Monday 31 May 2021

Keep Doing Good Without Expecting


      Being a good human from the heart is the most appreciable quality but those good people are the ones who are tested by life. When we try to be good and when we practice good deeds we tend to face many challenges. The situations we face might be against us, the people whom we love and respect will do just the opposite things to us. It is difficult to stay good when we face infinite challenges and tough times.

       At some point in life, we might question ourselves that “What we have earned just by being a good person?” there will be so many other questions that will arise in our mind but the only answer to all our questions is, “Staying good from the heart should not be the choice we make rather it should be the quality – a lifestyle which we should follow”.

       Don’t fill up yourself with all the negative thoughts like – people around us are bad and selfish rather be yourself and be good. Goodness is not the quality which we practice to impress others rather it is a practice which we should follow to fall in love with ourselves.


       Introverts are the people who feel hard to mingle with others, and they feel that they are enough for themselves. They love solitude more than being in the company of the others around them. Introverts become unhappy in life when their peace gets affected. They love silence, nature, books, plants and trees.

       Privacy is something they consider as a special gift which they owe more than anything which is present around them. Introverts are great thinkers who think about all random things about them and around them. They will be more self-centred and sometimes selfish in their behaviour. The major problem with introverts is they fail to listen more because they will be filled with their own thoughts all the time.

       Being an introvert is all about setting boundaries for ourselves and living within them, but one day those boundaries might require a break. During such times they will get frustrated about anything and everything around them. Don’t be too much introverted because they might lead you to stress and anxiety. Connect with people even for a limited time to know more about the world as well as to improve your love towards living.


Saturday 29 May 2021

Stay Organized


      It is easy to live a unorganized life by being lazy but it is hard to stay active and to stay organized. Life is all about living it in our own way by following the things which our heart instructs us to do but it is our responsibility to help our heart to understand the right things which will help us to improve our course of life.

       Practice and follow the routines which have the power to change our life in a better way. Staying lethargic and spending our time on unnecessary things will make us the non-thinkers for life.

        Do stay organized and spend your time wisely.



Friday 28 May 2021



       No one in this world can understand the qualities and behavior of his fellow humans completely because that is impossible. On the other hand no one in this world will understand us completely because that too is definitely impossible. If a person says that they understand you better it shows their love and affection towards you but if a person says that they understand you completely then they are trying to fake you.

       We human beings evolve, emerge and become the newer version of ourselves with each passing day in our life. We grow, we change, our character differs, the qualities we practice change and the way we understand and accept things keeps on changing with each passing phase in our life. Here, a person who in undergoing the process of change each day will add up something new into their life so it will be hard for that person to even understand themselves completely. In this scenario, it will be hard for the people around us to understand us completely and if you expect others to understand you then it’ll always end up in vain.

       Never expect that people around you should understand the nook and corner of your character and never try to understand others completely because both this acts are just impossible. Be you and change the qualities which are required to be changed. Don’t stress yourself for not understanding others and never expect others to understand you because a happy living resides in going on with the flow.



Thursday 27 May 2021

Childhood Memories Will Always Linger In Our Heart


         Even after growing up in life everyone will always reminiscence the old times especially our childhood days most often in our life. We love that innocence which we carried within ourselves, the excitement which was present their during each moment when we experienced something new for the first time, the ever engaging mind and heart full of childish emotions and innocence.

         When we are a child we could have often thought of growing up in life but after growing up we could have at least thought of going back to our childhood days even for one single time. After growing up we will automatically become responsible, people will treat us as matured beings, we cannot behave in the same way once we were during our young days. Life won’t be the same but the difference will also be new and adventures but in the corner of our heart we will miss our childhood days and that innocent us who have stayed curious for even the simplest things.

         We might have heard and read that we should not lose our innocence even after growing up in life but practically it is toughest to follow because our mind and heart could have become matured enough to stop us from doing such innocent activities. At the end of the day we can just relish and relive those beautiful incidents and memories in our heart. That beautiful, happy, innocent, charming, childish and excited phase of our life will always live with us and keep us happy for living those days.



Wednesday 26 May 2021

Do Good Deeds Without Expecting Anything In Return


       When we work hard as well as honestly towards something in life we always expect back some reward. Human nature is all about expecting something in return for all the good works we do in our life. Starting from kindness to the education we pursue. Most of the times we are kind towards people because we believe that when we show kindness we will receive back that same amount of kindness even from the strangers we meet in our life. On the other hand, we pursue our education most of the times to get back something beneficiary. 

