Thursday 31 December 2020

New Year's Eve - Thanksgiving


  Many people in the world are waiting for the birth of the New Year- 2021. Many never even try to look back at the present year 2020 because of the unexpected twists and turns which happened this year due to the pandemic. This year was quite tough for so many people in so many ways but we just have to accept things because that is the reality of life. The word “Positive” itself got a negative meaning this year. The best line which can describe this year is “Expect the Unexpected and learn to accept the changes”.

     New Year’s Eve will always be the happy day and people will look back and thank god for all the blessings which they have received all throughout the whole year. Today, when we look back at 2020 we can be thankful to god for so many reasons. One of the important reason is just being alive in this world amidst all the tough days we have faced.

     This year had made the human bonding closer and it has made us realize the human side of our character. This year has taught us the value of life, love, family, friends and all the beautiful bonding we have with all our fellow humans. This is the year of realization and huge learning. This year has made us smile for millions of small things which has happened in our life like meeting our friends after so many days, kissing our grandparents after months, hugging our relatives with warmth. We can just feel that all the tiny things which reminded normal before pandemic turned out to be the happiest memories and moments.

     Life gave us our own space to think about the things which we never thought about and it was the greatest year of self-realization in so many ways. We discovered our own interests, likes and dislikes. The whole of humanity have become much closer due to this pandemic. We started to love people and approach them with care and concern.  Life revised its syllabus and framed many beautiful rules like protecting ourselves with mask of our face, less pollution on the roads, spending more time with our near and dear ones and most importantly life made us realize the value of our existence.

     What a beautiful year it has been with so many good lessons. Cherish this beautiful year and never feel bad about anything which you don’t have any control over.

Life is Love


Wednesday 30 December 2020

Respect The People Who Love You


     When someone asks us do we love our dad more or our mom more, few will choose their dad and few will choose their mother. Everyone will have our personal favourites in our life. Starting from our parents to each and everyone we meet in our life. We show more concern and care towards the people whom we love the most. It is not the biggest sin rather it is natural to show more love towards the people we love in our life. On the other hand, we forget and sometimes ignore the people who love us. When our most loving friend hurts us we feel sad and dejected but we never think about hurting the people who love us.

     We respect the love which we show towards other but most of the times we never even care about the people who genuinely care towards us. Never hurt the person who loves you. It might even be our grand parent. Grandparents will love their grandchildren so much but the grandchildren’s will never care about that and they will take them for granted in life. Never do this kind of things which will hurt the person who just loves you. Respect their care and concern towards you and be kind towards them.

     When we get something which is so much valuable and that comes free of cost we just try to neglect that without understanding the value of it. Love the ones who love you and show your concern towards them. Show a little care and a small amount of love towards the people who loves you and be a reason behind their happiness.

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Be Your Best Companion



     We human beings think a lot, speak a lot, advice a lot more and we always have something running inside our mind. We do many things which keep us occupied and our mind is never free but here comes a big question “How often do we speak out our mind to ourselves?” When we are happy we never talk to us, even when we are sad we never try to talk to ourselves, ultimately we never ever try to talk to ourselves at any point in our life rather we just think and let that feeling vanish off after sometime.

     Speak to yourself. When you are happy talk to yourself and tell how much happiness you feel from inside, when you are sad speak to yourself and tell that it is ok to go through few tough days in life. By talking to your ownself you will understand yourself better and you can have a clear mind which will help you to be happy.

     The happiest, peaceful and successful people in the world are the ones who talk to themselves whenever they feel either high or low in life. Be that kind of individual who can increase their self-confidence just by speaking to themselves. Now, speak to yourself about the best day of your life and relive that moments of happiness.

Monday 28 December 2020

Life Is A Beautiful Process


     Life teaches us many innumerable lessons all throughout our lifetime. It makes the weakest individuals much stronger, it transforms a short-tempered person into a much calmer person, it makes the wicked person wise. Life transforms an individual into various dimensions which they could have not even thought about. Life remains miraculous in many ways. The journey of life makes a human being understand the value of the people around them. Age teaches us many valuable lessons, maturity makes us understand things better, hardship we face make us realize the real beauty of life.

