of life. We should be thankful and should possess the attitude of gratitude towards everything which we have in our life. Believe that life is beautiful even with that void because we are still alive and have a blissful life ahead of us with so many special gifts in it. If, we focus on the void there is a chance of missing out all the good things which comes in our way. So, accept and let go of all the void and hold on to all the beautiful and positive things in life.

     The other important unwanted quality which most of the humans possess is that “Holding on to our grudges and waiting for the perfect time to hurt other people through our words”. We humans hurt our fellow humans knowingly or unknowingly many times in our life. Sometimes we consciously hurt others by our words. We may forget that after sometime but the other person will remember and feel bad about that throughout his/her lifetime. Even we could have faced that same thing in our life and we know the pain of how words can hurt us to the core but we do that same to others. So, be conscious in choosing your words because we never know what the other person is going through in life.

     Here, the two most important things which I could like to insist is that don’t get worried about any kind of void rather focus on good things. The other one is “Don’t hurt the feelings of others thorough your words”. Be conscious before spitting a word out of your mouth because words can be a sword which will hurt others and the wounds can never be healed. Practice both this qualities to make your life better.







Monday 10 August 2020

Self-Help Books

     There is a famous Swedish proverb which says “The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm” and an American proverb says that “Self-help is this best help”. All this insists and teaches us that we human should only depend on our ownself and we should be our first preference.

    The human life never comes with an manual which explains about how to lead our life on the earth rather the universe leaves that in the hand of the human beings to figure out the process of life. Here, the self-help books play an important role in designing the life of an individual. We humans can create our own manual by reading those books which will transform our life into an better one and also will help us to be the better version of ourselves.

     Self-help books teaches that doubts, insecurities and flaws are the part of life and there is nothing to get worried about the negative phenomenon rather we should focus on the positive and blooming side of life and build our characters with the basement of all positive energy.

     Do read books which will make your innerself strong and positive. Few books which I personally recommend are






Sunday 9 August 2020

Plan but Don't be Calculative

     Many of us could have came across this famous quote “A fool with a plan is better off than a genius without a plan”. It is absolutely true because a person who plans things succeeds in life but at the same time we get confused about planning and being calculate in life. There is a huge difference between planning and calculating.

     Plans will give us clear vision about what we like to achieve in life on the other hand calculative mind is like fixing all the routes to reach our destination. Here, we should understand that “It is always good to have plans but it is not so good to fix the accurate routes to reach our destination”. Life is different and it will have its own path and route to reach out to our destination. So, don’t be too much calculative in life. Accept things with open-mindedness.

     When we are too much calculative there is a chance of attracting negative energy into our plan when our routes get blocked. So, have a better plan and work hard to achieve. Calculative plans will be more challenging and will make you feel inferior about yourself.

     Plan but don’t stick on with the routes rather believe in the magic of life by working hard towards your plan.

Saturday 8 August 2020

The Beauty of Each Day


    Everything in this world has its own music, rhythm and harmony. Everyone and everything is beautiful in the creation of God. There are many hidden reasons behind each and everything. Those were left to the human beings to find the hidden beauty. Each one of us see a same thing in different way. We have different perspectives and interpretations.

     Have you ever thought about the beauty of seven days which we call it as “Week”. Each day holds unique rhythm and harmony of its own.

  1.   Monday’s are like race which is filled with tasks and works. It could seem to be the longest day of the week.
  2.  Tuesday’s could be quite relaxing but could feel like the extension of Monday.
  3.  Wednesday’s are both pleasant and alluring. Everything around us will look happy and the nature will look fresh throughout the day.
  4.  Thrusday’s could feel like a dream in a fairy land. Things will just fall in place and happiness will be filled in the air we breathe.
  5.  Friday’s are the mixture of both sunshine and bright moon. Happiness will get transformed into bliss.
  6.  Saturday’s are for enriching our internal world. Everything around us will surprise us with its own beauty.
  7.  Sunday’s are meant for human species to enjoy their life to its fullest. A day which teaches us all philosophical things about life.

Each and every day in this earth is special and beautiful. Explore your own vibes about each day and make it special in your own way.

