Monday 30 November 2020



     A single story will be different versions from each one’s perspective and there will also be so many interpretations about a single story. Here, the story is the incidents happen in each person’s life. When something happens and that creates a problem or chaos in the family or between friends there will be a many perspectives for that single incident. All the perspectives will have some logic and some truth in it which is extremely unavoidable. It is hard to conclude and tell which one is right and which person in wrong.

      Here, we have to understand that when we have difference of opinion or a small fight/problem with others there will definitely be a story from their perspective which we cannot understand. So, whenever you face issues which you cannot tackle then stay calm and think from the opposite person’s perspective but it will be hard to think from others perceptive when we are involved in that same issue. On the other hand, it is not definitely impossible when we give time to calm ourselves and then think about that particular incident from the opposite person’s perceptive.

      Many things in life are easier to say but it is hard to put them into practice. This is one among such situation which is easy to preach but practicing that is tough buts the individuals who can master that can win themselves. Practice the things which seems to impossible when it feels like a good or essential quality for you to lead a better life.


Sunday 29 November 2020

Good Opinions

      Human beings are the only beings in this planet who are gifted with the ability to think and differentiate between which is good and which is wrong. No other being have the ability to think and analyze things. We humans know which is wrong and which is right but most of the times we choose wrong things over the right. The other mistake which we often commit is the ability to change our mindset. When someone says, what we do is wrong we never try to understand or even hear their perspective rather most of us became rude towards the opinion of others which is totally wrong.

      We always think and believe that our side of the story and perspective this good and correct. Rather, we should hear the opinion of others about ourselves and all the people will definitely not have any bad intentions to spoil your life. Few people will be genuine in stating their opinions. Here, we should take the good and valid opinions of others into consideration because that is the only way we can grow better in life. It is normal to have flaws in our character because at the end of the day we all are human beings and it is normal to make mistakes but it is not at all normal to neglect the genuine opinions of others. The most intelligent person you know might suffer from anger issues and they could not able to control their anger at any point in time. This could be their biggest flaw and due to this quality their intelligence might not get noticed. Here, that person should definitely take the opinion of others about his anger and he should try to solve them.

        Be a person who is ready to hear the opinion of others and definitely be the person who is ready to accept the correct opinions and take them into consideration. Life is all about evolving and being the better version of ourselves.


Saturday 28 November 2020

The Greatest Gift

     We human beings can choose few things in life but many thing in life remains to be a gift and when cannot choose them rather they will choose us to be a part of itself. We can choose our education, job, career and the things we buy like car, house and clothes. On the other hand, we cannot choose our family – our father, mother, siblings, relatives and children. They all are the god given gift to us and so we consider all them so special than the things we choose in our life. Gifted things remain unchangeable but the things we choose can be changed and so we often suffer to choose right things in life.

      Human beings are special especially the people whom we are related to always hold a special place in our heart as well as in our life. They are irreplaceable and if you are a person who is gifted with a loving family then you are the most special human being because many people suffer in life with this irreplaceable gifts. If you are happy and satisfied with those people then you are the special person whom god loves so much. Most of the people underestimate or never estimate the true value of the relationships we have with the members in our family rather we focus on the faults and flaws. Never live your life lethargically by undervaluing the love of your family rather cherish and make it special.

       If you have people in your life to hug you during your happy days and to weep your tears during your sad days then that is the biggest gift which you cannot earn by any worldly things. Understand and acknowledge the true facts about our existence. Our life is much more blessed than we think.





Friday 27 November 2020

Blissful Day

     Every human being in this earth could have enjoyed the days in which they have felt happy and joyful for no reason. Sometimes in life there will be sudden unexpected happiness or the state of bliss which will hit us and that could make us happy just for no reason. Some days when we raise up from our sleep we could feel the sense of peace and happiness inside. Everything which we look could seem to be vibrant and positive. There could be a sense of calmness in air and it could feel like that we have found our answer for our existence in this beautiful world.