     Life makes us stronger, wiser, responsible, kind and most importantly it makes us calmer. Each phase of life makes us realize many things which is unknown to us. We learn and evolve into a better person each day. We became much kinder with each passing year in our life. We learn to respect the love of other and we also learn to throw away all our anger. Just turn back and look at the path you have crossed and feel the difference. There will be good days and there will also be few bad days but at the end everything in life is beautiful in some way.

      I always believe that life seems to be longer but the same time life is a short span of time which seems to move faster than we think. So, be the person who can bring smile on others face, be the person who can forgive and forget the mistake of other people as you forgive your ownself for the mistakes you did in your past. Spread love and erase all your hatred towards everything which bothers you. At the end, be a human with all positive feelings and emotions which will help you to lead a better life with a happy smile on your face.

Sunday 27 December 2020




     We human beings will always have a common confusion in our mind which is hard to be answered. That confusion is “Whether we should speak the truth all the time or is it ok to say lies at certain times in life?” Few people who try to remain truthful in life will have this doubt most of the time. Now, the best way to stay happy in life is to be truthful all the time irrespective of all the odds you face in life. Speaking the truth and staying truthful might seem hard but it is one of those qualities which will keep us positive all the time.

     When we are truthful in life there is no need of worrying about all the negatives which we face because the good things we do will always save us from all the bad situations. Staying true to ourselves is one of the best gift which we can give to ourselves. Try to avoid telling lies even during the times it is most required because the lie which we tell today will have a huge negative impact on our tomorrow.

      Be that truthful person who can be a role model to the human beings around you. Stay true, stay happy and be peaceful.

Saturday 26 December 2020

The Power Of Healing


    We can change ourselves and can transform our life into a better one but few things in life cannot be changed in a fraction of second or in an hour rather it takes an ample amount of time to understand and accept things in life. Time is the best medicine, healer, teacher and a philosopher. Time will make us realize our own mistakes and will help us to think from the other person’s perspective.

     The duration of that time period might be long but there is no other best way to heal something in life. Whenever, something bothers  you don’t think about that too much rather understand the power of time and remain calm. The anger which we hold today will surely get reduced tomorrow and it will even vanish off after so many tomorrow’s. The people around us are humans just as who we are so flaws are inevitable and problems are unavoidable but the grudges can be broken. We are given ample time to rewrite our story at any point in time of our life.

     Life is all about letting go of the things which worries you and letting in all the positive human emotions. Ultimately, we are just the visitors and our stories might get registered but the soul will depart one day, only our existence will be remembered.  At the end of the day we are mortal beings trying to create a immortal story in all possible ways.

Friday 25 December 2020

Remain Same From Both Inside and Outside


     There will always be the side of ourselves which we never show to the people around us. A person may be so cunning inside but they could ever show that quality of them to the people around them. We always hide few qualities of ourselves from the people around us to show or project ourselves as a good human being. It is common and normal to remain like this but the problem arises when we store more unwanted stuff inside ourselves which does not hold any value.

     Never hold so many qualities which you cannot show to the people around you. Try to remain same both from inside and outside because that will give us ultimate self-confidence and belief in ourselves. Never hold so many things inside your heart because that will lead to huge doubtfulness.

     Never think and believe that the people around us will never know about the inner qualities which we hide from them. The people who are close to us will surely know about all our positive and negative qualities. So, never hold something which is unacceptable by most of the people around you. Be true and be real with all good qualities which will help you grow as well as make the people around you to love you more.


Thursday 24 December 2020

December Vibes


     Festivals and celebrations are meant to unite people together. It unites people with utmost happiness and joy. We love the things which give us happiness and so we love celebrations. All beautiful emotions in this world make us feel that life is worth living. The ultimate goal behind everyone’s life is to stay happy and being loved. We receive more love and happiness when we are united with the people who are close to us. Here, the festivals do that and bring immense joy into our lives.

     December is the month of light, celebration, happiness and joy. Everything around us will look pleasant and most of the people in this world love the month of December for their own reasons. December remains one of the most loved months of the year. The month holds something special which makes people fall in love with this month. December is all about positive emotions and feelings so enjoy the last week of December 2020.

