Wednesday 30 September 2020

The Power of Thoughts

      We human beings approximately think upto 60,000 thoughts per day and no one here is exceptional. It is hard for the human beings to eliminate thoughts from our mind. Thoughts will just flow randomly and at times we could think about the origin of those thoughts which will eventually lead us to many other thoughts. We cannot co-relate thoughts because it won’t have any kind of proper connections. All this thoughts will make our mind run faster which is 1000 times more than the speed of all the electronic devices.

       Here, our mind will face lot of problems to differentiate the thoughts which we think. It is hard for the mind to understand the important thought and the not so important thought. It will consider all our thoughts as the most important and special one. It will try to process all our thoughts and make our thoughts into realities. Our negative thoughts are not the exceptional ones because mind does not know which is positive and which is negative.

       So, be careful about what you think because our thoughts have a magnetic power to attract things in life. Think good and receive good. Don’t allow random negative thoughts to flow within you.

Monday 28 September 2020

Be that Happiest Person in the World

Who is the happiest person in this World?

      Every one of us will have different answers. One will say the name of the successful businessman, one will say the name of the popular actor, some of us will say that our relatives are the happiest people in the world. Each and everyone’s answer will be totally different from one another. Here, no one in this world considers themselves as the most happiest person in the universe because our mind is designed in the way to pinpoint our own flaws.

      A person who accepts his past, hopes for a best tomorrow and lives in the beautiful today are the ones who live their life to its fullest and happiest. Appreciate, acknowledge, feel happy and blessed about the people and things you have in your life. Be satisfied rather than finding faults because one who is happy about his today has the possibility of making his tomorrow a better one not only for themselves but also for the people around them.

       Be that kind of human who focuses on the good in everything and anything around. Never feel sad and depressed about anything in life because everything will pass and life will move on. Be your happy-self always irrespective of all the situations and people you face in life. It is hard for many people to lead this kind of life filled with happiness but seeing positivity and possibilities everywhere will definitely make us happy and better human for life.




Sunday 27 September 2020

Unspoken Happiness - Tears of Joy

      Few important and special things in life are just priceless but at the same time they are most valuable. We cannot buy them with money. There are things which money can buy - a house, a car and clothes but they can just give us happiness. Happiness and emotions are different from each other. Happiness is a state of mind on the other hand emotions are the state of our well being. It is hard to name that emotions and there are no words to just express them so god has given us two beautiful eyes to express that unnamed emotions. When our hearts is filled with extreme emotion our eyes will shed the tears of happiness.

      We many times associate tears with something sad and unhappy but the other side of tears is beyond happiness. That kind of emotion can only be felt. Any kind of materialistic things cannot give that emotion because they are man-made things. Emotions have a different kind of meaning which is hard to put forth in words. Few examples for this kind of emotions are – a father holding her daughter for the first time, happiness of seeing our loved ones happy, a friend standing by our side during tough times in life.

      Feel this kind of emotions because they are rare, special and unique. It is more than love which we just describe in mere words. The whole world is knowingly or unknowingly searching for this kind of things in life which we fail to name because no one has coined any words to express this emotions. Only our eyes will sparkle with diamond tears - Feel It. 

Plans Have the Power to Work

      We humans have a superstition that our plans will never work most of the times in life. Many times life also proves that by making things just opposite to our plans. All this happens because of us and our thoughts. When you keenly observe yourself and your thoughts you can relate to it. Most of the times we plan something and at the next second we will think of the last time we have planned something which was not executed or not so went well. So, our mind will be filled with negative emotions when we think about the unattained and unachieved things in life.

      Whenever, you plan something think about the possibilities and positive side of those plans. Think about how it will be executed and the happy outcome of that plan. Think about your feelings and emotions when that plan comes true infront of your eyes.

       Everything in life happens as per our inner thoughts so think only good thoughts. When you mind goes towards anything negative pull it back constantly and consciously - think good, positive and happy thoughts. A plan will always work when you believe in it totally without any kind of doubts and questions.