       We always expect back something from the world from the smallest to the big deeds we do in our life. When we fail to receive back the things which we have expected then we become a different person. We fill ourselves with negative emotions and start thinking about all the unwanted things like - the world is like this, the people are bad and so many other things.

        Here comes a big question, why life should value you based on the scale which you have for yourself? For whatever you do in life don’t expect anything in return because expecting from life might sometimes end in vain or life might even have better things for you than you think of what you deserve. During initial stages it will be hard to practice the act of not expecting anything but with deep patience and calmness we can master that. Be that kind of person who can really never expects anything in return. Accept things which come in your way and cherish them.






Tuesday 25 May 2021

Nature -The Best Healer


      Nature is the best healer which has the power to heal us. Connecting ourselves with all the green plants and trees around us will help us to refresh ourselves. In this modern world we run behind many artificial things in search of peace and happiness but the true and everlasting peace lies in nature.

         Plant trees and even small plants because seeing them grow from a tiny sprout and rising into a big tree will giving us a sense of good emotions. Have a garden of your own or even few plants which can add happiness to your life.

Mental Strength


       Mental strength and clarity is so much important to lead a happy life. When we are a person who is mastered by our mind then we will face lot of troubles and issues which is very hard to tackle but on the other hand when we become the person who can even try to master our mind then life will be smooth. Missing mental control, strength and power will make us angry and our anger is the major cause for most of our problems in life.

       To be mentally strong in life surround yourself with the people who are really positive and optimistic towards life. Don’t connect yourself with the people who are negative minded and the ones who focus on the dark side of life. The world is filled with people who are both positive as well as negative but the option is up to us to choose people whom we like to connect with.

       The positive qualities that each of us should at least strive to have in their life should be – bold, unique, believing in all good things, not worrying so much about the things which are out of our control. Be a person who can be really positive in life rather than just be pretending to be that person.




Sunday 23 May 2021

Few Things In Life Is A Chioce But Choose Wisely


      The people we meet in our life, the people who we are close to us in life, the books we read, the movies we watch and the television programs we watch shapes our thought and that eventually gets transferred into our mindset. The people, things and materials which we are closely associated with makes a great impact in everything we do in our life. A person’s individuality is designed based on all this things which they get influenced by in life.

       We cannot choose everything in life but few things comes with options and so we can choose them according to our will and wish. When you are granted with options choose things which can shape you as an individual. Surround yourself with all good people who will help you to become the better person not just for today but for your future as well.

       We can choose our friends, we can choose with whom we can spend most of our time with, we can choose good books and we can choose things which are present around us with options. Take charge of yourself and do good things to yourself by choosing the best options available in your list.







Saturday 22 May 2021

Privacy Is Power


       Privacy is something important to each and every human being who exists in this earth. When we fail to spend a quality time with ourselves and our thoughts we just get stuck somewhere. When we get stuck that eventually reflects in the form of anger and frustration. Never allow yourself to feel that kind of anger in life because that will destroy all your good thoughts and vibes.

        Spend time with yourself. Do things which you love and don’t always occupy yourself with the thoughts of other people around you. When we focus on the others we just lose our individuality and identity. Soon we will become that person who we never wanted to be.

        Individuality is something unique and we can develop that by spending more time with ourselves. Listen to others but listen to your own thoughts as well. Everyone’s thoughts and beliefs might not match with you so listen and accept the ones which match with you but on the other hand just evaporate the thoughts which does’nt match with your belief. Most importantly have standard and quality thoughts which will be useful for your growth.







Friday 21 May 2021

Quotes Of The Day


1.      Happiness is not the destination rather it is a journey.

2.      Smile is contagious which have the power to light up the spirit of other people around us.

3.      Connect yourself with your heart to relish your existence.

4.      Spread good vibes.

5.      Motivate and encourage people who are low and lost because a person who enlightens people with happiness will be remembered for a long time.


Thursday 20 May 2021

Take Quality Rest


       A proper rest during the most needed time will help us to refresh ourselves. When we refresh our mind and body we will get recharged and that will eventually make us stress free in life. When we work 24/7 for a whole month we will get drained up and that will make us lose focus. So, it is essential to take rest to think of all fresh and happy thoughts.