      We will always realize and know the value of a particular thing only after it is gone. Here, we will definitely miss this month December once we enter into the new month but this is a reminder to remind you that the month is not yet over so enjoy it to its fullest in all possible ways





Wednesday 23 December 2020

A BIG DAY: My 500th Post On 500th Day


     Being grateful towards every little thing we have in life is the ultimate quality which gives us a sense of happiness and satisfaction. Today is my 500th day of blogging with 500 blog posts. I’m ultimately grateful for so many reasons. Many people have supported, encouraged and felt happy for me. I could like to thank each and everyone through this 500th day post. Thank you so much for believing, reading and commenting. Thank you to the critics as well for pouring out all your positive and negative feedbacks. Everything which you have did turned out to be the title of my posts and I am extremely grateful for that.

     I have written various topics out of my own interests and I have also written about the topic which many of the people have asked me to write about. Thanks to everyone who suggested me some ideas and topics. My parents have been my huge support and without them I could have never believed in myself. I could like to thank my Professors who have encouraged and appreciated me in all possible ways. Next, my friends were the people who I can just believe blindly and they have been a huge pillar of strength. Thank you to each and everyone who read and who is reading my posts. The month of December is meant for Thanks giving. We have to thank the people who have been there for us and for all their support. So, I thank everyone who have been there for me when I needed them the most.

      Most of the people have asked me, “Why I have named my blogging site as “Love Is Love”? I have never answered that question but today I could like to address that question and answer that with utmost happiness. Everyone in this world have passion and dreams. We even work hard towards that and we love to achieve success in the field which we have chosen for ourselves. At the end of all this, we do everything in this world out of love and to make others love us for the things we do in life. Money alone won’t give us happiness many times. A scientist will feel happy when his invention is accepted the people in the world, a professor will feel happy when his students love his teaching, a writer could feel happy when his readers love his works. In some way or the other we do many things in life to make people fall in love with the things we do for them. Finally, Life is all about Love. So, spread good things which will make the people fall in love with the things which you do in life.

 “Life is Love”




Tuesday 22 December 2020

Selfish or Selfless ?


     There are two kinds of individuals in the world – Selfish people and Selfless people. Everyone will seem common from the eyes of others but the person who is close to them can feel the energy of selfishness or selflessness within a individual. Human beings in some way will be selfish about few things in life and that is unavoidable because at the end of the day we are responsible for ourselves, we are our own supporter and strength. On the other hand being selfish all the time without thinking and understanding about the feelings of others is the biggest crime which many people commit silently. When you read this line definitely a person’s face will flash in your head and you will have so many negative images about that particular person.

      Here, the important thing is “Don’t be that person who flashes in the minds of others when they hear about the word selfish”. Try to be selfless human beings because being selfless is the quality of divine and the creator too loves that quality which is his own asset. Being selfish to an extreme level is just a curse because most of the people around us will hate for possessing that kind of quality.

      If you watch keenly, the person who is selfless will never expect people to be selfless. They will try and accept the selfish nature of others without blaming them. On the other hand, the people who are extremely selfish will always expect the individuals around them to be selfless towards them. They will blame that the world is too selfish.

      Never be too selfish and also never be too selfless because both this will affect our individuality. Try and be neutral. Do the needful but never be too selfless because that will affect us more when people around us blame and talk bad about us for all the good we did to them.



Monday 21 December 2020

Human Traits


     There will always an angel and a demon inside us. Our character will reflect which resides within us. A person will be good as well as bad sometimes, a person will be bad but they will also be good sometimes. Here, an individual’s character is identified by the quantity of goodness and badness resides within them. Most of the people in this world loved to be called as a good human being and we will never accept when others label us as bad individuals. The biggest question here is “What we do to others which makes us good nor bad human?”

     The deeds we do, the way we treat others, the words we use during our conversation and most importantly the way we speak about the people when they are not around us decides who we are and which quality resides within us. No one in this world can evaluate and access ourselves better than us. When we self-evaluate ourselves we can became the better person by finding and correcting the mistakes we do on daily basis. The lesser the role of demon inside us will give us a peaceful and happy life. When we don’t care or appreciate the demon which resides within us then it’ll lead us to various troubles.

      Nurture the angel side of your character and personality. Look and focus on the brighter and bigger side of life. Never look people by possessing the eyes of the demon rather look them with the eyes of angel then all the goodness will be visible to us. Slowly destroy the demon within you and turn your life into a beautiful one.