      A person who have felt that can only relate with this words and the ones who could not able be connect with this words have not lived their life to its fullest. Life is a state of bliss and only during few days we could able to connect ourselves which that pure state. Keep your heart light and mind pleasant to feel that emotion.

       Live for such days which you cannot express in mere words.

Thursday 26 November 2020

Refresh Yourself


     Few things in life will give us ultimate confidence and belief in ourselves. When we do certain things it will naturally boost our self-confidence to a different level. We are human beings and it is normal to have low days but during certain days we could face a different kind of issues and that could eventually lead to lack of focus and concentration in the things we do. To overcome the lack of concentration and to turn your bad days into good days do certain things which will boost your inner self.

     Few simple things which will help you boost your self are dressing up neatly, making a call to the person whom we love to talk, re-reading your favorite book, watching your favorite movie or any particular scene from a movie which you love to watch, reading your old diary entries, cleaning up your place or the room. There are many others things which we can do to feel good and that goodness will eventually bring lot of positive vibes and that positive vibes can be converted into anything good.

      Controlling the uncontrollable will make us feel happy about ourselves. Life is the process of learning and evolving. So upgrade few things to your older version and make yourself comfortable towards the situation you face in life.


Wednesday 25 November 2020


      We human beings throughout our life are in the process of learning the good qualities which will help us to lead a happy and peaceful life. The qualities which we possess should not harm others rather that should help the people in some way to make their lives better and happier. We help others to make them happy, we give to see others happy, we appreciate people to make them happy, we love others to make them feel special but most of us fail for acquire the quality of compassion which will make a huge difference in the life of others.

      Being compassionate towards others will make us realize the human side of our character. When people suffer in life we most of the time just watch their suffering and walk away by telling that they are living their own karma. We give so many reasons for not being kind and compassionate towards others. Feeling compassionate towards our fellow humans is one of the greatest quality which will lead us to help that person in all possible ways.

        There is a most colloquial proverb in tamil “Manushana pirandha irakka padanum” which means “Human beings should essentially possess the quality of compassion”. So, be compassionate towards others and especially towards the people who suffer in life. Don’t mock at anyone because mockery is one of the unwanted quality which will make us lose all our good qualities.

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Help The People Who Deserve To Be Helped

     One of the best quality which every human being should learn and practice is the tendency of helping others. The most important aspect which we should keep in mind is that “Help the people who genuinely needs your help”. Don’t just help the random people for all random reasons rather choose the people and help them to uplift themselves. It can also be stated as “Help the people who deserve to be helped”.

      Few people might ask help for just unwanted things because they might be lazy to do their given tasks. Never help the people who are lazy in life. Help the ones who are genuinely trying to improve themselves. Make sure our help should create a difference in their life in a more positive way. Help the people in all possible ways because people need a hand to lift them up so be that hand for someone.

      If you find a spark in someone’s character and hard work then volunteer yourself and help them. Help the people by guiding them in right direction. There are different types of helps but among them the best help will definitely be the help which we do for the people who are struggling to come up in their life. Be a Changemaker.

Monday 23 November 2020

Practice What You Preach

     Paulo Coelho once said, “We are very good lawyers for our own mistakes, and very good judges for the mistakes of others”. It indicates that we humans never care about our behavior and attitude rather we always focus on others mistakes. We many of us know more about the people around us rather than knowing ourselves. We never follow what we preach and here is where all the problems and irritation starts. We expect the people around us to be kind, loving, caring and when they get angry or irritated we could not able to tolerate their behavior and eventually that leads to gossiping about that particular individuals character. On the other hand, we never follow the things which we expect from other people rather we give so many reasons to our behavior.

      If you are bad then accept that and try to change that rather if you are good cherish that and develop your goodness but the problem here is all the people in the world love to hold the tag of “Good People”. A bad person thinks that he is good, the good thinks he is good and the ones who are in the middle of both bad and good also thinks that they are good. We many of us belong to the third category, we might be good sometimes and we will be judgmental few times. All of us are trying to became good but only few reach that state of goodness because many people accept their flaws and they never try to change themselves rather they became lawyers for themselves.