       Now-a-days, the problem with people is that they are not taking enough rest or they are taking too much rest which ends up spoiling our mental strength. Don’t take too much rest because that will make us unfocused towards life and all other things which will help us to grow in life on the other hand take rest for a day or two. Be with your own thoughts, never stress about anything and most importantly don’t make so much plans because making so much of plans about life during the days when we try to make our minds free will take up all our happiness.

        Read good book, even re-read few chapters from your favourite collection, spend time with nature, hear good music, read your old journals and do things which you rarely do to make yourself happy. Spend quality time with yourself, your thoughts and your mind and with your heart.



Wednesday 19 May 2021

Kindness Is The Quality Of Divine


        Kindness is the most special language which is spoken by only few people in this world. It is not at all easy to stay kind all time because the toughest days will test our utmost patience. When our patience was put under test that is where we start to lose our kindness. Kindness is the asset which is owned by only very few people and they are the rarest gems of the world. I always believe that kindness is the quality of divine. The people who are kind most of the time are the beautiful creatures who spread divine love on this earth.

        Everyone in this world will try to be kind but practicing that kindness and putting that into practice need a lot of effort from our side. Mastering kindness is the best virtue of human who is really good at heart.

         Not everyone in this world gets an opportunity to meet those people who are truly kind at heart. They mostly exist in books, movies and in biographies but witnessing one such individual in front of our eyes during our lifetime is just splendid and miraculous. I always think that a person can have all high goals, dream and passion in life but people should have a ultimate mission that they should try hardest in all possible ways to practice and follow that utmost kindness. Kindness should be our start as well as the end goal in our life.

         Practice kindness and never underestimate the power of kindness because it is the quality of divine.


Tuesday 18 May 2021

Never Judge And Never Complain


       Everyone in this world is different. Our thought process will differ from other people around us. Our belief, thoughts, actions and many things will differ. What we consider as totally wrong and unacceptable might be the best practice for others on the other hand what we consider as the best quality might look like an unwanted practice from others point of view. Each one is different and we cannot do anything about it rather we just have to accept the reality of life.

        If we have the tendency to degrade people by focusing on their bad traits then our life will become a hell which is filled with many insecure feelings. We just have to understand that each one is so different from us because everyone could have lived in a different circumstance and the people they have meet in their life could be different from the people we meet in our life. Our experience in life will be different from others around us.

         Life is not just the same for everyone around us and so people will also be different and they will never be alike in the values we practice. Never judge and never complain because those two qualities will make us weak. Never allow that weakness to overrule your character.





Monday 17 May 2021

Mind and Heart


       Life is the combination of good as well as not so good days. Every day is just the part of our life. Sometimes, we can try and change our mindset but during certain times it is hard to convince our mind and make it focus on the good things. Here, during those tough days we should not force to bring back our mind into the normal state because when we do such things our mind will think more about that particular thing which bothers us.

        Rather, we can give our mind a kind of hope and confidence that this phase of toughness will end soon. Staying positive is different from forcing to be positive all the time. Our mind needs certain time to process few things and we just have to give that time to dwell in its own thoughts. To keep our mind and thoughts under our control at first we should go by its way to know about itself. When we understand our mind and the thoughts which it often thinks then we can tune our mind towards good things.

         Our mind is all about the thoughts which run within it and to have a control over our thoughts we should also have a control over our heart. Our thoughts are just the reflection of the things which runs within our heart. Mind, thoughts, heart and emotions are just interconnected with each other. If one gets happy other will also be happy and cheerful but when one gets dull others will also become unhappy.



Sunday 16 May 2021

Parent - Child Relationship


       There is no replacements or choices for choosing few relationships in life. A parent cannot choose their biological children and anyone in this world cannot choose their parents rather both this relationships are just gifts which we are gifted with in this particular lifetime. A person should not and cannot complaint that they could have had a better parent in their life. On the other hand a parent should not complaint that they could have had a better child than their own children.

        We human beings don’t have the power towards controlling the uncontrollable things in life. If we run behind the things which we cannot have in our life there will always be a huge void within us which cannot be filled at any point in our life. After, some point that void will get transformed into guilt. At the end the guilt we carry within ourselves will never leave us until our last breathe.

        Be a person who can love your parents unconditionally without hurting them at any point in life and at the same time be a good parent to your children. Both this relationships are the gifts of god and nature. When you get worried about holding those relationships in life then life will never bless you with anything which you love. Be a kind child and also be a loving parent.



Saturday 15 May 2021

Fill Yourself With Gratitude


       Expressing our gratitude is considered to be the greatest and the most powerful form of prayer. Each one of us in this world will have at least one reason to be thankful for but most of the times we forget all those good things and blessing we have in our life.

