Saturday 31 October 2020

Success and Failure

      When something good happens in our life we always like to take the credit. We will say that we have achieved success through our hard work, dedication and determination but on the other hand when something opposite happens we will blame the destiny, the people around us and our situation. Many of us in this world love to project ourselves as the successful, happy and popular individuals. Nobody loves to carry the tag - loser because we consider that as bad.

      When we succeed in life it is not only about our hard work and perseverance but there will always be an X-factor which might have guided us to reach that success. It might be our prayer, the support of our family or the motivating words from our surroundings. So, whenever you feel as if you have achieved something which might be so little in life develop the attitude of sharing your success with everyone around you. Don’t take too much credit for yourself.

       Whenever you face failure in life be strong and positive because there will always be a reason behind both our success and failure. Yesterday’s failures might be the road to our future success so accept your failures and grow in life. When you fail to accept your failures you will miss your road to success.

        Don’t lose yourself either in success or in failure rather live your life with thankful heart and positive mind.





Friday 30 October 2020

Learn From The People You Admire

      We meet many people in our life but we will remember only few. Mostly, we filter that few from the best people we meet in our life in terms of their character and the qualities they possess. We admire few qualities from other people like kindness, patience, being more spiritual or being so positive. We might love those qualities because we might be the person who will be same as the person whom we admire or we might be the person who lack those qualities and so we will admire when others have them.

       When you admire some qualities from others try to develop those qualities if you lack them. When you learn and acquire that quality you will gain more confidence and positive energy. The amount of love we have for ourselves will increase when we learn the things we love the most.

         Acquiring good qualities can help us to transform ourselves into a better individual. If you think that you should acquire good quality it is hard to grab them and put them into practice. On the other hand when you admire something you can feel that and that feeling will help you to learn and acquire the best qualities. So, Learn the things which you admire from your fellow humans.


Thursday 29 October 2020

Beauty Of Afternoons

      We speak about the beauty of the morning, we talk about the pleasant evenings and we describe about the wonderful night sky but somewhere here in this list we often miss out the feel of the afternoons. We consider afternoons as the sleepy and slow hours of the day but afternoons are the best times in a day for the ones who possess the attitude to focus on the beauty of the life.

      The sun at the centre of the sky, where everything around is bright and nothing to hide and bright hours of the day. When everyone is waiting for the evening to drink a cup of tea or coffee the afternoons pass by with half closed human eyes, empty streets and bright light. A person who truly loves his life will never fail to love afternoons because they can resonate themselves with the mood of afternoon. Mornings can change its beauty by pouring more snow and cold, evenings can change its nature by hitting us with cool breeze, nights too can change its colour by pouring heavy rain but afternoon are mostly the same with bright burning sun.

        A person who never changes his goodness, positive attitude and character are like afternoons. Those people may remain unnoticed by the world though they are good but they are the ones who hold the true beauty within themselves. Just feel the vibes of the afternoon to know about the people who possess the calm demeanor of the ever-changing afternoon.

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Dress to Impress Yourself

     There is a famous proverb in tamil “Aal pathi aadai paathi”. What we are is 50% and how we dress to 50% and that decides who we are. Everyone have the unique way of dressing. We may copy few styles from others but at the end of the day the way we carry ourselves matters the most. Every person will have a lucky dress and lucky colour. We could always love to connect ourselves with the dress we wear to make it more lucky, comfortable, neat and elegant.

      During this pandemic many of us work from our home and so we have forgotten the art of dressing. We wear comfortable dresses and mostly the night wear for the whole day. When we dress in a boring way life will also seem to be boring and we might feel lazy at times. When we dress well be will gain confidence and it will automatically generate lot of positive energy. Whenever you feel low and lost, dress up and impress yourself.

      People around us will judge us by the way we dress so wear simple as well as neat clothes. Possess a unique style for yourself. Never dress to impress people rather dress up to feel good about yourself and that will eventually make others to feel good about you.

 (Topic Courtesy: Harsha- The girl who always impresses me with different ideas and also makes me think out of the box. Have did the same today.)

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Confidence in Achieving Goals

     Confidence is the most important ingredient which is essential to lead a happy life. Being confident during the good times in life in easy but maintaining that confidence level during the tough times make us emerge stronger and positive in life. All other qualities like kindness, love and happiness can be rebuilt easily but confidence is hard to rebuilt once you lose your confidence because losing confidence will rise many negative questions in our mind.