       Accepting our mistakes and flaws indicates our goodness but changing them into good ones shows our greatness. So, try and became a great individual and never compare yourself with other during this process because human beings are different in their own ways




Sunday 22 November 2020

Never Judge Someone By The Opinion Of Others

     We meet many people in our lifetime. We maintain healthy relationships with some and there will also be some unhealthy relationships too. On the other hand, we might just know few and we tend to judge their character on the basis of the opinion of others towards them. When someone says that a person is bad and narrates their own experiences with that person we tend to believe their words and finally we create a image of that person by the background story which we have heard.

      Here, we never understand that human beings have different level of frequencies. A person might look bad and cunning from one person’s perspective but that same person might seem to be a kind-hearted person from the other person point of you. So, never judge anyone in your life by hearing the opinion of others rather try and speak with that person, know their likes and dislikes, understand his character and behaviours then finally you yourself decide the positives and negatives about that person.

       Never judge people rather mingle with them and understand them because everyone in this world is different and so their opinions are. Your opinion about a particular individual might not match with the opinion of that same person from other people. Never neglect anyone just by hearing a one-sided story about that person. Life is meant for living and learning so live it and learn it from your own perspective.

Saturday 21 November 2020

Memories and Maturity

     We human beings cherish and love most of our yesterdays. We call them as beautiful and pleasant memories. We talk and chat about all the happy moments which happened in our life and sometimes we even feel that we have lived happily in our past compared to our present life. That is why we consider our school and college days as more special ones. On the other hand we think that we have became more responsible and matured human being today. Here, there is a clash between memories and maturity. There comes a wonderful question “Does memories give us happiness or maturity gives us happiness?”

      Most of us will suddenly tell that memories gives us more happiness comparing to our maturity. Here, life teaches us that there is only a small thin line between memories and maturity. Even during our yesterdays we considered that we are more maturity and also today we think that our maturity level has increased. During each phase of our life our maturity levels will get increased naturally but it is in our hands to now allow that maturity to affect our happiness. The truth is maturity does not stop us from creating more memories rather we ourselves restrict our limitations.

      Be matured but at the same time never lose the happy side of yourself which you loved the most. Whatever you do today is going to be a memory tomorrow. We will remember only our memories but not our maturities. 

Friday 20 November 2020

Touching Lives

     We humans are deeply interconnected beings. We care and love all our fellow humans knowingly or unknowingly. We might have many troubles and problems in life but when we see other people around us suffer in life we will feel bad for them. Few people will even pray to god that all the people in the world should not suffer rather everyone in this world should lead a happy and peaceful life.

     Everyone of us have a soft and caring side which resides inside our character and personality. When we care for other person’s happiness there we get transformed from an individual to a human being. Now-a-days, in this super fast lifestyle we are slowly forgetting and moving away from this human side of our personality. Here, consider this post as a reminder and care for the people around you. Help the ones who need help, care for the people who longs for attention and atmost love all the people like you love yourself.

      Life in this earth seems to be longer as well as shorter but life is long and short in some way. If you love to live a long life try and touch the life of other individuals around you. Live a long life by helping others to live their life happily. Our life will not be measured by the days we have lived in this earth rather our life will be measured by the days we have touched others life and made them feel happy.


Thursday 19 November 2020

International Men's Day

      In this 21st century the women rights have been empowered and there is utmost equality given to all the women in all possible fields. Moreover, women are treated equally but few complain that women still face many crisis and the equal rights were not granted. Everyone should understand that the women who are born and living in this era are so blessed compared to our ancestors. Women have earned all this freedom and equality because of the support and care of all the men out there in the world.

      In, a family the father supports his daughter to come up in her life, the husband supports his wife to pursue her career, the brother supports his sister to be independent in her life. All the men in the world in some way or the other helps the women he meets in his life and so a women’s success is considered to be the success of the family.

     Men have evolved during the years and they have became the best version of themselves in this 21st century. Most of the men understands the pain and passion of the women and they always try to help them out in all possible ways. Today on this International Men’s Day take some time out to thank all the men’s in your life and especially the ones who have helped you to became the person you are today. 