        Be a person who can be grateful for even the simplest privileges you have in life. Full up your soul and spirit with gratefulness.


Friday 14 May 2021

Take Up Responsibility Towards Your Life


       How many hours we spent each day to improve ourselves?

       This is the biggest question which each one of us in this world should ask to ourselves on daily basis. Existing is different from living. To live our life we should do something daily to upgrade ourselves. It might even be the simplest things like learning a new concept, practicing good qualities, reading few pages of the book which lies in our shelves for the long time, helping others and it might be anything which has the power to improve ourself and also others around us.

        Have leisure time but don’t spend your whole day leisurely. In this lockdown days many of us are in our home. We just spend our whole day for entertainment like scrolling our social media, watching television, getting up very late and all other things which just sucks our time. One day will get continued to one week and it will get converted into months. At the end we will end up being lazily lazy.

        When laziness rules our life we become a person who does not have any control over ourselves. Mostly, the children in the house are being lazy now-a-days. They spend their time doing nothing worthy but they are not aware of the importance of learning and upgrading themselves. So, the elder ones in the family should guide them in the right path. Initially, it will be hard to make the children to follow a healthy routine but practice will set things right. The biggest problem everyone faces in each house is - the elder ones in the family are not in the position to advice the younger ones because they too are in the position to change themselves to be in the place to guide the children in the house.

         The elder ones in the family should be the role model for all the younger ones. During 90’s and early 2000’s all the grandparents in the families will be a strict disciplinarian and they too will be proper, punctual and will have healthy routines. Now, in the modern world the elders fail to follow that kind of strict discipline which were once a part of our families. So, be a responsible elder.


Thursday 13 May 2021

Don't Be A Mirror


       When someone is genuinely good towards you in life then be genuinely good towards them but on the other hand when someone treats you badly even be good towards those people because our behavior should not depend and differ. Treat everyone equally in a good way. Sometimes, people proudly say that they are like mirror who reflect the behavior of others but that kind of attitude is totally wrong. It will make us lose our individuality and good values we practice in our life.

       What is the use of showing our goodness towards the people who are already good in life?

       Be kind, loving, true and genuinely good towards all the people who meet in your life. Never judge others based on their behavior rather be an example to them. I personally know few individuals who are genuinely kind hearted towards everyone. Those people have the power to touch the life of maximum number of individuals they meet in their life. They will be remembered for lifetime and their stories will be shared for generations.

       When we become a person who can be kind and good towards all our fellow humans then life will just become a heaven on this earth. People around you will love to stay in touch with you, they will consider you as an example in so many ways, most importantly they will never ever forget you in their life.






Wednesday 12 May 2021

The Power Of Silence


       It is believed widely that silence in the best answer to all the toughest questions which exists in the earth. Practicing the quality of silence will help us to prevent ourselves from the unwanted stuffs which happen around us. Silence is something beautiful which we can practice and make our living smooth and stress free.

       Here, it is important not only to stay calm and silent during the tough times in life but it is also essential to practice silence daily. Sit silently with your own thoughts and think about all the random thoughts which flicker in your mind but make sure you think of all good thoughts which can help you grow. Never think about all the problem and get more stressed about them rather think of all good things you have in your life. One good thought will eventually take us through all the good things which we have in our life and that will lead us to  feel grateful and thankful.

       All the good and positive things we think in the moments of silence will attract all the good things into our life. A quality amount of silence will gift us a quality life which will turn out to be a blessing. Silence is the most powerful weapon which will help us to discover ourselves and also will help us to improve ourselves without much guidance and advice of others around us.





Tuesday 11 May 2021

Near And Dear Ones


       Whoever and whatever we might be in this big beautiful world. We may have great dreams, burning passion and aspiration towards things we love to have in our life. We might do great thing in this world and can become popular but all the things we do in our life will always be connected with the people around us especially the people whom we love and the ones whom we like to see happy all the time.

        Each human being life is invisibly interconnected with all the near and dear ones in our life. Our success and failures will have great impact on the people who consider us as the part of themselves.

         If we accept it or not the true fact is that we human beings live and work more to make the people around us happy. Here, this is the beauty of life which is something magical. It is our responsibility to keep the people around us happy because knowingly or unknowingly they bring huge amount of happiness into our life just by being there for us and loving us unconditionally.