      The world and the people around us may not believe in the things which we believe in life. Many people will question our dreams, passion and life but all this questions should not affect our confidence. The successful individuals whom we consider as our role model today are the ones who possessed high level of confidence.

      There may be times in your path when you will feel extremely low, things may not go in the way you have planned and many things may happen against you. Here, all this are the tests which is conducted by life to know our potential, belief and confidence. Stay confident and prove that you are the most fittest survivor. When you start building and increasing your confidence level life will bless you with all good things.

 (Topic Courtesy: Jeevitha)

Monday 26 October 2020

Perfection Does Not Exist

      Do anything called perfect exists in this world?

      We human beings want everything to be perfect in life. We love to have a rich life, healthy and fit body, beautiful face, a good education and knowledge, a respectful job and so many other things. We add new things daily to our list of attaining the criteria of living that so called perfect life but it is impossible to have a perfect life. Everyone in this world are starving to reach that perfect life because we believe that extreme happiness resides there in a perfect life.

      No person is perfect in this world rather we are doing our best to reach that state of perfection but it is impossible to reach that state because there is no such thing called perfect in this world. The world we live in is designed in the way to tempt us and to make us feel more greedy towards the things which we like to have in our life. If you are a person who is running towards that perfect life stop your race, stand still and look around then you will realize that life is beautiful already. When you stop running towards perfection you will enjoy the beauty of every moment but this doesn’t mean that you should not have goals and dreams in life. Rather, work towards the things which you want and improve yourself but don’t settle as well as don’t search for perfection. Life is a journey it is not a destination to reach and shout to the world that you have succeeded.

      Life is always good for the ones who enjoy each and every moment because life is meant for living it fully as well as daily. Don’t think that happiness waits for you rather grab happiness and enjoy it without thinking about the non-existing perfection.


Sunday 25 October 2020

Live A Magical Life

      Many times in life we human beings fail and fear to believe in the unknown. We always try to find and figure out the logic but sometimes we have to just believe in the magic of life. That magic can be called as the will of god, luck or whatever it can be. Believe that life holds many magical moments to just surprise you and make you happy. We know that life is unpredictable but hope and believe that unpredictability holds some good things for you.

      The best way to attract that magic towards us is to stay positive in life. When we reach that extreme level of positivity where everything around you makes you feel good then it is an indicator which tells you that a tremendous magic is going to happen in our life. We all of us love happy changes but the problem is we fear to believe. Logic is important in life but don’t try to find out too much logic about anything which you do or anything which happens to you in life.

      We connect ourselves with the god and the universe only through our belief not with our logical skills. So, do your duty properly and wait for that magic to happen in your life. Feel as if you are attracting more positive things into your life and that will make you happy and positive.


Saturday 24 October 2020

A Big Thank You to All the Grandparents on Behalf of All Grandchildren


      Do anyone in this world can love us more than our parents. We all know and believe that our parents love us the most in this world and it is true that our parents love us but not as much as our grandparents. Grandparents are the most special people in everyone’s life. Only through them we understand that unconditional selfless love exists in this world. Especially, grandmothers will be more loving towards her grandchildren.

      I could like to share a incident from my own life to show how much loving grandmothers are. When, I was 10 years old I had severe fever but my parents have never told that to my grandmother because she was undergoing treatment for her breast cancer. At, certain point it is unmanageable to hide the truth from my grandmother. After she heard that I was ill she cancelled her surgery which has be done the next day. Later, she travelled from Chennai to Theni which was a great medical risk. Doctors have advised as well as warned her not to do this but she was unstoppable and finally she came here to see me.

      Grandmothers will turn out to be selfless humans when their grandchildren were in trouble. You are the gifted individual if you still have grandparents in your life. The process of ageing and growing old will transform us from a selfish individual into a selfless soul and will fill us with lot of positive emotions like love, selflessness, kindness and sacrifice. This post is the reminder for everyone to take out a time from their busy life and to think and thank their grandparents for the selfless love which they have poured towards us.

(Idea Courtesy: My Friend come Sister Anjana asked me to write about this topic. Thank you Anjana Akka for your suggestion. I dedicate this post to my dear friend Rajashree because as per my understanding she is the one who loves her grandmother the fullest and to the core.)