     Happy Men's Day to all the beautiful souls ought there.

Wednesday 18 November 2020

All the Emotions are Normal

     We read, listen and give lectures about positivity but we forget that it is totally normal to feel low in life. A person cannot stay happy, vibrant and positive all the time because unhappiness and worrying is also the part of life. We cannot smile and talk about positivity during the most tough days in our life. If we do that people will think that we have some sort of mental illness and even we ourselves might feel more pain by doing that sort of things.

      Understand that life is all about mixed feelings and emotions. Here, the positivity lies in “how fast we overcome that negative feelings and emotions”. So, don’t over think and over react when you feel low rather never allow that low turn into last. It is natural to feel low but it is not so natural to feel last. Think practically and react normally, that will give solution to many of your troubles and issues.

      Life is meant for living not for just thinking so live your life by enjoying all the emotions. Accept everything as a part of life to live a happy life.

Tuesday 17 November 2020

We Love and Hate the Same

     We cannot always love something but at the same time we cannot hate that totally. Love and hate are the two sides of the same coin. Here, the hatred indicates anger and discomfort. We all will definitely love our mother so much but we also get anger towards her most of the times. Showing our anger does not mean that we never love that person rather it shows that we cannot always love.

      Now, the rain which we enjoyed the most has turned out to be hatred. We love drizzles, early morning rain and late night rain but we hate when it rains for the whole day. Human moods and behaviours are unexplainable.

     Always keep that in mind that we human beings hurt the ones we love and the hate the things we love because we are humans at the end of the day. So, Don't get worried when you hate the things you love because it is the inseperable part of human life.

Monday 16 November 2020


     Criticism is the inseperable part of life. All of us should face, handle and tackle the opinion and words of other humans. No one can walk in our shoes but at the same time we also cannot step into their shoes to know about them. Everyone in this world thinks that they are right all the time. We expect human connections but at the same time we are worried about the criticism. Love and criticism are the two sides of the same coin. One who loves us will be our greatest critic, till some point that will be acceptable but at certain stage it will lead us to worry and self-doubt.

      Whenever you face any kind of criticism in life remember only simple rule to handle that criticism. If their observation is good and true take them into consideration or if you feel that criticism comes out of jealousy them ignore that without even giving it a second thought. Most of the time people love to give out their opinions and criticism to prove that they are intelligent enough to guide you. They might also be intelligent but make sure that their intelligence should not destroy your belief.

        Learn to handle and overcome criticism. Don’t get too worried about others words because a great belief in yourself will make wonders in your life. Never allow criticism to ruin your mind and belief. If you totally believe in something fearlessly go for it and try it. If that works you will be successful if not it will be a great learning but ultimately never lose your belief towards anything in life. No one in this world is responsible for breaking your belief system other than yourself.

Sunday 15 November 2020


      Waiting is more beautiful when you wait for something worthy. We waited for Diwali for the past few weeks but after it gets over we crazily start to count the months for the next Diwali or any other festival which we love. Waiting has just mixed in our blood and we also love to wait because nothing in this world can give us happiness than waiting. Once in a interview, the interviewer asked a question to actor Rajinikanth “How much do you enjoy your stardom and fame?” He suddenly replied that “Waiting phase was beautiful than the stardom”.

      When you think deeply you will know or find out the actual meaning about the beauty of waiting. It indicates that the human journey is beautiful and there is no actual happiness which resides in an occasion or in a day rather each and everyday is special in someway. Human beings are the yesterday beings because we think of the yesterday’s more than our today. Keep the happy memories of yesterday but live your today and remember that life is beautiful each day.

      Write down your happy moments of this Diwali in your diary or in a journal and make is more special. Let us move forward and enjoy our forth coming days.

Saturday 14 November 2020

Happy Diwali Readers

     Happy Diwali to everyone ought there. Let the festival of lights add up more light, love and positive vibes to all our life's. The day which we have waited for months, weeks and days have arrived and we are blessed to celebrate this occasion. So, at first give thanks unto the creator for creating and protecting us. Be thankful for all the things we have in our life because being grateful will make us happy.