Monday 10 May 2021

Character Is The Highest Virtue

         Each day in our life is an opportunity to improve ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We were given opportunities to think good thoughts, feel happy emotions and be thankful towards the life we are blessed with. Here, all the qualities we improve and follow eventually becomes our character. It is easy to alter the qualities we practice but it is hard to transform that into our character.

         Character is something which permanently stays within us. Whenever you try to alter any of your qualities transform that into your character. Get it to your inner self and make the change inside your heart.

          If our character becomes good then our life will become better. Character is something precious which we can gift to ourselves.  

Sunday 9 May 2021

Choose Your Thoughts


        It is hard to stay positive all the time like staying inspired, thinking of all the good people and things we have in our life, being grateful towards everything which we consider as a blessing. Sometimes we might forget all the good and happy things which we have in our life rather we will list out the things which we aspire to have in our life.

         The biggest problem which many people in this world commonly face is the positive and not so positive thoughts which run in their mind. We are just our thoughts. When we think good thoughts we naturally become happy but when we think about all the flaws we become unhappy but we don’t have proper control over our thoughts.

          We never decide what to think rather our thoughts choose us. Here, never follow all your random thoughts but follow your intuitions. Choose your thoughts and never react to all the thoughts which flash in your mind. It is common to feel low during certain times in life but never allow that certain time to occupy your maximum time.

Saturday 8 May 2021

Families Are The Compass That Guide Us


         We human beings learn, evolve and try to become the better individual. A normal person who tries to develop himself will learn more about the things which interest him, the things which can help him to grow and the things which can make his life better. We learn and we know that learning is all about growing.

          The major part of our growth in life lies in the stories we hear from the elder ones especially the elder ones in our family. We learn all the greatest life lessons by hearing their experience and the incidents which happened in their life. Our grandparents and parents are the best guiding lights who can help us to view the world from a wider perspective. Our fears, insecurities, worries and few unknown answers about life will vanish off when we speak with them about the life which they have experienced.

          You may learn from the greatest teachers in the world, you might read the best books in the world, you might even be guided by the best mentors in the world but all this will surely be not equal to the life lessons which you learn from the elder ones in your family. They will have a lot of things to share but we should have ears to listen to their valuable words which are precious than anything in this world.

          To be confident, happy, bold and strong in life we should lend our ears to the people who are closely and deeply connected with us through blood. Few things in life can only be taught by those people whom we call as our own in this big beautiful world.







Friday 7 May 2021

What Makes Life Beautiful?


        If there could be a million answers to a single question then that question could probably be “What makes life beautiful?”

        Each one of us in the world will have different and their own answers to this particular question. Some might say that love makes life beautiful, many might say that being rich and having a sophisticated living makes life beautiful, few might say that learning and evolving makes life beautiful. There are many more answers which are left out in this world for this ever beautiful question about life.

         Now, I put this question in a different way “What makes our vacation or our trips beautiful and worth enjoying?” When we plan too much it ends up being a normal trip which is little bit fun filled but those unexpected and unplanned trips remains as an evergreen memory which we carry in our hearts for a lifetime. Here, it is clear that the happiness and beauty lies in everything which happens very unexpectedly in our life.

         Beauty of life lies in its unpredictability. Just imagine if you are informed in prior about what is going to happen exactly during the next year. If it is a moment which you dreamt of achieving then can you be able to control your emotions. Can you be normal, will you work harder the same way you do today and will you be just able to live in your present. All this are impossible when we know what is going to happen in our future. Here, the unpredictability of life brings happiness, beauty, joy and bliss into human life.

         Have a passion, dream and work towards achieving them in life but never focus too much on the end results or your tomorrows rather live in your today and live it to your fullest and maximum.


Thursday 6 May 2021

Connect With Your Inner Self


        With each passing day in our life we should become the strongest and better version of ourselves. It is normal to feel weak at times but it is not at all normal to feel that weakness for the maximum amount of time. We should upgrade ourselves positively with all the experiences, challenges, lessons and the situations we face in life.

         Most the people in the world will get de-motivated when they face even a little bit of challenge while walking through the best path in their life. They re-think and recall only the tough days. Here, those people never understand that carrying bad experiences won’t get them anywhere in life. Always remember the best moments and the end result of all the tough days you have gone through.

         Life is all about developing our inner self. When we fail to take care and nourish our inner self then life will always seem to be bitter even during our best days. Grow from within. Understand the things which happen around you and accept the things which were out of your control. Most importantly be the best human or thrive to be the best version of yourself.