Plan your life work your plan and success will knock at your door.


Saturday 26 September 2020

Inseperable Part of Human Existence

      Maya Angelou said “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. Humans are the most emotional beings on the planet earth. Feelings and emotions are deeply rooted within every individual. It is hard to make a person control his emotions because emotions are uncontrollable and it somehow finds a own place for itself.

      Emotions and feelings do not mean anything sad or negative rather emotions are just infinite. Only few emotions were given names and other sorts of emotions can only be felt. So, be conscious about transmitting your emotions in the form of words either the spoken or the written word. All the words carry some sort of emotion which will eventually make the other individual to feel yourself.

       People will identity and know you by the things you do in your given lifespan. As, we all know and believe that millions of humans have walked before us, millions of humans are walking with us and millions of humans will definitely walk behind us. World will see different kinds of individuals and it will just remember the ones who made it feel special and great.

Friday 25 September 2020

A Tribute to a Mortal Being With Immortal Voice

       Art is the integral part of human existence it is hard to separate any form of art from human life. Pablo Casals said “Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart”. Music is considered to be the richest form of art which tends to fill human beings with infinite emotions. Music can make the plants grow better and humans grow richer and wiser. Musicians, singers and lyricists are hugely respected for the art they produce during their lifetime which eventually lives even after they leave this world.

      We all know humans are the mortal beings and death in the inevitable part of human life but sometimes it is hard to accept and digest this fact. There is nothing strange about death because a person who is born in this world should die one day and leave this world and this the law of nature. The way we live our life will speak and stand for us even after when we leave this world. People will speak about us, praise about us, plead and cry for us. What more a human can do than making the entire generation of human race to speak about him and praise him.

      Today, the legendary Singer Mr. S.P. Balasubrahmanyam has left this world. Everyone in India especially in Tamil Nadu has lost the beautiful singer and best human being who inspired many people to make a living through music. He is a inspiration for all the current and upcoming singers. Birth and death is the most common factor in life but our journey will always be remembered and cherished by our fellow humans. That is what proved once again today by the demise of the great legend. The way we live our life will always gain us immense respect and people will always love us when we are proper, sincere and extra ordinary in the field we have choosen in our life. Being ordinary is common but thriving for extra-ordinary and reaching that with our work and discipline itself is a act of being beyond extra –ordinary.

       I am a great lover of music especially the classics. Mr. S.P.B is one of my most favourite singer and it is hard not to fall for his mesmerizing voice. His songs are the example to prove that music can reach to the core of the human heart and can heal us. His journey and life is an indicator which secretly tells that "Being born in this world is just an ordinary thing but creating a great bench mark for us gives meaning to our existence". “Live your life in the way that your creator should feel proud and happy for just creating you and sending you to this universe”.

       Artists may leave this world but their art will live till the end of human race. For next 100 years people will hear and cherish his songs and after hundred years all the musicians and people will do research about his songs and about how it is possible for a human to be this much greater in a single life-time. It's hard to pursue a passion which we love but it is even more harder to make others love the thing which we are passionate about and that is what he did to the humankind through his music.



Start Now - Today is the Best Day

      We human beings often say that we are waiting for the perfect time and correct opportunity but there is nothing called perfect timing and opportunity in life. If you love to achieve your dreams in life then this is the right time to start off if you have not yet started. Time and tide waits for none. If you miss your today there will be another tomorrow but that tomorrow will not compensate the day you have missed. So, start your ground work today and that will eventually lead to the great victory tomorrow.

       Don’t postpone things in life by giving silly and blame excuses. Giving excuses is easy but working and achieving things in life is difficult. Never blame other for your missed out opportunities rather believe that you are made for greater things in life. Life never stops at any point so never restrict your limitations from dreaming bigger and achieving bigger in life.