      We all love to be happy and smiling so make this as a practice to smile everyday because smiling is contagious. When we smile the people will smile back to show their love towards us. So, learn to carry that cute little smile on your face all the day to make yourself and also the people around you happy.

      The festival of Diwali is celebrated to make human connection and spread love. If we do that daily then life itself becomes a celebration. Understand the hidden meaning of the festivals and rituals we follow in life and make them as a practice a lead a celebrated life.

Friday 13 November 2020

Pre-Diwali Preparation and Celebration. Happy Vibes of Diwali: Day - 6

      The day before Diwali is so special because we have certain pre-diwali rituals to perform. Diwali 2020 is so special and different from all other Diwali’s which we have celebrated in our life because there is no proper holidays and closing dates for Diwali due to things pandemic. Many people follow the work from home routine, the schools and colleges are fully closed. The human connection have became so less. When the schools and colleges close for Diwali holidays there will be huge celebration on the last working day. The blackboards in the classrooms will be decorated, students will scream “Happy Diwali” when teacher leaves the classroom after the last bell, everyone in the class will shake hands and best friends will hug each other to wish for Diwali. While reading this you can feel that aura of happiness. Many students will never take leave on that particular day because people love to celebrate and show their love towards one another. The work places do follow certain rituals and celebration to make their employees happy.

      This are the pre-diwali rituals which we have followed till last year but this year things have became different yet they are so special and unique in their own ways. This year we many of us had a ample amount of time to spend with our family. The relationship between the father and son could have became much closer, the bond between the mother and daughter could have grown more stronger, the siblings love could have just increased. This Diwali is meant for understanding and loving the people who are very close to us in life and relationship. We already know the people in our family and their love, care and concern towards us but being together with them will help us know their special care and love towards us. We have the opportunity to watch everyone keenly and from that we can easily understand their likes and dislikes. We might have thought that our mother’s favourite is blue but when we watch her keenly we can understand that she likes yellow more than blue.

        During Diwali we wish only our close relations but this year we have enough time in our pocket so we can call and wish our childhood friends and the other relations too. Accept the things which are given to you and make them as a gift and live it in a more positive way. Happy Pre-Diwali. Let us join together and spread positivity, light and love.  



Thursday 12 November 2020

Happy Vibes of Diwali: Day - 5

     During certain years Diwali comes in the month of October but at certain years Diwali will be celebrated during the month of November. There is a huge difference between October Diwali and November Diwali because both are special and unique in their own ways. The Diwali which is celebrated during the month October usually comes during the second half of the month (Oct 16 to 31) but on the other hand when Diwali is celebrated in November it usually comes during the first half of the month(Nov 01 to 15). October Diwali are so quick whereas November Diwali’s are more steady and enjoyable. The pre-preparation for October Diwali’s are not that much special compared to the November Diwali’s.

       October Diwali’s just arrives and we cherish that but November Diwali’s are celebrated. There is a huge difference between arrival and celebration. The major advantages of November Diwali is people have more time for the preparation and we can feel the vibes of Diwali when it celebrated during the month of November. When Diwali comes in October it will arrive so soon and will vanish off so soon.

       Cherish and celebrate this Diwali because we are now in the month of November. All the people in the family try their hands out in preparing the sweets and snacks for Diwali and it is considered as a tradition in some houses that everyone in the family should atleast prepare a single sweet for the festival. This ritual is followed to pay gratitude to the women’s who serves food to the entire family all throughout her lifetime. Do the needful help to the women who are serving and feeding you the tasty foods daily. Enjoy the vibes of Pre-Diwali rituals. Let us join together to spread light and love.