Wednesday 5 May 2021

Love Your Life


 “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”

-Paulo Coelho

        In life, when we dream about achieving something and when we truly want something whole heartedly there will always be a way to get their irrespective of all the hurdles and challenges which comes across in our path. When we put our wish and wants to the universe it’ll always find its way to reach us. So, be sure about only throwing all the right things because choosing right things will add value to our life.

        If you are a person who believe in miracle and blessings then life will never fail to surprise you. Even the simplest things which happen in your life will make you feel blessed for just being existing in this beautiful world. When we love the earth, our life and everything which is present around us then all those things will find a time to love us back. When we receive that overwhelming love of the universe we will definitely feel blessed.

        When we live our life out of love towards just living it to its fullest then life will became bliss each day with all positive and happy things around us. Happiness, joy and beauty are present everywhere around us but choosing them makes us feel blessed and overwhelmed. Be wise in choosing and learn to love your life irrespective of all the tough days you face because life is way beautiful that we think or just imagine about it. Realize its value and importance today to enjoy and cherish your living.




Tuesday 4 May 2021

Laughing Improves Our Emotional Health


        We human beings know that laughter is the best medicine but how often we laugh in a month or in a year stays as a huge question mark. We can even pretend to smile at times but laughing is just the natural way of letting our soul rejoice and making ourselves happy. Laugh your heart out at least even once in a month because it has the power to make us fill with infinite positive emotions.

        Watch the movies which can make you laugh and bring tears of laughter in your eyes, speak with your friend who can make you laugh or have a conversation with the members in your family. Laughing can make you happy, positive, it will make your heart light and your mind stress free.

         A person who laughs and stays happy have the advantage of making others happy. Stay joyous and make others happy. A single minute of laughter have the power to make yourself energized and you will became the happiest person. Surround yourself with the people who can add that happiness of laughter into your life or be that kind of person who can spread that happiness to the people around you. Laugh and Love your Life even more.




Monday 3 May 2021

Best Routines Makes Life Happier


        The routine we follow on our daily basis have the power to transform our life. Here, following a effective and positive daily activities depends solely on a individual. It is our responsibility to structure and align the things which can change the course of our life. Leading our life without a proper plan even for a single day shows our lethargic attitude towards the beautiful life which we are gifted with.

        Do something daily which can increase you value, happiness and thoughts. When you are feeling bored in life it is an indicator which tells you that you are goal-less. A person who has goals will never get bored towards the things which happen in his life.

         Plan an effective routine and just make it simple as well as effective during the initial days. Never be too busy to even have a plan for your next day. Life is all about structuring our thoughts and making them powerful and paving way for the miracle to reach us with utmost ease. Without efforts life will always be an empty paper.








Sunday 2 May 2021

Staying Calm And Peaceful


        Being at peace with ourselves is one of the toughest task which may of the human beings struggle to attain in life. Sometimes, our patience will be tested in innumerable ways and many unexpected things might happen to spoil our clarity of mind. During such times in life we lose our cool often and it might even be hard for us to possess the clarity of thoughts.

         Many such moments will surely occur in our life which will test our level of patience to its core. At that times practice the quality of silence and it will be very much hard to put that silence into practice but there is no other way to go. Losing our stability and losing our inner peace will do more harm to us than to the others around you.

          Stay calm, practice not to react too much, just focus your mind on the other things which might bring happiness into your life. Stop reacting too much because too much of reaction towards just unwanted things will spoil our positive vibes. Bring happiness into your life by diverting your mind and making it believe that life is beautiful irrespective of all the tough and rough phases we go thorough just for a very short span of time.

          Life happens and works based on our mindset.





Saturday 1 May 2021

Gratitude And Thankfulness


        Human beings define life with different criteria’s. We define it by our social status, our profession, our qualification and by so many other things but no one define life by the true amount of happiness we experience. A human life should be defined by the amount the happiness we experience in life and also by the amount of happiness we add to the life of the people around us.

         Staying happy and making other happy is the truest form of living our life. To stay happy we should learn the attitude of being thankful for even the simplest and smallest things we have in our life. We should be grateful for the life which we are blessed with. There will always be things we will aspire and dream to have in our life. It is not at all wrong to have desires in life but measuring and limiting our happiness by sticking with those desires is not the truest form of living.

          Being grateful is one of the superior quality. If you practice gratitude then life will automatically get transformed into a beautiful one. Be thankful and grateful towards everything which life has blessed you with.







  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...