        Improve yourself in all areas of life. Life cannot became complete and happy by possessing the one ingredient called professional success rather happiness and achievement in life is measured by the equivalent success in all areas of life (Personal, professional and social). If you are weak in any of the areas then start your ground work today to improve that. Life is not a line rather it is a circle which is full –fledged so improve in all areas of life.


Thursday 24 September 2020

Find out the True Self

       We human beings most often have the same doubts and questions in life. It is hard to answer the questions and it is even harder to give correct answers for that questions. Can you able to guess anything!!!

Do I overestimate myself?

Do I underestimate myself?

      This are the two ultimate questions which is hard to answer but the ones who self-estimates themselves correctly have the chance and possibility of achieving anything in life. When, we overestimate our potential and talents we became lethargic towards our goals. On the other hand, when we underestimate ourselves we tend to fill our mind with all sorts of negativity.

      Aristotle said “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”. Here, the only best way to overcome the issue of this overestimating and underestimating is to have a proper control over yourself which means the act of self- control. A person who has a great control over his own self and follows strict discipline even in performing their daily routine and tasks will never overestimate or underestimate themselves. They’ll clearly know who they are and what their ability, potential & capacity is. They will possess one of the greatest quality which many human beings fail to notice is the quality of working to their maximum potential and possesing constant self-growth.

       Be that kind of individual who takes the best out of them by all their hard work and dedication. Those individuals will never estimate themselves rather they will believe in themselves. 

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Choose the Right Decision

       Life can be lived anyway and it totally depends on the liver to choose the path he is going to travel. Everything depends on the individual. If we choose right things we will be happy rather if we choose wrong things we will end up being unhappy. Life gives us many choices but it is upto an individual to pick up the right one and to pursue that. It may be either in professional life or in personal life the choices we make creates a great impact.

      Do things which feels right and never convince yourself to choose between the right and wrong. Once the choice is made it is hard to get back from that so be wise and clear in choosing things in life. Once you are done with the decision making don’t question yourself whether it is right or wrong. Give your two hundred percent to work towards the things which you have chosen.

      Make right choice and decisions during the time of need and don’t confuse yourself rather have a clear mind which will help you to choose just right things.



Tuesday 22 September 2020

Our Dreams Define Us

      Every individual at some point in their life will have some great dreams and aspirations. It is very common to have dreams because no one will stop us from just dreaming about things in life. Only few people achieve their dreams because they work hard towards that irrespective of all the positive and negative comments they face in life. Everyone around us won’t understand our dreams because each individual in different in their own ways. We cannot blame them for not believing in us. Everyone will have a “because” to prove that our dreams are not worthy enough and few will even tell that it is just the waste of time.

     To have a dream is common and to achieve that dream is called success. So, work hard in what you believe because you surely will have a reason to prove the world that every dream of every person can come true when they fully believes in themselves. Don’t lose hope at any point in life and never question your faith and belief. Do whatever possible to achieve your dream but make sure you don’t take any short cuts.

     “Our ground work will help us to reach the sky”. Have strong basements and build your dream, think about it, dream about it, work hard towards it and finally believe. Shut out all the other noises and opinions around you. When you totally believe in yourself and your dreams then no one can stop you from achieving that in life. Be passionate and never became tired. Have that burning fire of desire to achieve your dream which might now be unknown to the world. It's absolutely fine if no one believes in your dreams because an unknown and unacceptable dreams have more value.

Monday 21 September 2020

Power of God and Prayer

     Whoever or whatever we might be. We each one of us will have strong faith and belief in something. Few people call it as the power of universe, law of attraction and in so many other terms but majority of the human race believes that there is a creator who have created us, protected us and protecting us. I personally believe that without God, I’m nothing in this world. Many of us might feel in that same way and we super extremely believe in God.

     I have written 400+ posts in my blog but I have never written a specific post about God because I felt that he is huge and I am just a little speck of dust to write about him. Today, I felt a kind of intuition and some sort of vibration to write about My Creator – My God. I hope that everyone can connect with me and my words.