Sunday 20 December 2020

Books And Reading Shape Our Perspective


     Most of the times we believe that our perspective towards something in life is correct and all the other perspectives are wrong. The reality will always be different from our thought process. So, there will surely be different perspectives. We just have to try and understand the different points of view of others because each one’s eye will surely capture something which will be true and honest.

     We can understand the view of others easily when we try and develop the habit of reading. When we read something which is a good piece of art it will surely portray the various perspectives of different individuals. Eventually, that will help us to put ourselves in the shoes of others and can make us think from their view point. Reading has so many advantages and one among the major, best advantage is "helping us to think for the people around us". We can connect ourselves with the characters portrayed in the books and that will lead to the growth of our character and personality.

     A person cannot and should not think that they alone are good and loyal because world does not work the way our mind works.  Rather to understand the big picture called “Life” we should read the perspectives of other individuals who have lived in this world and also has created characters which still lives in the hearts of the readers.

Saturday 19 December 2020



     We human beings love to grow and evolve in life. Growth is inevitable because a person has to constantly grow and improve themselves to fit into the world. Here, growth is the process but we consider that as a destiny and that is where we fail in life. We think that our growth should be an immediate process but constant and consistent growth will only make us evolve. There is nothing called sudden growth rather we assume that the growth is a readymade and sudden one. Most of the valuable things in life takes a ample time and everything is process based not an instant one.

     Try to understand the things which you cannot able to accept. An acceptance without understanding will surely end in vain. To grow in life just try to understand the process, efforts, habits and qualities which we have to put in to grow in life. Finally, understand that everything takes time but the waiting phase is also the phase of growth.

     Growth is a permanent asset to the ones who really tries to grow in life and for others it is just a another word in their vocabulary.

Friday 18 December 2020

Accept All The Versions of The People You Love


     We know and believe that we human beings are different. Each one in this world is different and everyone has uniqueness but have we ever thought about the different version which lies within ourselves. An individual has a multiple version of themselves which resides within them. We act, react, speak differently at different places. We show a particular version of ourselves to our parents, other version to our siblings, yet another version to our friends and many other versions to our teachers, relatives and neighbours.

     Here, we can clearly understand that we have different versions of ourselves which we sometimes notice and at many times it become a default version during that particular time. From this we have to understand the biggest truth and the most common reality of life “Everyone in this world alone is not different rather we ourselves are different and we have multiple version”. So, never expect the people around you to be same all the time because that is quite impossible. Even if they manage to remain the same that takes a lot of effort from their side because human beings evolve each day so it is hard to remain the same day after day.

     Possess the heart which makes you accept the people as they are and to never blame nor complaint when they change and evolve in life. Enjoy and live the art of life by understanding as well as accepting its reality.



Thursday 17 December 2020

Wake Up Happier


     We all must have tried at least once in our lifetime to develop the habit of getting up early in the morning. Most of us desired to have a routine of waking up early in the morning. To transform our desire and put them into practice and to follow that we need to do certain things which can make it work. We withdraw from our morning routine due to our laziness and our love towards sleep. To overcome this laziness we have to try and find out a habit which we love the most. It might either be reading, drawing, dancing, writing or it might even we gazing at the world around us. We should ultimately love that and so we can overcome this act of laziness. We can wake up each morning by thinking about that beautiful thing which we love the most. We can even do that particular thing after waking up and can make us fall in love with our early morning waking up routine.

     Don’t get worried about what others will think of you when we do certain things which you might love and the others around you may unlike. We cannot be lazy when we love something and so that love will help you wake up each morning with greater enthusiasm.

     Try and follow this routine. You can feel the difference within few days. Life is the process of evolving. When we evolve to be the better person all the things around us will help us grow in life.





Wednesday 16 December 2020

Don't Stress Over Anything


     The most unwanted thing which spoils our energy is our stress towards something in life. When we stress ourselves about something we cannot focus on any other thing which really needs our attention. We all know that our stress is waste of time but it is hard for us to overcome from that state and focus on other emotions.