Wednesday 11 November 2020

Happy Vibes of Diwali: Day - 4

      During this Diwali time we buy clothes, sweets, crackers and many other needed things to celebrate the occasion. Now-a-days we people are more concerned about the brand of the products we buy. When it comes to clothes we buy only certain brands because we feel that particular brand is good even without trying the other clothes which are available in the market, when we buy grocery items we stick to certain brands which are very popular. Buying the branded ones is not the biggest crime but to help the people buy things from the local market. Buy good clothes from the people who do the business in small scale and buy from the people who do that as a seasonal business to earn money. Buy grocery items from the local mills.

        People will never bargain in the big shops and stores rather we bargain with the local vendors. Don’t bargain with those people because there work will be their greatest investment to earn money. Most of the local vendors sell things in the most reasonable price so never bargain and hurt them.

        Diwali is all about being happy and making others happy so do little things to others which can bring  smile on their face. Humans can also be called as expecters because we often expect the people around to give us something but during this festive time change that habit and be a giver.











Tuesday 10 November 2020

Happy Vibes Of Diwali : Day - 3

      All the festivals in the world are celebrated to make the people fall in love with life. When a festive season arrives we unknowingly forget all our worries. We think only about the good and positive things. We think about our family members, relations and friends. We ask everyone about their preparation for the festival and celebration.

        During the time of Diwali our heart becomes light because of all the positive and good things which have surrounded us. Everyone will have a smile on their face and people tend to laugh for even the simplest things during the festive time because the world will be surrounded with all good vibes and emotions.

         When someone scolds or irritate us during this festive times we won’t take that seriously and we could even forgive them so easily. Many people start to thank and praise the creator for gifting them the beautiful life on this earth. Our hearts will be filled with gratitude and love. We will become soft and kind as a person and we even try to mingle with the people around us. Diwali is all about human connections and love so be kind and compassionate to the people you meet during this festive times because everyone loves to be loved.

           Bring a smile on other humans face by doing something good for them and be kind because I feel that kindness is equal to godliness. Feel the good vibes of Diwali by being kind and loving towards others.




Monday 9 November 2020

Happy Vibes Of Diwali: Day - 2

     There are many things which indicates the vibes of Diwali and that will often make us realize that Diwali is fast approaching. One among the first thing which makes us feel the vibes of Diwali is advertisements. The advertisements in newspapers, hoarding and especially in television will often make us feel the festive vibes of Diwali. The next one is the sound of crackers. Even a month or a week before Diwali children will start to burst crackers. Those children will make us realize that Diwali is so fast approaching.

       The ultimate indicator which indicates the arrival of Diwali is the Textile shops. The shops will be decorated with lights and the shops will open earlier in the morning and the closing time will also be extended. The people who travel for work or the students who go to school could focus on the shops when their vehicle passes through the shops but this time we don’t have the opportunity of sensing that ultimate feel because of the pandemic. Next, if you are living in a apartment or in a colony the neighbours will ask “When you are going to buy the dress for Diwali” and once the shopping gets over they will ask about the dresses we have bought. Children’s will say that they have bought four dresses and their brother or sister got only three. The cute little things will make us feel that Diwali is coming so soon.

       Diwali is all about feelings and emotions. That is why the festival is so special. Enjoy the Vibes of Pre-Diwali.



Sunday 8 November 2020

Happy Vibes Of Diwali: Day - 1

     Festivals are celebrated to unite people together and make the bonding closer. In India, Diwali is the one of the special festival which is celebrated in a grand way to spread happiness, love and warmth. From kids to older people everyone loves to celebrate Diwali. Each and everyone of us will have many special memories associated with Diwali. The post-preparation for Diwali is more special because everyone in the house will share all the household works from cleaning the house, preparing snacks and sweets. The month of diwali is special for few of us, the week of diwali is so special for many of us because everything we do during this time will be remembered and cherished throughout our life.

      From today to next Sunday (8th November – 15th November, 2020) I am going to write about the special moments which is associated with Diwali. Everyone in this world knowingly or unknowingly run behind one emotion called “Happiness”. We learn, earn and buy things to show other or to show ourselves that we are happy but this occasion of Diwali brings happiness through human emotions, love and celebration.