Friday 7 August 2020

Reread and Reexamine

     Human beings can also be called as "inseperble beings of love" because we will always be attached towards what we love in life. We watch our favorite movies atleast 20 times in a year, we listen to our favorite songs atleast 200 times in a year, we meet our loved ones often which is hard to number. All this same happens with books and reading. A reader will read 30 to 40 books in a year but only 2 to 3 books will remain close to the readers heart and that always remain in his most favorite list.

     We will read our favorite books often but we read few pages, few quotes and few sentences or lines from that particular book everytime we think about it. It will always feel good to re-read a book it feels as if meeting the person whom we love the most in this whole world. Do re-read the whole book atleast once in three years. Re-reading will give us different insights about that book.

     Re-read, re-live and feel happy about anything and everything about it. Life is beautiful when you make an effort to impress your ownself. Impress yourself by re-reading that special book which is deeply connected with your heart and soul. Do things which makes your heart smile and eyes shine. 

Thursday 6 August 2020


     Sometimes in life we humans hold on to few unwanted grudges in life. Grudges are the unnecessary one which will portray us as a bad individual infront of others. To lead a happy and satisfied life we should practice the act of forgetting and forgiving rather we humans always hold one with those unwanted grudges.

     Try and maintain a smooth relationship with everyone around you because that will give us more clarity and peace in life. Don’t ever cut off your relationship with other individuals around you because that will remain as a scar in our life. All the grudges and bad images about others were built up all the negative thoughts about the person rather we should approach an individual all their positive qualities.

     A person who looks at the positive side of life will never hold on towards any bad things in life. So, be kind towards others irrespective of all their behaviors. Our attitude and behavior will reflect our character and perspective towards life.

Teachings from Selfless Parental Love

    We human beings love to be loved. We expect all our near and dear ones to always be kind towards us. We also expect others to love as selflessly without any sort of expectations from us in a way they should adjust with whatever things we do.

     The concept of this selfless love has been inculcated into our mind by seeing the love of our parents towards us. Our parents will love us unconditionally irrespective of all our good and bad behaviors. They will love us, care for us, adjust and cope with all our naughty attitudes. So, when we enter into the outside world we expect our friends, partner and relatives to love us in the same way that our parents have loved us but it is impossible for anyone to love us with that kind of love. Parental love is different from all other love which we receive.

     The parental love teaches us that we should be kind towards everyone around us without expecting that same from others because everyone is different. We humans always understand things in a wrong sense so we expect others to love us in a selfless way. Be kind towards others without expecting anything in return because world is in need of selfless love and people but not the selfish ones.


Wednesday 5 August 2020

Internal Individuals

      World is filled with two kinds of people in it. People in the first category will keep all their emotions as an internal asset and the second variety of people are emotion volcanoes who will exploit like an nuclear bomb when they are emotional. It is hard to justify and prove which category people are correct and which ones are wrong. There are few advantages and disadvantages of being both internal as well as the external person.

      When a person is filled with negative emotions such as sadness, anger and frustration it is good to be an external person who can pour out their depression and feel relaxed after speaking out. On, the other hand an internal person enjoys all the positive emotions such as happiness, joy and bliss. Here, justifying which is good and bad is hard but the best thing could be “being an internal person without the disturbance of any external noise”.

      An internal person can be more strong and they can handle themselves better than others. They will self-heal and self-help themselves even during all the good and bad times. An internal person can be more stronger in life irrespective of all good and bad happenings.





Tuesday 4 August 2020


     Human beings are the most different as well as weird creatures who live in the planet earth. We ourselves do not know about what we want for us in life. We will always have the dilemma in deciding or even thinking about what we expect. There are few weird things which humans randomly think of but fail to decide.

During, morning we think about evenings,

During, hot sweaty days we think about the cold winters,

On rainy days we think about spring,

When we are alone we think about our family and friends,

When we are surrounded with family and friends we think about peace of being alone,

During, childhood days we love to grow up,

Once we grow up we love to be that little child again,

When we are in our home we think of our dream places

Once we move out of our city we tend to miss our hometown badly,

We never know what we love and what we don’t.

We don’t know what is bitter and what is better,

We love and unlove,

We live more in our memories than in the reality.