Friday 23 October 2020

Don't Support Wrong Things by Labelling it as Love

      Love and duty are two different things which cannot be intertwined because they are two different entities. The great example for this is the relationship between parents and children. Parents will be more lovable and caring towards their children and they will do anything and everything for their betterment. At the same time, parents are the most strict personalities in every child’s life because love and duty are two different things. Parents expect their children to be good, obedient and perfect individuals. It will be hard for a parent to accept the behaviour of their children when they fail to do their duties. Here, is where love is overruled in a different way.

      When a person whom we love so much does something bad or fails to do his duty we should not be biased and accept their behaviour a good one. Show your love and care for them but never let that love to spoil their life. Be strict at times whenever it is needed. When we act strict towards the person we love they may think that we are cruel towards them but later they will understand our good attitude and especially our love.

      Don’t appreciate wrong things by labeling it as love rather love them wherever it is needed and be strict whenever it is undeniable.

(Idea Courtesy: My brother (Barani Kannan) told me about this beautiful and thoughtful idea which he often thought about. If, anyone who is reading this have any idea or topic in your mind which you expect me to write then leave that in the comment section.)


Thursday 22 October 2020

Perfect Yourself

      Never compete with the people around you because it will give you a sense of dissatisfaction. It will inculcate the attitude of jealousy within you rather be your own competitor and involve yourself in the process making you better each day. Learn and evolve daily. When you compete with others there are chances of you choosing wrong directions to reach your goal because when your competitor chooses a wrong route you will also be tempted to do the same.

      A slow and steady progress is better than progressing in the wrong ways. Never compare your path, process, progress and success with others because each one of us are different and we have different missions to accomplish in life. People talk about healthy competitions but too much of competition is not at all healthy because it will develop only the attitude of competiveness, jealousy, hatred and so many other things within us.

      Enrich your knowledge and wisdom on the daily basis. Consider others as your fellow individual and never hold anything bad against them. Appreciate others when they do something good. Be genuine to yourself and that will eventually make you look genuine infront of others. Don’t try to prove yourself to others rather be yourself and be good. The attitude of goodness which you hold within yourself will surely be reflected outside in some way. Be a clean, complete, good and gentle human being.



Wednesday 21 October 2020

Human Instincts

      Many times in life our instincts and heart knows what is happening in our life and also what is going to happen in our life. We humans ignore our instincts sometimes and that is where we fall into the trap. So, listen to your heart whenever you feel low as well as high because deep down our heart knows everything.

      Hear your inner voice and most importantly believe your inner voice. We ourselves are the indicators to us. Never confuse yourself and your mind by thinking too much because too much of thinking will spoil and make you forget your instincts. Don’t take suggestions and opinions from too many people around you because that will spoil both your mind as well as your instinct.

      Life has its own flow and it will flow smoothly when you allow it to function in its own way rather when you disturb its flow it will start to disturb your peace. Ups and downs are the part of life. Our mind which accepts and celebrates the happy moments fail to even think about small lows because it never believes in the process of life. Follow your instincts and remain unaffected by anything to remain positive in life. It is easy to destroy our peace of mind but it is hard to bring back that peace so remain stable and unaffected. 


Tuesday 20 October 2020

Bounce Back Faster

      It is common to experience both good and bad days in life but the attitude which we choose to follow defines our life. A person cannot always enjoy the good times because bad days do exists but on the other hand a person cannot always dwell on bad days because good days do exists. Here, we human beings easily fall into the trap of the bad days from our good days but it is very hard for us to bounce back from the bad days and enter into the happy and pleasant days.

       We easily fall into negative things while enjoying the positive things but once we get into that negative mood we struggle a lot to get back that positive energy which we had before. Finally, we start from the beginning and try to build that positive energy but when negative things happen we fall again and we again start from the beginning. It is hard for the humans to catch up that positive spirit from where we have left because we dwell and intake more of negative thoughts and feelings.

       To maintain a balance between your good and bad days try to create something which you can rely upon when you face bad days. It might be sticking to your beliefs like prayer, meditation, reading, writing, drawing or any other thing which can give you confidence and pour more positive vibes into your life. Here, the most important aspect is never question the things which you rely upon because that will break your entire positive energy.