       If you believe that Diwali is meant for happiness than start to enjoy the aura around you. Write a letter or a mail to someone who is very much close to you and wish them for Diwali and show you care, love and concern towards that person.

        Lets join together to spread positivity and happy vibes of Diwali.


Saturday 7 November 2020

Love Itself is the Quality of Divine

      Mahatma Gandhi said “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”. Forgive the people who have hurt you because few people intentionally hurt us but many people innocently hurt us. Sometimes, we forgive the people who intentionally hurt us because that person might have asked sorry or we might have felt that person has realized his mistake. We finally forgive the ones who have hurted us so deep but on the other hand we hold on with the grudges and pain of the unintentional hurt which we have received. Here, the person who have hurt us might not even remember the words which they have spoken against us but we will clearly remember what they have said and we confuse our mind by labeling them as bad people.

       No one in this world is either good nor bad rather we all are there in between the good and bad. We can evolve and practice good things to acquire good habits. One among the best thing which can heal us and our pain is the habit of practicing kindness and love to approach the individuals around us. There are three stages of human evolution- the first is being loving and caring towards other, the second is spreading love and teaching the world how to love our fellow humans, the third and the final stage is just to love and give love irrespective to what others do towards us.

         Many people think that the third stage is unattainable or it is unworthy to attain because we might lose our individuality when we love the people around us when they only all bad things against us. The reality of loving others unconditionally and doing good for others is the quality the divine. The divine qualities are hard to accept, harder to practice but they are always the best ones which helps the human to live a happy life. When love comes first in the race of all other emotions then we will be the most happiest human in the planet earth.

Friday 6 November 2020

Vibes of Friendship

      We can call ourselves us individuals but we always need the people around us to complete us and so we all together will be called as humans. We want someone in our life to share our happiness, joy, sadness and pleasant experiences. In, every person’s life a friend plays the major role. We always need a friend to share our thoughts, feelings and opinions. Human beings always have the urge to convey their emotions to others and that is where we all make good bonding with our friends.

        It is impossible to live in this world without human ties because we all need a fellow human to live a happy life. Friends are the special people in everyone’s life irrespective of which ever age group we might belong. We all want and need that special friend in our life to be there for us. Human love and warmth is always overwhelming to receive. So, have close friends in your life. Be there for them and they will also be there for you. Friendship is all about mutual love, affection, caring and understanding. To have mutual connect we need to know that person for a long time and most probably from our childhood. We human beings have the tendency believing in the childhood friendships because we believe that they know us better than any person whom we just call us friend.

          Now-a-days, we give different perspectives and meaning to friendships but the true friendship lasts when we believe in our friend. Testing times do exist in friendship but the friends who withstand the problems and emerge closer are called as best friends for life. Have a good friend to have a happy life because a fellow human who is best to us is important to live a beautiful life.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Don't Fear Trying

       We neglect and miss many things in life by being just afraid of doing that. We fear even to try the things which we think might give us utmost happiness. It might be even the simplest thing which can make ourselves happy but we don’t do them just because of the preconceived notion about fear. We might know the answer to the question which our teachers have asked but we might have not said the answer louder because of the fear. The fear of thinking that you could go wrong in the things you do in life is one of the biggest fear which is hard to eliminate.

        When we overcome this fear we will emerge stronger and better. Don’t think about the criticism and failure before starting anything in life rather focus on the process. Acquire a strong mental strength because that will boost your confidence when you feel fearful towards the things which you love to do.

        A person who overcomes his/her fear will succeed in life because fear is the greatest set back which holds us back in life. When you overcome your biggest fears you will see possibilities everywhere and that will eventually help you to achieve and succeed more in life. Throw out the fears which holds you back in life.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Set A Good Example

      The habits we practice, the character we possess and the deeds we follow are not the ones which we have learned ourselves rather we might have acquired many of our behaviours from our family members whether knowingly or unknowingly.

       If your friends say that you are perfect in all the works you do, they might praise you when you stand for the rights things. Here, you might wonder from where you have learned this quality of perfection and standing for the truth. You might even praise yourself for being such a good and genuine person but you fail to understand that you have learned many best things from your family members but you might have implemented that in a different way.