     Life is like a two sides of a same coin. One side is filled with all positives like happiness, success, joy and bliss. The other side is filled with all negatives like sadness, failure, rejections, frustration and depression. One side of the coin is the best and the other side of the coin is so bitter. We sometimes suffer in life by undergoing all the negative and bad phase in life. All this happens when we distance ourselves from our creator. We think that our prayer connects us with God but the truth is our belief in prayer actually connects us with God.

     Some people will have the habit and practice of praying daily but suddenly after praying they will question their own faith in god and that is where many people go wrong in life. Praying and seeking God’s blessing totally depends on our belief system.The ultimate belief makes our prayers come true. So, worship God and believe in him totally because lack of faith will lead us to the negative side of the coin.  


Saturday 19 September 2020

Life is Everything

     Bill Gates once said “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose”. We human beings have the tendency of overestimating our knowledge, wisdom and skills by thinking that we are good enough to achieve everything in life. We want the graph of our success to be high and when the graph slows down or reaches down we fail to accept that. Here is where we all go wrong in life. Success is hard to attain and even harder to sustain. No one in this world can be successful all the time and there are replacements to fill our space and void. So, don’t overestimate yourself at any point in life.

     Success brings happiness and joy but failures and rejections are our friend, philosophers and guides. Failures will teach us the most important life lessons. Learn from your failures and don’t approach failures with the negative mindset and attitude. When your mind and heart starts to believe that the failures are inevitable then it will became harder to achieve success in life. Think of failures as the indicators which indicates us to work even more harder and smarter in our chosen path.

     Be unshakeable either by success or by failures because we are just visitors to this earth. We are here to learn and grow. Life will always hold something for us to learn. The one who thinks that they know everything fails in life and the one who accepts the reality of life wins by learning and growing.

Friday 18 September 2020

Be Weird and Unique

      Does human beings are weird creatures or we are just normal people?

      It is very hard to figure out the answer for this question. Sometimes, people will behave weirdly and at few times they will look so normal. All this characteristics exists within a same individual. We can both be normal and weird. That is how we human beings are designed. People associate weirdness with something strange or unconventional but weirdness is about doing things in our own happy ways.

     The normal individual thinks and reacts to everything in a very normal sense. They will be objective and believe that the world works in a one particular way. Those people try to fit into all the rules which are framed by the people around them. They will live their life to prove others that they are normal, successful, happy and intelligent.

     The weird people may seem weird in the eyes of others around them but they will enjoy their own life without worrying about pleasing everyone. Their weirdness might seem unnatural today but that will help them to lead a different life what others just dream of living. So, be weird because being normal is common and usual. If you want to be usual be normal but if you aspire to be great then be weird.


Thursday 17 September 2020

Make Your Own Rules

      A school has a set of rules, a college and an institution has a set of rules, a organization has a set of rules, our state has a set of rules, our country has a set of rules. Each and every place which is designed for human growth has some set of rules to follow. All this rules are framed to make the life of the humanity and the individuals better but the important question here is, do we have the set of rules for ourselves ? Many people in the world try and follow the rules framed by others but they fail to design rules for themselves which will help them to uplift there life.

      Life gives each individual the liberty to frame and design a set of rules for themselves but we take that for granted. We understand that liberty in a very wrong sense which finally leads to non-rule system of living. So, frame certain rules for yourself and follow them till it becomes your habit. Once a rule gets transformed into a healthy habit then life will be fruitful and worth living for.

      Frame rules which will help you to grow in your life. There is nothing wrong in copying few things from others rule sheets. Make some best rules and follow them. Live your life not for the sake of living rather live your life for the sake of growing. Transform your ordinary self into an extra-ordinary self.