     When you are stressed about something try and follow the following step to overcome from that. During the time when you are stressed think about the happiest incidents happened in your life. It may be a beautiful time which you have spent with your close friends, a happy family trip, the day when someone appreciated you genuinely for the work you did and the memorable conversations with your siblings. When you convert your thoughts from something stressful to happy one you can easily change your mood. Later, your mind will start to think about all the happy and beautiful things which happened in your life.

     If you even come back to that state of stress after thinking about all beautiful things you mind will remind you that you have so many reasons to be happy for. Here, all our stress and worries will be reduced and it can even get vanished. Refresh your mind often to feel better.




Tuesday 15 December 2020

Control Your Thoughts And Master Your Mind: A New Insight


     We human beings are made up of two great gems which exist within everyone of us. We have the ultimate control over one and the other one is out of our control. The one which is not controlled by us works properly most the time and the one which is controlled by us remains uncontrolled.

     Can you guess anything?

     The two great gems are our heart and mind. Our heart is controlled by our creator and so it beats without our instructions. On the other hand, we have full control over our mind. A human mind works 24/7 from our birth till death. We cannot possess a mind without any kind of thoughts. Have you ever had a clean and blank mind without any kind of thoughts, it is impossible. Our mind revolves around something and it will convert them into chain of thoughts. Our mind is our greatest friend as well as our greatest enemy. When we have a control over our mind and thoughts we can lead a happy life by befriending it. If you make your mind revolve around all unwanted thoughts which is of no use it will turn into your greatest enemy. It is equal to a washing machine which runs without any clothes. Simply it is useless.

     The heart which is controlled by our creator possesses all kinds of good things like love, compassion, happiness and kindness. We say “I love you” from the bottom of our heart not from the bottom of our mind. When something or someone hurts us our heart will bleed not our mind because our hearts is filled with all beautiful feelings and emotions. On the other hand, our mind possesses many bad qualities like envy, hate and revenge. Our heart never gives us ideas to take revenge against someone or to hate and envy others rather our mind will remind us to do such kind of things which is utterly bad.

     Our mind can be controlled only by us. So, have a control over it by thinking about all good things. Develop and use it for your welfare. Don’t let the thoughts just occupy you rather master your thoughts. Choose your thoughts and think about them. Don’t ever think of any random things which is ultimately of no use. When you think of all random thoughts which does not have any kind of meaning switch on your conscious mind and think about the things which is required for your growth. Plan things, learn things, improve your memory power, think about things which can make a impact and can help you as well the people around you. The people who have mastered their mind and thoughts are still remembered by everyone and they have a place for themselves in the history of mankind . We remember Shakespeare who has created characters which can create a impact within us even today, we remember all the writers, inventors, historians and leaders who had controlled their thoughts and invested them in all valuable resources.

     Here, it is upto you to choose a wise mind or a waste mind.

Monday 14 December 2020

Desire Is Not Bad


     We practice, believe and follow many things in life without even understanding and analyzing it properly. We always think and feel that our “Desire is the root cause of all the miseries”. People believe that our desires leads to sorrow, without even desiring about something which they really want in life. Here, we have to understand that desires are always good but the particular thing which we desire about decides that is will come out to be good nor bad one. Without desire we cannot achieve our passion and dreams in life. To achieve the things which you love we should surely possess the quality of desire about that particular thing which will help us move forward.

      When we grow as a desireless person we will develop the quality of not wanting anything in life and that includes our dream & passion. Here, possess the attitude of desire for all the right things in life. We many get confused about which is right and which is wrong. To differentiate between which is right and which is wrong we have to be clear in our mind about our goal, aim and things which truly add value to our life. When we focus on the materialistic values we will tend to develop the desire over the materialistic things, later we will lose our deciding capacity. Rather, choose and desire about the things which will add value to your knowledge, emotion and thoughts.

      Everything which happens in our life is the consequence of what we focus on. When our focus and case is good, acceptable and valuable then there is nothing wrong in desiring about them. Erase the old proverb and add a new line in your heart that “A Valuable desire adds value to our life”.