        If you are perfect in your work you might have learned that perfection from your mother who is perfect in feeding you food on correct time. If you think that you speak and stand for the truth you might have learned that quality from your father who always stands up for the right things.

         In some way or the other we all learn many things from the people who we are closely bonded with. We observe them and we imitate their character and attitude unknowingly. Here, we all have to understand that the character we build, the habits we develop are going to have an effect on our future generation. Be conscious in what you are doing because the younger ones in your family will definitely learn something from you. So, build your habits in the best possible way and do good things which will have a great impact on the younger ones in your family. You are going to be a example for someone in some way so be cautions that you should be referred for good examples.

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Positive Effects of Music

      Music is the best form of art which is loved by most of the people in this world. We lose ourselves and we even find ourselves in the songs we hear. My Dad most often narrate an incident which happened in kavingar Vaali’s life. When vaali came to madras to pursue his career in cinema he was not so successful during his initial stages. He had gone through so many tough times and finally one day he decided to go back to his own city. He came to the bus stand and he sat on the tea shop bench there he heard a song which changed his life. That particular song is “Mayakama kalakama Manadhilae Kuzhapamma” and a particular line from that song which impacted him a lot is – “Unakum Keezhae ullavar kodu ninaithi paarthu nimmadhi naadu”.

       Words have the power to change and the lyrics have the power to make us melt. It will give us positive energy to move forward in life. Sometimes, it might console us when we go through so much pain in life. God too loves music and so we sing and praise him to make him happy.

        Listen to music for 20 minutes daily because it had the power to heal the invisible wounded which you even fail to identify as a wound. Music will fill you with happiness and it will refresh our mind. Stay connected with music and be a lover of music to be more optimistic in life.






Monday 2 November 2020

A Positive Approach Towards Life


      I post something daily in my blog. I write to spread positivity to the people who read my posts. There is a famous saying in English “What you give comes back to you”. Here, I receive back more positive energy from the comment section. The one thing I learned after being a blogger is “Success is a journey for sure” because most of the comments which are there below my posts are “Keep Going”. Many people with whomever I discuss about my writing will often use this word “Keep Going”. Now-a-days it has become a mantra to me to boost up my positivity.

       During, the initial stages I could think that people are just commenting like "Keep Going” but when I often came across that in my comment section I realized that success is definitely a journey where we should be keep on moving forward. I realized the energy of the word “Keep Going”. Now, you might also realize how beautiful this word may sound and how lovely it will feel.

       Once, my professor quoted the quotation which was said by Plato “Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder”. What is inside us will definitely be reflected outside. We just attract the thing which matches our frequency. So, if your feel that the world and the people around you is good then you are a good person who focuses on the good things rather if you feel that the world is too bad then remember you are one among them. Fill yourself with good and positive energy to lead a happy life.


Sunday 1 November 2020

Art and Science

      Any form of art which exists in this world tries to touch the lives of the human beings. Art kindles our inner emotions and art is the replica of human life. Art depends mostly on the emotional side of the human. The emotions might be different like happiness, sadness, love and joy. Art touches the core of the human heart in some way. On the other hand, Science stands for logic. Science do believe that there is a magical power exists in this world but science always tries to prove the logical side of the world.

      Few people believe that art and science are interconnected but many say that both art and science and totally different from each other. Here, the people who love art will tell that art is best and the people who love science will eventually tell that science is the best. It is the nature of the human beings to praise the things which they believe.

      This post is not to prove whether art is good or science is good rather it is to narrate my observation towards arts and science. First of all, if you are reading this you might definitely be an artistic person in some way because science focuses on the inventions and discoveries of a person but art focuses on the life and feeling of an individual. On the other hand, science never talks about philosophical ideas rather it motivates people by its inventions. Science excites people and make them believe that we can change the world.

      Art and science co-exist in some way because science does its job by making the logic work. Art explains about the logic in a different way to make the people believe. Finally, art and science tries to impose the same things in a different way.


  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...