       Have your own and great support system which will help you to bounce back stronger, positive, happier and most importantly with lot of energy and confidence to face life. Don’t complicate things rather keep it simple to make it simple.


Monday 19 October 2020

Self-Doubt Vs Belief

      The deadliest disease in this world is “Self-doubt”. It will make an individual to doubt himself to its core. All the things which seemed to be correct will suddenly seem to be wrong. We will start to doubt even our abilities and strength. Our mind and heart will be filled with infinite questions. Any other negative quality of an individual is quite easy to overcome but self-doubt will kill an individual. It is hard to overcome that attitude and bring back our mind to focus on the positives in life.

      When you are fallen into this trap of self-doubt there is only one way to overcome this difficult phase – “Belief”. Start to believe in the unknown.  At first it will be so hard to believe which is purely unknown but there is no other go in life to change our self-doubt. When others question our abilities we can manage and be strong but if we ourselves question our life then it is impossible to even think about being strong. Many people fail and lose their life when they fall into this phase of self-doubt and it will be hard to bounce back. Here is where 90% of the people lose themselves and accept the unwanted.

      You don’t be that person and accept your self-doubt rather cling and hold on with your belief system. Your support systems may be demolished and your roots might be shaken but never allow all this to affect your belief towards something which you always trust. It is beyond harder to overcome this phase of self-doubt but there is no other way to go than believing so believe, believe, believe.



Sunday 18 October 2020

Life Is All About Expecting the Unexpected

     Life is the weirdest teacher which teaches us many weirdest things during the most unexpected time. When we thoroughly prepare ourselves for something in life it will surprise us by giving us the different question paper. Life will give a arts student a science question paper and to a science student a computer science question paper. Here, we cannot change our question papers. We cannot even complain that it is not our question paper rather we have to just accept.

      Life is filled with invisible twists and turns. All the unexpected things will happen at the most unexpected time. Here, the only option which is left to the human is to choose our attitude towards the things which life has granted us. Few people might consider the unexpected incidents in a negative way but few will take in a more positive way. Be that positive person who accept things which life passes towards you. If you fail to accept then life will start to throw things towards you. When life starts throwing it will hit us hard and it will give us more pain so accept things when life is kind towards you.

      Sometimes all human logic, plans and preparations will be put under test to bring out the best in us. During, that phase remain positive and possess the attitude of acceptance because unexpected things might hold so much value which we may fail to understand today.


Saturday 17 October 2020

Embrace Uncertainity

     Sometimes, there will be topics and ideas blooming in a writer's mind and it will be hard for a writer to choose which to write and which to be left out. On the other hand, there will be few days were it will be hard to get even a single idea. Here, the both will happen to the same individual and this is an indicator to prove that there will be extreme highs in life and also extreme lows which are avoidable.

       The strongest individual should also go through that tough phases to enjoy that happy phase. Uncertainty will teach the value of life. A person cannot emerge stronger without undergoing any struggles. So, whenever you feel extremely low and your experience a kind of void then understand that life preparing you for your next phase.

        A human should always learn and evolve in his life to get better but the phase of evolution will be very hard to accept because it will be filled with unexpected happenings. Be unshaken by the situations you face in your life because everything which happens today will eventually have a good effect on our tomorrow.

Friday 16 October 2020

Stop Overthinking Because Few Things in Life Will Be Decided By Our Destiny

     Sometimes in life we say a statement “My mind is blank”. It indicates that we don’t know what to decide, how to decide and which to decide. Our mind will usually reach that state of blankness when we are asked to decide something in life. Decision making is hard because life will throw different situations towards us. Life does not repeat it’s tasks rather if will create new task and push us to the edge to make decision.

      Here, we can clearly understand that our mind never gets blank rather we ourselves push us into a situations where we think that our mind becomes blank. Never stress yourself rather have a clear mind and think steadily and consciously. Never allow your mind to attain that state of blankness because that will affect our mental health and make us feel inferior.

       To make a good decision in life we should have clear mind. Don’t confuse yourself and your thoughts. Don’t over think because that will lead to great doubts. Few things in life are handled only by destiny. If, your destiny decides something for you accept that without doubts and questions.