Till the end of our life we are just trying and figuring out

  “How to live, how to love, where to live, what to love, what is good and at the extreme end of our life we question ourselves IS THIS WHAT WE CALL IT AS LIFE”

Life seems to be tough but it will look simple and sweet at the end with its own dilemma.

Never consider life as a great question mark rather approach life with huge exclamatory.






Monday 3 August 2020

Relatives - No "They are My Family"

      When teenagers become adults they will have so many questions and doubts in and about life. One among the major doubt is that “Whether all our relatives are good people or bad ones”.

      We could start to look at our uncles and aunts as outsiders. We could like to maintain a distance from them and the most cruel thing is that we will frame certain rules and norms for our parents, about how to maintain their relationship with their own brothers and sisters. All the adults especially in India have the problem of accepting all their relations as our own family. We see them as separate family but they are the ones who are more important to our parents next to their parents.

      We see our aunts and uncles as outsiders sometimes but we have to understand that they are the sisters and brothers of the most important people in our life – our parents. To know how important they are in our parents life do see the photographs and video footages of your parents which were taken before you were born or before they got married. Then, your eyes will be filled with tears by seeing that beautiful and pure bond which they have shared but now restricted to maintain certain rules.

      So, don’t do this kind if things to your parents and make them feel unhappy rather make them happy by supporting them and encouraging them to maintain a happy & healthy relationship with their loved ones. Don’t ever try to teach your parents because it is the biggest crime which will never be forgiven or forgotten. Karma will make us face the same situation in our life which will be difficult for us to handle and accept.

                                                                                                                    - Swathi Kannan


Saturday 1 August 2020

The Art of Diary Writing

       “I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn” says Anne Frank, the author of the famous book “The Diary of a Young Girl”. The art of writing has became the integral part of many people’s life. Everyone of us write something daily. It might be in a piece of paper, Whatsapp status or in a diary. We can also call ourselves as the beings of writing because in some way or the other writing is connected with everyone of us.

      Many people write diaries. Some write about our their daily life, many people write occasionally, few people write rarely but we all love to have a diary. Everyone of us could have thought about writing a diary at some point in life. Few might have started writing diary once that idea flickers in their mind but many of us could have thought of writing but we don’t know what to write, when to write and how to write.

      Start writing diaries and write about the happy moments in your life. We could have felt happy at a particular moment but words could have fall short to express that happiness. We remain quite without sharing them with others. Write about those things. Pour out the feeling of happiness in written words. Don’t write about the sad and depressing experiences because when you re-read them after few years it will give so much pain which is unnecessary. When we experience something bad the lessons of those experiences could have automatically stored in your mind so don’t write the ones which are strongly rooted in your memories as lessons.

      Write about the beautiful, happy, blissful and evergreen memories. Even if you re-read them after many years they will bring back that happiness and joy infront of our eyes. Do write a diary and remember to write only the happy things.

Letters and Email


      There are many beautiful and blissful things in this world which is loved by everyone but most of those were lost in the track of time. We may love that but we might have forgotten the happiness of receiving and returning that. Here, In the first week of August we going to bring back the memories of that beautiful things which humans have forgotten but remains so special till now.

      Till early 2000’s we use to write letters to our family members and to our loved ones. The words we write will be from our heart. We love to write letters but the technological advancement has destroyed the beautiful feeling of writing letters and receiving letters. We have forgotten that in that track of time but later we wrote email which were also equal to letters in some way. Now, in the present scenerio the art of writing letters and sending emails have vanished from this world. We all know that this beautiful things existed in this world but today we are living in the era of Whatsapp, facebook and instagram. We talk and chat through smiley, stickers and through three to four letter words like Gm, Hmm, Ok.

      The human connect and happiness just evaporated in the air. So, to make others happy and to make them feel special write letters to them if not write an mail pouring out your love, affection and care for them. Human beings are still the same ones whose roots are always longing for love and affection. Do write a mail to your friends, family members, teachers and to your professors. Spreading love through words will mean a lot to everyone. Write to your near and dear ones. Ask them how they are, show your concern and love form them.

      A long mail with so much of love can make a person happy to its core. Write a letter or an mail to your dear ones today and be the reason for their happiness.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...