Sunday 13 December 2020

Trust People And Believe In Human Connection


     It is normal to have high as well as low days in life. A person cannot be always have a high and happy days, a person cannot also have continuous low days in life. Happy and not so happy days are the part of life. Here, during happy days our own company will be enough for us to enjoy and celebrate them. Everything around us will look beautiful and we will love our life more during such happy days. We will feel the sense of comfort and acknowledgement from our fellow humans and people will also praise us when something good happens in our life. Here, the other phase will be a vice verse of the happy days in our life.

      When we face something which we could not able to handle we feel broken inside but at the same time we never speak about that outside because of the fear of being judged by others. A human always need the connection with his fellow human to feel safe, comfortable, ultimately to love them and say that everything will better in life. So, make some human connection with the members in your family, friends, relatives or the person who you can blindly believe and can speak about anything which bothers you.

     Few things in life cannot be handled alone because we could never have experience in everything which we face in life. We cannot also be clear and confident all the time because that is the way we are designed. We can live a good life when we have people around us to even listen to the things we say. Human connections are essential so never think that we are capable of everything and we never need anyone to help us in our life because leading a life without human ties is impossible. If you try to be on your own all the time then you are constantly failing in all areas of life. Believe and trust the right person who is genuinely good from heart. Also, be that person in someone’s life and help the people to stay happy in life.

Friday 11 December 2020

Learn From Failure


    Success and failures are the two sides of the same coin. When we achieve and succeed in something in life we consider ourselves as a successful, famous and happy person. On the other hand, when we fail in something we consider ourselves as a looser and an unworthy person. Here, there will only be slight difference from our success and failure but we understand and consider that difference as a huge burden and turn our life into a misery.

     There is a famous quote which says “Success is a very lousy teacher but failure is your friend, philosopher and guide”. It is so true because a person who has tasted only success in all the things he does in his life never learns about the big picture called life. Rather, the person who failed and attained success in the same thing learns the reality and the value of life. Failure teaches us ultimate life lessons which we cannot learn by doing anything in life.

     Here, the biggest problem many individuals face is they consider their failure as a end of something but failures are the indicators which insist us to work deeper towards the things we love to possess in our life. When we love something and when we get that so easily without facing any issues we could definitely cherish that only for a few time but when we pursue something out of love and we passionately pursue that by all facing all the challenges we will cherish and understand the value of it. So, failures make you realize the worth of your dreams which other person cannot do or make you understand. Few things in life can only be learned by personal experience. Failures are one of those very personal one which makes us realize how fortunate we are to have one more chance and a life ahead of us to pursue our dreams.


Thursday 10 December 2020

Love The Best Version Of Yourself


     There will surely be a version of ourselves which we always love and never fail to fall in love with. That might be our discipline, hard work, systematic form of work we practice or any other thing which we love about ourselves. If you have a quality which you admire about yourself then never lose that for anything in life because it is a strength booster which indicates that we are capable for all good things in life.

     Most of the time, we never identify and recognize those qualities which we are proud of about ourselves but later we notice them once we lose them in life. Rather, identify them today and perform them out of utmost love. If you love your truthful self which does not even think of lying about anything then be truthful and never tell lies for anything because that will shake up your core internal belief. On the other hand, if you have the practice of waking up early in the morning and you consider that as the good practice then never leave that because it might spoil your peace of mind.

      Do things which you love to do and do things which makes you love yourself. Life is the process of learning and evolving so learn and evolve to be the best version of yourself which you cannot unlove at any moment in your life.


Listen To Your Innervoice


    There will always be two voices within a person. One will instruct and tell us to do the things which are good for our betterment but the other voice love to live in the comfort zone which will eventually lead us to laziness. Here, an individual have to decide which voice he/she is going to choose. We cannot blame others because choosing something which is purely internal does not have the influence of others rather we ourselves are responsible for all our internal deeds.

    A person who remains lazy and does not even take a step towards changing himself purely depends on the second voice which has huge fear towards change. On the other hand, a person who does not have the fear over changing himself for something good purely depends on the first voice which helps us to be the better version of ourselves. Here, it is hard to listen to the first voice because it requires lot of dedication, hard work and discipline to follow a good thing. Once we make a good thing into practice and that eventually will became our habit which will help us to transform ourselves into a better individual for life.

     To became a better individual try and shut the unwanted voice by doing all the things which is needed to uplift yourself. It might be hard to practice good things during the initial stages but the result of all our good habits will give us tremendous result. Later, we will also start to enjoy the process of life. A one good quality or habit will inculcate a seed of few other good qualities which will help us to grow in lif.