Thursday 15 October 2020

Be True to Yourself

      Our character is the reflection of our innerself. We can pretend, act and modify our behaviors and attitudes according to our situations but our character which we hold inside will stay the same. So, it is more important to change our character when something seems to be wrong about us rather we humans alter our behaviors for selfish reasons.

       The easy as well as the difficult way to change our character is to “possess the same character both internally and to the outer world”. We pretend to be sweet, loving, caring and kind towards others but inside will be scolding and cursing them. Here, there is no use is possessing two different characters. That will affect us and others as well.

         Don’t be that dual person who is good outside and the worst inside. If you are bad then show that to the world because people will be aware of you and will take some precautions to prevent them from your behaviors. Rather, if you love to be an good individual practice good things and mould your character and became the better person.

         Being different from others will be helpful for us to achieve many things in life but being different to your inner and outer self will destroy your individuality. People will stop loving and trusting you when you grow your character in this same way. Be genuine to yourself because that will help you to build a good character. Most of the times we underestimate the people around us and we think that they will don’t know about our cunning attitude but the world does not work the way we think. The people around us will surely know our innerself but they will pretend to be good towards you because they will be good from both inside and outside. 

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Adversities Should Transform us into Good Individual


     We many of us believe that the hardships and struggles we face in our life makes us stronger and better individual for life. We learn many life lessons during our tough and hard phase. We gain more wisdom and we use that wisdom to tackle the other problems and situations we face in our life. After that bad phase we human beings transform into two different kind of individual. Many people will jump into the process of becoming the better version of themselves and the other people will develop the process of becoming even more bad than their original self.

      All the human beings in the world knowingly or unknowingly are in the process of developing themselves into better or the worst version of themselves. It includes the one who is reading this as well the one who have written this. Whenever we address that their is a problem in the world about something we just exclude ourselves thinking that we are perfect and others are those victims. The truth is we are one among them.

      So, develop the process of being better rather than complaining about others around. Never label other people as bad to give yourself that good label. What you are is the world you see. If you consider that the people around you are bad then you are also bad on the other hand when you consider that the people around you are the process of developing themselves that defines your good heart and mind.



Outer World and Inner World

     What is inside us will be reflected outside. If, your mind and heart is filled with good thoughts then you will focus on everything which is good around you. On the other hand, when your mind is filled with bad thoughts then you will focus on the bad things. Our outer world is the reflection of our inner world in some way.

      It is important to keep yourself happy with all good thoughts. Never allow anything which happens outside to affect your innerself. If you start to intake the emotions of your outer world to your inner world then life will get collapsed with unnecessary feelings and emotions.

       What happens outside should stay outside of us because it is hard to control the outside world and its happenings. We cannot predict or take pre-cautions to face the. On the other hand, it is hard to stay strong when something around us bothers and affect us. Our mind will constantly think about that particular thing but the easy way to overcome this situations is to “Know yourself completely”. A person who understands himself will never be shaken by the issues which is happening outside because they will know how to control themselves. Be that kind of individual and know yourself to rule your inner world.

Monday 12 October 2020

Be Thankful for Your Existence

      When we grow up in life we learn many important things and the people we meet in our life teach us many good values. We learn about being positive, kind and compassionate in life and people teach about love, help and many others things. Here, what we fail to learn and what people many times fail to teach us is the attitude of thanking god and the universe for what we have in our life. Being thankful for what we have in our life is one of the truest wisdom that world can teach you. Many human beings never feel thankful for what they have in life rather we ask for the things which we don’t have in our life.

      A grateful heart and thankful soul is the greatest virtue of human existence but only very few people in this whole world have that greatest virtue in their life. Ask yourself this question daily “When is the last time I felt thankful for what I have in my life?” Most of the time it will be even hard for us to process the answer for this question because we many of us don’t know this question exists in the world. So, hereafter feel thankful for all the people, things and anything which you have in your life irrespective of categorizing them into small and big ones.

      Everyday will be a beautiful and happy day when you possess the attitude of thankfulness. Never find reasons to feel thankful rather consider yourself as your gift and be thankful for your existence in this world. When you develop this attitude of thankfulness then life will became stress free and you will have a positive outlook towards life and the people you meet.