Wednesday 16 September 2020

Three Common Traits of Successful People

     We human beings look up to the individuals who are successful in their respective fields. We drive some inspiration and motivation from those personalities. Everyone will have different favourites from various walks of life but all the so called successful people will have few qualities in common. Here are the three common qualities or traits that all the successful and happy people in the world have in common.

1.      The first and the best quality all the people we look up to possess is the quality of respecting their parents and considering them as their role model. They believe that their parents are the best humans that they have ever seen in their life. Starting from Bill Gates to the grocery shop owner whom you consider as successful will possess the habit putting their parents in a pedestal, worshipping them and preaching their values. Recently, Bill Gates said that “My dad was the real Bill Gates. He was all the things I strive to be”. This proves that parents are the great influencers in every successful individual’s life.

2.      The second most important aspect many successful people posses is the act of believing in the creation and the creator. They will be highly a spiritual being and will believe in the power of the universe and god. 

3.      The third most special quality the successful people have is the practice of learning from everyone around them. They will try to learn the perspective of others and they will even learn from other persons mistakes.

      If you love to grow in your life and be successful and happy in what you do then learn from everyone you look up to. 


Improving Self-esteem

     It is common to feel low at times in life. Each of us will feel the lack of confidence in ourselves during certain times. To rebuild our self-esteem and confidence we can do certain things like reading, listening to music, writing something and watching a movie but apart from all this there is one best method which we can use to regain our confidence.

     Doing things which people say that is impossible by us will give us an sense of satisfaction but doing things which we believe that is impossible by us will give us an extreme confidence in ourselves. For example, we may be poor in dancing, drawing and we might lack some sort of skills which we try to improve but that could have end up being an impossible one. Here, during the time when you face that extreme low in your life try and figure out a particular skill which you lack in yourself and practice it and do it till it turns out to be perfect.

     So, by doing the things which we believe that is impossible by us will give us an satisfaction and confidence about ourselves. It will finally boost our self-esteem and will indicate that nothing is impossible in this world. 


Tuesday 15 September 2020

A Life of Bliss

     The lifespan of human beings is about 70-80 years in average. Few people will consider that life is very long because the span of some seventy years is not just a small amount rather few people will tell that life is very short and we are here for just a small time. Whatever, category of people you might belong to but everyone is gifted with same 24 hours a day. The one who uses it wisely will never consider their lifespan as a shorter time rather one who finds excuses and postpones his duties to tomorrow will think that the lifespan is very short.

     All this indicates that “a person who uses his time wisely cherishes his life more than all others around him”. So, manage your time effectively and grow up in all areas of life. Growing and succeeding in just one area of life is quite easy but being a successful individual in all areas of life is hard to achieve and even harder to sustain.

Utilize your life and live it to its fullest by possessing balance, happiness and success. To be an individual like this we should first have a control over ourselves, our thoughts, our beliefs and we should totally believe that life is great and we are blessed to be here in this universe. 


Monday 14 September 2020

Be there for Others

     In today’s modern world we human beings care more about ourselves and our individualities. That is absolutely a good one until it never hurts anyone around us. Don’t be too much self-centered because we need our fellow beings during our dark phase of life as well as to share our happiness. Don’t build wall around yourself by letting others outside and cocooning yourself inside that wall. Rather be there for others and lend your shoulders for them when they face tough times in life and be there with them to celebrate their happiness as well.

     There is nothing beautiful in this world than being there for others when they need us the most. Life will became hard when we even try to distance ourselves from others because it is impossible to live without human ties. Protect your individuality but at the same time don’t be over protective.

     Never try to stand alone rather try and be along with the people whom you love and the people who loves you. Both are important in our life. Believe in unity and prove to the world that “Unity is Strength”.

Live and grow together.



Sunday 13 September 2020

The World Within Us

     Ralph Waldo Emerson said “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”. From this we can clearly understand that we human beings have the immense power within us which we fail to understand and accept. Few people understands that and design their life accordingly but many people consider their problems as the biggest ones and they fail to recognize their inner strengths.