Wednesday 9 December 2020

Hidden Messages


     We might feel happy or either sad during certain days in life. A person who enjoy today could have faced certain tough days in life on the other hand a person who is going through a dark phase will surely be happy one day. Everything is just a part of life. Here, a person will surely get a message from the universe and by God during each phase of his life. When we watch keenly we can understand the secret message which was given by the supreme power.

     When we are sad a unknown person will give advice to us related to the issue which we are going through, when we are depressed about something a unknown person will give suggestion about that particular thing which we are thinking about, it happens to everyone during times we seek guidance from somebody but hesitate to put them in words. Here, we can understand that the universe and the supreme power is watching over us and guiding us in all our ways.

       Never get worried about anything because human beings are the blessed creatures who are guided by the infinite power. Watch and listen around yourself. What you need lies within yourself and the direction will also be shown by all the people around you. It is upto us to grab and identify the words which are spoken to us.





Tuesday 8 December 2020

Never Live To Impress Anyone

     Most of the people in the world live their life to prove others that they are happy, rich and wealthy. We knowingly or unknowingly do many things to impress others. Most of our intention behind achieving something in life is to show others that we are successful. The people around us, our family, our neighbors and most of the people we meet in our life will directly or indirectly convey this message that others are watching over us, we have to prove them that we are capable of achieving great things in life. Everything in life is manageable and easy to handle other than handling the pressure of proving ourselves to others. It is hard to satisfy the standards which other people have set for us.

     We became addicted to fame and pride. When someone tells that we are successful and great we feel happy, we behave like we have achieved a great thing in life but on the other hand when someone even looks low towards us we feel unhappy and inferior. This mentality has became common now-a-days. Here, all this will just give us extreme stress which we could not able to handle at some point.

       Live for yourself and never try to impress people with the things you do because it is impossible. When you succeed in something they will praise you for few days and after that they will list out the things which you don’t have. So, it is just a waste of time to even trying to prove or impress others rather live your life for yourself. It is hard to stay unaffected by the words of others but once you learn to master that quality then life will became a blissful one.




Monday 7 December 2020

Human Beings Are Special

     Have you ever had a thought about how blessed we are to be born in this beautiful World?

     To be born in this world itself is an blessed thing and being born as a human is the state of being beyond blessed. We can feel and sense the vibes around us. We are given a chance everyday to make it happy and joyful. Each day is a fresh start, a warm reminder and a blessing. We humans love art, stories, movies and dramas because it depicts the life of human, the gradual and steady development of human character, it conveys the journey of human life and its transformation.

     The earth was same before we were born, the earth remains same even after our birth and the earth will surely remain the same even if we leave. Here, we are the visitors who make it beautiful by each passing day and so the world loves human beings – “The visitors who make it realize its own Beauty”. Life itself is a great reminder which tells us that we are still loved by everything around us. Never make yourself and your life tough by over thinking rather enjoy each day and be happy. Humans add beauty to everything which is around him and so everything around us will love us. Just feel that and make yourself special.

Saturday 5 December 2020

Compare Yourself With Yourself

     Everyone of us are trying to be the better version of ourselves and we try to get better by each passing day in our life. Here, We never measure our growth by the scale which we have for ourselves rather we measure our growth by comparing ourselves with others. When we do something good we compare our goodness with the person whom we consider as our role model. On the other hand, when we do something bad we compare ourselves with the person whom we consider as a bad example. Here, the first comparison is good and that may help us to improve ourselves but the second one will spoil our own traits and character.

     Whenever you try to improve yourself just compare yourself with your previous version but not with any other person who you know. There are few advantages of comparing ourselves with others but there are many disadvantages reside inside that comparison which we often fail to notice. When we start to compare ourselves with others we at first compare with all good things but day-by-day you will unknowingly compare your bad qualities with others and you will compromise yourself by telling “I’m not so bad like that person”.

       Never compare yourself with others because everyone is gifted with different kind of story which we may not know and understand. Live your life and compare your life with your life but not just with the other person’s story.