Sunday 11 October 2020

Unlove Does Not Exist in this World

      We human beings cannot unlove anything which we loved in our life. Most importantly it is hard for anyone in this world to unlove a person whom they love the most in their life. It might be a family member, a friend or a neighbor. We cannot unlove any individual rather we might get angry towards them, irritated towards their behavior and we might find certain discomfort about something with that particular individual. All this indicates that we can emotionally or mentally detach ourselves for any individual whom we love but it is impossible to detach our love for them in life.

      We might have had a fight with a family member. We might not even talked with them for more than a decade but the love will remain the same. On the other hand we might have distanced ourselves from our friends but that does not mean that we don’t love them. So, whoever you think that you don’t love in your life will surely be the ones who will have a place in your heart.

       There is nothing exists in this world called unlove because everything which is loved will be loved till the end and love does not have definite end point where it will turn out to be unlove. Hereafter, erase the word unlove and hate from your dictionary rather believe that love is eternal. Love everyone around you, spread love and be kind towards your loved ones.



Saturday 10 October 2020

Lift Others

      A success does not solely belong to any individual because to make an individual successful in life there will be many people who’ll be sacrificing their time and energy and will be working behind the scenes. It might be a family member, a friend, a mentor or any other person who will be working in the back stage to make an individual succeed in life. When a person is successful in his life we focus on them and their talents but we never look at the person who is behind their success story. So, hereafter try and know about the people who worked behind the scene. Then, be that kind of individual in someone’s life. Motivate people, give them positive words and transmit your positive energy to them. Do something for others to help them left themselves into a better person. Helping others in some way will make us happy so help others without expecting anything.

      Be that unsung hero behind someone’s success story. Let the world search for the person like you to motivate them. In, most of the people’s life their parents will be the biggest supports for them. The parents will do that to their children to see them in a happy space but you do that to anyone who is starving to achieve their dreams in life.

      We came to the world without bringing anything in our hands and we eventually will leave the world without taking anything from here but while living our beautiful life on this earth we can help others by lending them our helping hands to left them up in life. You success is not about how many you have earned and gained in your life rather the true success is how much you have helped others to achieve their success. World has many successors but world does not have many lifters so try and be the lifter in someone’s life and that will give you more happiness than your success.

Friday 9 October 2020

Things Will Reach You at Right Time in Life

       Today is the 425th day and this post is the 426th post in my blog. It feels happy and great when I look back because I believe that doing things which we considered as impossible will give us extreme happiness. We sometimes love doing something which we are passionate about but at the same time we will doubt our possibilities, skills and potential. We might worry about many things before starting anything in life but only few things will happen just in a moment like this blogging happened to me.

       I have never had any plans about starting blogging or writing but something hit me at a fraction of the second and it just happened. In, life there are many things which will happen like this and it will surely hold so much value because we have not choosen that rather that has choosen us. When life gives you opportunities like this never ask too many questions rather grab it and work on it.

      Never allow your doubts and insecurities to shape your behavior and attitude rather believe in yourself. Work constantly and steadily without worrying about any sort of negativity. A negative mind will look at all the impossibilities in the possibility but the positive mind will always look at the possibilities even in the impossibility. So, be that positive individual. There is no point in proving to others that you are good at something rather self-satisfy yourself and that will eventually make others to look at you and your work.  



Thursday 8 October 2020

Learn but Forgive People because "The Act of Forgiveness is the Biggest Learning"

       We human beings learn many lessons from everyone we meet in our life. Some people teach us many good lessons and few people will teach us so many unforgettable life lessons. Most of the times we will tend to forget the good lessons but it is impossible to forget that unforgettable strong lessons which will be deeply rooted inside of our hearts. Even, we won’t forget the individuals who have taught us that meaningful lessons.

        When we face something bad in life we"ll just be broken, feel bad and cry over it but after that phase moves on we will surely emerge stronger. Later, we won’t consider that lessons as bad ones rather will call them as life-changing lessons. Each and every individual could have faced this kind of situation in their life which could have brought out the best in them. So, whenever you face difficulties and hardships think that you are emerging to be the better and sometimes the best version of yourself.

          Later, the person who had taught that lesson will come up to you to appreciate the life you are living. During, that time treat them good and forgive them if they have wounded you while trying to teach you something life changing. Don’t hold with something bad about anyone in life because it will hurt you more than it hurts that particular individual. Life may look longer and big when you are young but that same life will look more shorter when you became old and look back. We are living the longest life which is shorter as well so learn your lessons and be nice to the people around you.