     To believe in ourselves is one of the greatest gift which we can gift to ourselves. The situations and problems before us may seem bigger but possessing a strong willpower will help us to face the situations in a much calmer sense. Nourish your inner self and start to believe that everything is possible.

     Trust yourself. When you think of any negative thoughts tune your mind to focus on the positive till it becomes your habit and character. Never let your inner self to dwell in all unwanted things rather make it stronger by possessing the strong belief system.

Saturday 12 September 2020

The Highest form of Self-love

     We human beings expect everyone around us to be perfect and be disciplined but we many times fail to access our own discipline. At first, what we expect from others should be there within us. When we expect the people around us to be the good humans with all the positive character traits we should also possess the same. Self-discipline is the basic key to master all the beautiful things in life.

     Practice good habits and never leave them at any point in life because it is hard to regain good habits after losing it. Do your duty and work properly without giving any blame excuses. If something feels wrong, try and reconsider it and decide the best thing which feels correct to your instincts. A self- disciplined person will be an example for everyone around him. Don’t preach others to follow good things in life rather be an living example by being an strict disciplinarian for yourself.

      Discipline yourself and became the better version of yourself.

Thursday 10 September 2020

Balance between Personal and Professional Life

     Our intelligence and knowledge does not have anything to do with our personal and family life. Many people will excel and be successful in their professional life but their personal life will be a not so happy one. To balance both our personal and professional life one should understand that their knowledge will never help then to tackle the problems which they face in their personal life. So, don’t try to prove yourself as a intelligent member in the family rather approach your family members with love, kindness and compassion.

     Use your wisdom to handle the issues which you face in your personal life. Forgive and forget the issues and never hold on with any of the grudges which happens in the family because kindness is the best language which will help us to have the healthy family life. Our personal and the professional lives are two different entities so don’t try to implement the rules which you follow in your office at your home.

     A proper balance will make us a successful professionally and will make us happy with our family. Don’t mix success with family because the word success has nothing to do with relationships.






Wednesday 9 September 2020

The Power of Words

      The words we read, hear and write has the power to create, build and mould our lives. We human beings can also be called as the beings of words because words are such an integral part of human existence. We love to hear good words from others. When someone praises us we will feel good by hearing those words, when someone express their love through words we feel happy to hear those words, when someone teaches us life values we feel motivated by hearing those words. We feel happy by reading books and we fall in love with the words. Sometimes, we pour out our feelings and thoughts in our heart and mind through spoken or written words. All this indicates that words are the inseparable part of human life.

     Words have the infinite power to do anything. So, choose your words correctly and wisely. Erase all the not so positive words from your mind and store all the positive and happy words. Use positive words while speaking and writing. Praise, love and motivate people through your words. Words are the powerful tool which defines our character. People will judge us not only by our looks but also be the words we speak and the words we love to hear.

     Mother Teresa said “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”. Even an single positive and kind word have the power to create a great impact. Choose you words before it chooses you.

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Vibes of the Materialistic Things

Life is Love

      Each and every material thing which we possess will have the kind of frequency and vibration. Many of us are unaware of that fact. The material things possess their own frequency by observing our vibration towards it. For example, if we love the watch we wear that will transmit a kind of good vibration during the time when we look at it. In, the same way every object we possess will turn out to be a positive and negative one by observing our thoughts towards it.

     When, you buy an new footwear and after buying you think that the colour is not good, it does not fits you properly and it is not comfortable. Finally, all this thoughts will affect the frequency of that material object and that will emit only negative result like making us fall down. So, understand the equations of the materialistic things starting from the watch you wear, the mobile you use, the bike in which you travel and the money you handle.

      Have and possess those materialistic things only if you feel a kind of positive and good energy towards it. Don’t hold on with the things which you don’t love to have but having it for the sake of having. Transmit your energy to the things you love and they will also love you back and most importantly they will protect you from all the negative thoughts. 