Worry Is A Waste Of Time

     If something unexpected happens we often think that “It should have never happened, why it has happened to me, such thing should never happened”. All this questions will run in our mind but the reality is, it has just happened and we as a human being cannot do anything to change that rather we have to accept that. When we ask this kind of questions to ourselves they will get transformed into problems and eventually that leads to worry.

     Whenever something good nor not so good happens accept it without worrying or questioning it because all our emotions cannot set the happened thing right. On the other hand, there will always be a reason behind something which has happened in our life. It might either be a reminder, a precaution or it might be something which has even saved us from some worst situation.

      Don’t over think about anything because there will surely be many things which needs your attention. When you over think about a particular thing all the others things will vanish off from your mind and you will be filled entirely with the single negative emotion called “Worry”. Don’t get worried rather accept and move on.

Friday 4 December 2020

We Are Responsible For Ourselves

     We all of us love to make our life better each day and we like to raise our standard of living but we think that all should happen so effortlessly. We never try or we never try putting up all our potential in the things we do but we expect the result to be in our favor. It is just like cooking a food without all proper and needed ingredients but expecting it to be so tasty and delicious. At the end, it is impossible to get the taste and flavor of the food. In the same way our life works. We need to develop certain habits, leave few of our unwanted practices like laziness and we should work to make ourselves better.

      Our life won’t get better in any way if we remain the same person whom we are in our yesterday. We cannot expect our life to gift us all the things which we love to get rather we have to pay the price of it to make it our own. Here, most of us complain and feel bad when something goes wrong in our life but we never understand that life is trying to make us better.

       Never complain your situation, the people around you and your destiny rather do something from your side to make yourself a better person. Everything in life is the byproduct of all the good things we do and practice. “Your life is YOUR LIFE”. So never blame anything or anyone if something goes wrong.

Thursday 3 December 2020

Each Day is a Blessing

    Enjoy, celebrate and be happy during each single day in life because a day lost cannot be relived. We may not have reasons to be happy but when a tough day arrives we think back and feel how beautiful our life was. We cherish the memories of yesterday but when we think back we never lived our yesterday. We understand and realize the beauty of yesterday only during our today.

    There will always be a reason to be happy today so find that and feel happy for each day you spent your life on this earth.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Staying Positive

     There will always be something positive in any negative situation we face and handle in life. The outcome of all bad days will surely be a happy and good day. So, don’t get worried when things does not go in your way. Just think about all the situations which you have faced during your past and which seemed to be bad during that particular time but later paved way for something good. Each and every one of us will definitely have one such incident in our life. Whenever an unpleasant and unacceptable thing happens in your life give yourself a confidence to face it with smile in your face.

     Here, all this things are quite known ones to most of us but the problem is, it is hard to understand and accept that particular thing when we face that tough phase in life. Our mind will believe and understand that everything in life is acceptable and things will get better after sometime but our hearts won’t accept anything easily. Our heart will haunt us by asking so many logical and illogical questions. Here, we have to take a decision to believe our mind and to merge but heart and mind together.

      Too much of worry and thinking is not good to lead a happy life. Be calm and be practical in life to make it better.




Tuesday 1 December 2020


      The most awaited year of the decade was 2020 and it turned out to be the most hated year due to his covid-19 pandemic. Our life has taken a different turn and all the planned things never happened but the unplanned situations was handled in a planned way. Here, the pandemic had proved that the human beings can tackle anything which comes up their way.

     Usually, during the month of December we look back and thank God for all the good and happy things which happened in our life for the past eleven months. Most of us cherish the month of December for their own happy and beautiful reasons. This year we all are waiting for this 2020 to end and so we never care about December and thanks giving.

     Now, we have totally forgotten a big reason to be thankful for. We all should be thankful for being alive in this world and it is one of the biggest reason to be grateful for. If, we have born before a century we could have never had this advantage of being alive during this kind of global pandemic because people were not aware during those times. Now, the condition has changed and the world has became more advanced and developed so people can understand and adopt any kind of given situation.

     There are humpty number of reasons to be thankful for this beautiful year 2020 which has made us realize our own strengths. So, find your own reasons to be thankful for and give thanks for all the blessings which you have received. Our life is always worth thankful for just one ultimate reason of still being alive in this world which was created by our supreme being God.







  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...