Wednesday 7 October 2020

Children's Love Towards Parents


      Sometimes, writing about few topics are rare because it is hard to put forth some emotions, feelings and love in words. Most of the times people could think of writing about this kind of beautiful emotions but as I already said words will just fall short to express them. One among that rarest gem of emotion is “The love between the parents and their children’s”. Most of the times we hear a story from a one-sided perspective but the other and the unexplored side of the story will be more beautiful than the explained side. This happens in the relationship with parents and children’s. We all know about the love, affection and care of parents because it is mostly spoken and written about. It is true to the fact that parents turn out to be the best humans because of all the best qualities they possess like self-less love, care and affection towards their children.

      The unexplored side of this beautiful bond is “Children’s do love their parents unconditionally from their birth till death”. Parents are the great influencers in every child’s life irrespective of whatever age the child may be in. As, I already said it is hard to put forth this emotion in words because they are beyond words.

       Many great people we meet in our life will often talk about their parents and their love. It is because parents are the most special people in every child’s life. From our early days we try to imitate our parents and copy their style in the works we do. This happens because children’s will see all kind of best quality in their parents. A child till his 20’s will have huge admiration towards their parents but after 20’s they will develop a kind bond which is beyond closeness.

        Children’s at certain point in life will love their parents more than they love themselves. Parents are such a treasure in each child’s life because many children’s will do anything and everything to just see their parents happy and make them smile wider. Children’s who love their parents unconditionally will always make an extra effort to make their parents happy. A person who loves their parents the most will always be the best human because they will know the value of everything in life.

Tuesday 6 October 2020

Silence is the Best Teacher and the Greatest Gift

      We human beings learn life lessons from our successes, failures, opportunities and from many other things which happens to us and as well as which happens within us. We can learn many valuable things in life by being silent and letting the thoughts just flow within us. Silence is the best teacher, healer and preacher as well. It will have solutions for all our thoughts. Today, in the modern world we are mostly left alone to have ample time for ourselves but we are occupied with gadgets. We may have quality of time in our hands but it is hard for us to find time to be just silent.

       Whatever, we seek form the outside world already exists within us but we fail to discover that because we never allow us to have time for ourselves. So, practice the habit of being silent for just 10 minutes a day. The practices like prayer and meditation are trying to teach us to be silent and observe ourselves. If we practice the act of being silent then all the positive thoughts will flow within us and that will change the course of our life.

        Allow your mind, heart and body to just relax. Nothing in this world can give us happiness then silence because it is the state of being beyond bliss. It is hard to put forth that feeling in words so just feel it by being silent.


Sunday 4 October 2020

Living A Life of Ease

      There are three kinds of people in this world. The people belong to each category are different from one another but at times they seem to be interconnected. The people who belong to the first category are the individuals who are negative minded or bad. They will do all sorts of unwanted things like gossiping, speaking unknown facts about others, being selfish and so many other things. These kind of people are already bad themselves but they will expect the people around them to be good and kind towards them. If other individuals do something against them they will complain as if they are good themselves. It is hard to change this kind of individuals because they won’t even lend the ears to listen.

     The individuals who belong to the second category are the ones who are good and they will try and do good things for others but their biggest drawback is when other individuals around them does something bad it will be hard for them to accept that. Later, they will think that the world is bad and why they alone should be good. They will have so many questions about themselves and the people they see in life. Even though, they are good themselves it will be hard for them to face the negativity. Later, they will mingle with the first category people and only few from this category will move forward and reach the third category(Only Few).

      The majority of the people in this world belong to the first category. Approximately, upto 65% of the people in this world belong to the first category. The people who belong to the second category are upto 30%. Here, the real problem is the people who belong to the first category could think that they are in the second category even most of the people in this world think that they are right and others are wrong.