The Power of Intuition

     Listen, listen, listen and listen to your inner voice because it will always be correct. Inner voice can also be called as intuition. Our intuition will often indicate what is good as well as what is bad for us. So, follow your intuitions rather than listening to others words. If, something feels good go for it and pursue it but at the same time if something feels bad never give it a second thought rather stop doing it immediately.

     We many times suffer in life because we do things which are exactly opposite to our intuitions. When our inner voice tells to do something we just ignore it or prolong doing that and it’ll lead to nothing good in life. A person who follows his intuitions succeeds in life by acquiring happiness, wealth, career and everything which they love to have in their life.

      Listen to your intuitions keenly and react to it instantly without giving any second thought towards it. Everything which we search outside of us already lies inside and within us. So, discover you self and your intuitions.

Monday 7 September 2020

The Art of Forgiving and Forgetting

       There is a huge difference between forgiving and forgetting but we human beings never really understand the correct meaning of the two words. We do things exactly opposite. We forgive the things we tend to forget but we forget the things that we should forgive. We can put this statement in an another way: when a person does something bad for us knowingly or unknowingly we often hold on with those grudges and we never even try to forgive that person rather we try to forget them which will eventually lead to an disaster. It is hard for a human being to forget his fellow human and it is not at all a possible one. Just, think of it – have you ever forget anyone in your life who have done something good nor bad. The answer will be an big no because forgetting is impossible.

      Trying to sort out the impossible will hurt us more rather than healing us. So, whenever you face a bad experience due to someone in your life try to forget the bad incident and try to remember the good lesson you have learned from that and most importantly remember that person for teaching you the best lesson in your life.

      I always believe that holding on to the grudges will make us weak and spoil our mental health which will lead to nothing good in our life. So, practice the act of forgetting the issues, problems and bad phase. Remember the lesson and the person. Understand, Life is hard to live without human ties.

Saturday 5 September 2020

Inner Child

     The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche tells that “In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play” and he also tells that keep the child within you alive even as you grow up. All this indicates and insists us that we have never let the child within us to let go at any point in life. 

      On, the other hand we human beings naturally or by default will have the attitude of a child within us and we cannot deny that fact. Sometimes, we’ll do something so childish and everyone around us will tell that our attitude is so childish but we will feel happy by doing that. Each and everyone of us will have atleast one childish behavior which will be irritating for everyone around us but it’ll be our happiness.

     Discover that side of you to remain happy in life. Feel happy if it already exists. On the other hand, don’t be too childish because that will only earn you the label called foolish. Be balanced and possess the heart of the child and the mind of the grown up. Cherish your life by living it to its fullest.

Friday 4 September 2020

The Magnificence of Human Mind

       “One who wins his own mind wins life”. Our mind is our friend, mentor, guide, therapist and philosopher. What we expect from the outer world already exits there in our inner world. Words fall short to express the magnitude of human mind. Mind can imagine things which does not even exists in the real world. The whole world and the entire universe is small infront of the power of human mind. It can imagine things, it can process thoughts and can convert them into action. It does not have any limit and it thinks whatever it wants and it is hard to control the human mind and its thoughts.

      According, to me the greatest gift that god has gifted us with is “Our Mind”. A well- constructed space which gives room for all the crazy thoughts. Mind is such a powerful asset which each and every human being possess. We cannot complaint that we don’t have mind but it is upto an individual to convert our mind as a creator or an spoiler. When your mind is filled with great grand imaginations, positive energy, love, gratitude and peace then your mind can be termed as the creator or the generator of all the good things in the world. On the other hand, when your mind is filled with anger, lust, envy and all negative traits then your mind is your spoiler.

      So, it is an individual’s responsibility to take care of their precious gift – Mind. Take good care of your mind and your thoughts because your mind and thoughts defines your character.