       Finally, the people who belong to the third category are only 5% and it is rare to find this kind of individuals in life. Most, of the time the third category people are the ones who are in their old age. They could have reached here after learning and overcoming many hardships and struggles in life. This people are the kind of individuals who are truly good and their biggest strength is they never find faults with others rather they accept people. They will be genuinely good, kind-hearted and loving towards all their fellow humans irrespective of what they do to them. We can find most of our grandparents with this kind of qualities. This is the kind of wisdom we get after living 95% of our lifetime in this earth. The people who understand this early in life are very few but once we acquire this quality of being good and kind without any sort of expectation from others then life will bless you with unlimited things which you cannot even imagine. Life will became a blessing when we have this quality. People around may think that we are normal as they are but the one who possesses this quality alone knows that how beautiful and ease life is.



Accept and Correct Yourselves

      It is easy to change the world and also the people around us but it is hard to change ourselves. We human beings have the tendency of pin pointing all the bad and negative qualities of the individuals who are infront of us but it is hard to even talk about our flaws and it is even more harder to accept our flaws.

       At first, we have to understand the fact that no one is perfect in this world and so we are. As a individual we will have many good as well as bad qualities in our character. We will proudly acknowledge all our good qualities but when it comes to bad qualities we will try to give excuses for our behviours. Our ego will restrict us to accept our bad qualities.

        Here, it will eventually turn out to be our biggest flaw. Later, We will develop the attitude of focusing on the good side of our negative quality but nothing good will actually exist in our bad qualities. So, don’t try to prove yourselves rather accept things in life because acceptance will pave way to attract good things in life. Don’t be stubborn thinking that you are perfect. Accept your flaws, work in it and make them vanish.

Saturday 3 October 2020

Dreams Do Come True When You Have the Courage to Dream and Act Over it

       People many times in life fear to have and even design dreams for themselves because humans are more concerned towards their fellow humans and their opinions. Even before dreaming about something in life we ask millions of unwanted and negative questions to ourselves.

Is it the right time to dream?

Will my dreams come true?

I’m I expecting more?

       This are the few common questions many aspiring dreamers have in their life. We even doubt our possibilities. All this questions and thoughts will make us to dream smaller with limited rules. Having a great vision and dream about ourselves is the mark of superior personality. It is common to think about dreams but it is rare to have dreams and pursue them is even more rarer. So, shift yourselves from a commoner to the rarer.

       Impress yourself and that is essential to achieve your dreams. If you think that your dreams seems to be weird, out of the box and looks crazy from others point of view then you are at the right path because the greatest achiever of all time are once mocked and criticized by the people around them.

        Have a dream, believe in it, never question it and finally achieve it.

Friday 2 October 2020

Our Character Defines Our Life

       Our character is the basic and the best quality which will help us to lead our life with ease and happiness. We sometimes think we are the kindest human in the world but others will look at us as the cruel human. Sometimes, we may consider ourselves as the arrogant individuals but people will look at us as the soft spoken and perfect individual. Here, we can clearly understand “What we think of ourselves is just the exact opposite thing about us”.

       We cannot define and describe about our character but the people around us can elaborate about our good and bad qualities. What we believe about ourselves is not our truest self rather what others see in us is our original and truest self. Sometimes, we pretend to be good because we love to hear from others that we are the best human beings.

        Character is the root of growth. If you love to grow in life build a strong basement with your good character. Everything in life has the possibility of shaking and making us fearful but our character will be our biggest support system during our tough as well as happy times in life. Our character is our biggest asset because everyone around us will love us and make us feel special when we are good. Everything in life takes time and in the same way developing good character takes ample time so learn and grow rich in character.

Thursday 1 October 2020

Understanding Life

      Life is the best teacher. It will teach us the unexpected lessons during the most unexpected time. We cannot escape from the reality of life because it is mandatory and compulsory to learn those lessons. If we fail or ignore to learn those lessons life will teach them again and again until we get tired over it. Here, the best way to learn those lessons is to stay patient in life. Nothing in this world can give us clarity about things other than this supreme quality of patience.

       We can upgrade and transform ourselves into a better individual when we try to develop the quality of patience which will eventually lead to emotional maturity. The people around us won’t be same all the time and it is human nature. No one can be same all the time because our situations design our thoughts and the outcome of our thoughts will turn into our behavior.

        Sometimes, it will be hard to accept those lessons in life but the one who understands things better will automatically develop the quality of accepting things irrespective of all the barriers. Our maturity should be reflected in our actions not just by our words. Time is the best healer. So, learn your lessons and leave your question papers to time and it will answer your questions in the most proper and prompt way.


  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...