Thursday 3 September 2020

Unwanted Panic Attacks - Fear of Responsibility

      We human beings sometimes experience panic-attacks in life. For some people it’ll occur rarely but for few people panic- attacks will be the part of their routine. They will get panic over anything and everything that comes in there way. Most of us will have this kind doubts in our life: How will I do this?, What If I do something Wrong?, What If people mock at me? and so many other questions.

     All this panic attacks happens only to the people who does not believe in themselves or the people who are lethargic about their responsibilities in life. The lack of belief in oneself is the biggest drawback which leads to all the negative emotions. On the other had being lethargic and postponing our duties and worrying at the end of the day is just a self-mockery. Don’t ever underestimate yourself and don’t be too lazy because both is qualities are like slow poison which will kill us with panic attacks.

     Be prepared for anything and everything, if not don’t get panic because panicking will increase the problem rather than giving confidence. If you cannot be confident enough there is no problem about that but don’t be confident less rather have balance and control.

Different Perspectives

      Each and every human being is different and everyone will have their own views and perspective towards life. What is correct from our perspective will seem to be wrong from the others person’s point of view on the other hand what we consider as totally wrong will be an absolutely perfect one from other individuals perspective. We can take the colours for example, one might love the colour yellow and the other person might not like that. So, human beings are different even at choosing their favourite colours  and this indicates that human beings are not common when it’s comes to choosing something in life. Starting from the behavior pattern to the qualities of an individual.

      At, first we should be clear and understand the fact that everyone around is different. We should believe and accept that reality of life. When, someone says that we are wrong we should not argue with them rather we should think from that person’s perspective. If we cannot think from the other person’s perspective we should not complain that others are not understanding the things which you are trying to impose upon them because everyone is different.

      Make your own good rules and qualities for your life. Don’t ever try to impose your ideas and thoughts into the other person.  Don’t make things complicated by over-thinking. Accept others if not ignore but don’t make others perspective into your problem.


Tuesday 1 September 2020

The Blessings of the Firstborn in the Family

      Being a first child in a family is the huge responsibility because the flash light will always be upon the first child. The expectations will be high. Everyone around us, especially the parents will expect the first child to be that perfect kid with all good qualities and proper education. But, it is a blessing to be born as a first child in a family because everyone will take care of us and shower immense love. We will also be respected more than our siblings.

     The best thing about being a first child is that the wisdom and knowledge of our parents will directly pass on to the first child. When, we grow up our opinions and decisions will be taken into consideration and we will often be appreciated for all our deeds. Many will complain that being a first child in a family is the huge burden and the people expect me to be perfect all the time in all the things. Rather, consider that as a blessing which our siblings could not enjoy but only we alone can cherish. The first child will always be the closest child to the parents. The parents will take care of the first child as if he/she was still the same 10 year old kid who always runs up to them to seek love, advice, permission and knowledge.

     Consider yourself as the blessed individual when you are the first child in your family because it is the huge gift which universe has given us. The first child will have the privilege of having all the protecting arms of the parents around them all the time.


     The year 2020 is different for each and everyone. We might have never expected this unexpected situation which we are facing for the past six months due to the pandemic – Covid 19. Now, more than half of this year 2020 was almost over. We are now in the month of September and after three months we will be entering into the new year 2021. We many of us consider that 2020 as the bad year which have brought some many crisis int our lives. It is hard for the people to process many things which we are facing in our day- to- day life.  We are complaining about everything and anything but it is the human nature to adapt to situations which eventually makes life easier. Here, we can clearly understand that the concept of adapting to the things which we believe is impossible makes life better. The best lesson we humans should learn from this pandemic was that “adaptation can solve problem and can make life easier and better”.

     Hereafter, whenever we face something difficult in our life which is hard for us to accept think of this pandemic situation. Everything is unpredictable in life but they are adaptable as well. Never get panicked over the unknown rather tune your mind to see the good and positive side of life just by adapting to the situations which we were thrown into by our destiny.





  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...